Saturday, June 25, 2011

What? Saudi Arabia Doesn't Recognize Israel?

As much as it pains me to link to The Huffington Post, its where this article seems to have originated. Ariana Huffington is a piece of work - she used to speak convincingly as a conservative, then decided there was more money to be made being a liberal, then sold her Huffington Post for an obscene profit (something liberals are supposed to be against) and left all the little people (namely bloggers) that helped her build the news outlet high and dry.

Anyway, on to the article, which reports that Delta Airlines has partnered with Saudi Arabian Airlines to begin sharing flights in 2012. But recent details of the partnership have emerged and should concern us all. Saudi Arabia is governed my strict Islamic law and is one of those backward-ass 7th century regimes that does not recognize Israel as a sovereign nation. Religious items like the Christian Bible and the Jewish yamuke can be confiscated at Saudi customs at the airport.

Too bad I'm not Secretary of State! I'd tell our shiek friends in the burning sands that the first bible or yamuke confiscated will result in a total food embargo of U.S. food imports. Try growing food in oil rich sand and see how many people you feed!

In case you were informed by M3 that Islam is the "Religion of Peace" and a tolerant religion, you are hereby informed that you were misinformed.

Delta Partnership May Cause Travel Headaches For Non-Muslims

Follow up report:
Delta And Saudis Respond To Travel Questions

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pat Condell Monologue

Pat Condell gives us excellent common sense monologue - just what you need to hear to reinforce that your conservative values and beliefs are right and M3 are totally wrong.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Pentagon Bombing Suspect is...drum roll please...a Moozlum

Friday, June 17, 2011 gave us a news story of a bomb scare at the Pentagon. The suspect arrested was 22-year old Ethopian-born Yonathan Melaku. He was arrested after he was found in Arlington National Cemetary after hours with a backpack full of suspicious items, like a 5 pound package labeled ammonium nitrate and a notebook with phrases like "Al Qaeda," "Taliban rule" and "defeated coalition forces."

Melaku is a naturalized U.S. citizen and a Marine Corps reservist. Further evidence that the Ford Hood Moozlum murders were not an isolated incident and that our military has radical Moozlums within its ranks.

"According to the Leesburg Police Department, a person with the same name and date of birth was arrested last month for allegedly breaking into vehicles. Twenty-seven vehicles were damaged during the break-ins, according to police." (quoted from the Fox News article linked above)

Could we extrapolate that Melaku was making a dry run and was trying to steal a car to carry out his terrorist activity? Nah! He belongs to "The Relgion of Peace." I'm sure he wasn't up to anything. Just another innocent minority being hassled by The Man.

Israel's Do or Die Moment...Iran Is Nuclear Capable!!!

Caroline Glick's article, A Do or Die Moment, is a stark reminder of how dire the situation is in the Middle East and how M3 (my name for the U.S. media which stands for Marxist Media Moguls) fails to report the critical and necessary stories to keep the American people informed of how dangerous are the radical islamists.

If it weren't for conservative columnists like Glick, we woudn't know about the dangers in the Middle East, because M3 refuses to report on them. Given how left-leaning M3 is, it's a given that they're working to promote BHO's agenda to force Israel to accept the 1949 armistice lines as the starting point in future negotiations.

M3 is quiet on the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is consolidating power in post-Mubarak Egypt.

Did you read anywhere or see TV coverage in the U.S. this week that Iran is now capable of enriching urananium to the 20% level, 'from which it is a relatively simple matter to increase enrichment levels to the 90% needed to make a nuclear bomb.'? Or that 'Rand Corporation scholar Gregory S. Jones wrote this month that Iran has reached nuclear breakout capacity.'?

I didn't think so.

Monday, June 6, 2011

"Goodbye, Al Qaeda's Rose"

Unfortunately, it sometimes takes me a while to jfind the time to dig through all the email I get. One of my favorite news sources is The Patriot Post, and they sent a link to this great parody song on 5/31/11, where comedian Martin Short parodies Elton John's "Candle in the Wind" with his "BASTARD IN THE SAND"

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Moozlum Brotherhood Playing for Keeps in Goal of Islamic Statehood in Egypt

Honestly, I've been really busy since my last post and haven't heard much news worth reporting, but then I remembered that the U.S. news media is very selective in what they choose to report on, especially when it could help or hurt their socialist agenda. Maybe I've been too busy and haven't caught any news, but when I read Caroline Glick's article, 'The Real Egyptian Revolution', I was a little shocked, as I haven't heard any U.S. news media talk about Egypt and the riots in months. Her article points out that the Moozlum Brotherhood is working full-time at implementing their goal of taking over the political administration of Egypt, and they're about to succeed. The military junta is allowing jihadists from around the world to flood into the Sinai and has allowed natural gas shipment to Israel to be halted.

Also going unreported, except by Glenn Beck, is the fact the radical socialists in the U.S. are joining forces with the radical Moozlums to destroy capitalism. They see the U.S.'s capitalism as an obstacle to their world domination. With the U.S. taken down economically, there won't be anyone left to stop the socialist and Moozlums from taking over the world. What the libtards don't realize, is that once the Moozlums take over, they will be treated like useful idiots and systematically slaughtered, as they're lifestyles are not tolerated under Sharia law.

Glick also mentions the myth of the Arab Spring. The fall of so many Arab dictators in so short a time is not a good thing. As I've stated often, only a brutal dictator can keep these Moozlum populations in check. With the dictators gone, the power vaccuum is going to be filled by the only group with organization and strength of arms - the Moozlum Brotherhood.