Sunday, January 11, 2009

Interesting conversation I had with a high school friend. The names have been deleted to protect the counter-revolutionaries…I mean the innocent. (originally sent via email on 10/28/2008)


Comrade #1:

Comrade Infidel, I saw a hilarious bumper sticker,that said, "NOBAMA." I am going to call you comrade now, because we obviously live in a socialist country, and we are soon to be electing a marxist as president. So Comrade, be prepared for the next several years. The Ministry of Truth will not be too far away, enacting the Fairness Doctrine, and shutting down dissension in the alternative media.


Comrade #2:


I have the same sticker on my truck window, but I swear it was no doing of my own. I'm a good Proletarian and follow the Party line. Please don't tell the GPU
, comrade! I'll remove the sticker immediately. Obviously subversive elements are holding out from the 1917 revolution, and placing these stickers everywhere. I'll wait in line for hours for my bread card and to receive my rations of moldy millet, like any good Proletarian. I'm just glad I'm no longer a student, so when the purgings come at the Universities I won't have to worry about my future. But since our fathers were both bourgeois capitalists under the old system, we will have a hard time being accepted in the Party. We may have to result to becoming speculators in the black market.


Comrade #1:

Comrade, I am so excited about the future. I was reading about Comrade Obama's speech in Pravda, or maybe it was in the Kansas City Red Star. Comrade Obama has a long track record of working for the Proletariat. He will make sure the socialist agenda put in process by George Bush continues. He will institute bourgeois re-education programs using the major media outlets as a springboard. Before long, everyone will see just how much of a savior he is to all of us.


Comrade #2:

Aye Comrade, I too am excited about the future of our soon to be USSR (United States Socialist Republic). I cannot wait to do my part as a socially responsible Proletarian. It will be my great pleasure and duty to give up my personal time...excuse me Comrade, it is no longer my time - all time now belongs to the participate in my local red Club and be socially active in the Party, where we will give speeches on the meaning of the new social order, Comrade Obama's latest speeches and programmes. As a former bourgeoise, and after my successful re-education, if I am lucky enough to be allowed to join the party and allowed to have a job, I will assuredly contribute to my workplace wall newspaper where I can rat...I mean expose the people in the workplace who are not doing their social responsibility in the Clubs and those that are not showing Proletarian spirit. I only hope that I can please my captors...I mean proletarian leaders so that I am not sent to the gulags in the new Siberias of Alaska and Montana. This new USSR will be glorious as Comrade Obama continues the work begun by Comrade Bush.

The (now re-educated & reformed) KSInfidel

Not Qualified to be his Own Bodyguard

I've been sending my emails out, but haven't been posting to this blog due to time constraints. Now that I have some time, I'm going to play catch up. This was originally sent via email on 10/23/2008.

Excellent article by Neal Boortz, although a little long. My favorite part of the article:

“If Barack Obama was applying for a security clearance as a government employee, these associations would disqualify him. We are, my friends, about to have a president who doesn’t qualify for a security clearance. Pretty pathetic. If Barack Obama becomes president, he would not even qualify to be his own bodyguard.”