Sunday, February 17, 2019

And Then They Came for Us

It’s a nice Sunday afternoon to watch a little TV and have some down time.  Channel surfing I come across this documentary on PBS about the (unlawful) internment of the Japanese-Americans during WWII.  All is going well and it’s a perfectly fine documentary and holding my interest outlining the wrongful/unlawful incarceration of American citizens without proof of committing a crime.  I’m still interested, even piqued, when they start talking about how in 1942 the US government rounded up 120.000 Japanese-American citizens, how the military lied to the courts to justify their actions and keep these citizens locked up, and how it could easily happen again.  They even pointed out that J. Edgar Hoover, who had a file on everyone, said that they knew who the dangerous people were and they weren’t worried about Japanese-Americans.  They also point out that there were only 12 cases of espionage in the US during WWII and none of them were Japanese-Americans. Think about what limited information and communications we had in 1942 compared to now, yet the government was able to systematically round up people of one race.  Now think about how the NSA knows everything you send and say.

So they make a valid point that given human nature and the abuse of power that this could happen again.  Seeing as how the Mueller investigation is an obvious abuse of power, and how conservatives have had the government weaponized against them during the Obola reign, it sounds like a logical conclusion for this documentary to take.  Then they reminded me that I was watching libtard PBS.  They suddenly switch to interviewing some burka wearing Moozlum with CAIR and waxing on poetically about how Moozlums are feared in this country and this fear could easily lead to a re-occurrence of the round of and imprisonment of US citizens, only this time it will be Moozlums and we should all be very fearful of this.

First, I quickly became sick to my stomach, changed the channel, and watched The Umbrella Academy.  As I’ve stated for about 17 years (yes the number of years since 9/11/2001), the liberals in the US, especially the M3 liberals, have taken up the imagined/created cause/plight of the persecuted/discriminated Moozlum.  You can’t argue with a liberal using facts – they don’t accept them, but it’s a fact that there has been more discrimination of Jews and Christians in the US than of Moozlums.  The cases of religious discrimination and/or hate crimes against Moolzums is miniscule, while those against Jews and Christians are prevalent.

There are real reasons to distrust Moozlums.  They’re responsible for about 95% of the terrorism on the planet.  They have shown that everywhere they immigrate and settle, they attempt to implement Sharia and circumvent the laws of the host country.  But here we have a documentary about Japanese-Americans that turns into a Moozlum apology film.  The libtards are very fearful that their soup of the day cause will be persecuted.  Hey, they’ve never been wrong, right?  I mean, communism which they love and adore, has never failed anywhere.  They would never make a Japanese-American documentary that then equated government power abuse with say, using the IRS to go after conservatives, preventing conservative groups from obtaining tax exempt status as PACs, forcing Christian businesses to bake cakes for gay weddings, etc.  There’s very little chance of the liberals darling Moozlums being persecuted by our government.  The liberals have ensured that the FBI are required to take indoctrination…I mean political correctness training, on how not to discriminate against Moozlums.  They’ve thrown their money and legal power behind Moozlum groups to help them use our laws against us.

No, I think the Moolzums are safe.  It’s the conservatives who should fear government internment camps.

And Then They Came For Us

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Moozlums holding office in the U.S.

I received an email with the following content.  I cannot find the actual article referenced, but did find another on The Washington Standard:

This should scare the hell out of you. Sharia Law is here.
How Many Muslims Won Political Office
Rashida Tlaib (D)   MI 13th Congressional District   WON
Keith Ellison (D) MN Attorney General WON
Ilhan Omar (D)   MN 5th Congressional District  WON
Andre Carson (D)   IN  7th Congressional District   WON
Sheikh Rahman (D)   GA State Senate District 5  WON
Safiya Wazir (D) NH State House Merrimack 17 District WON
Robert Jackson (D)   NY State Senate District 31 WON
Nasif Majeed (D)   NC State House District 99  WON
Mujtaba Mohammed (D)   NC State Senate District 38 WON
Mohamud Noor (D)    MN State House District 60B   WON
Jason Dawkins (D)   PA State House District 179   WON
Hodan Hassan (D)   MN State House District 62A   WON
Charles Fall (D)  NY State House District 61  WON
Ako Abdul-Samad (D) IA State House District 35   WON
Aboul Khan (R)  NH State House Rockingham 20 District   WON
Abdullah Hammoud (D)   MI State House District 15  WON
Abbas Akhil (D) NM State House District 20 WON
Sam Baydoun (D)   MI Wayne County Commission District 13   WON
Sadia Gul Covert (D)   IL Dupage County Board District 5   WON
Sabina Taj MD Howard County Board of Education  WON
Mohammad Ramadan   NJ Passaic County Board of Education  WON
Cheryl Sudduth  CA West County Wastewater District Director   WON
Babur Lateef    VA Prince William County School Board       WON
Assad Akhter (D)      NJ Passaic County Board of Chosen Freeholders   WON
Abdul “Al” Haidous (D)   MI Wayne County Commission District 11   WON              
Salman Bhojani  TX Euless City Council Place 6   WON*
Dawn Haynes   NJ Newark Public Schools School Board  WON*
Yasir Khogali    MI City of Plymouth District Library Board   WON
Mohamed Khairullah  NJ Prospect Park Mayor   WON
Mohamed Al-Hamdani     OH Dayton Public Schools Board of Education     WON
Mo Seifeldein    VA Alexandria City Council WON
Maimona Afzal Berta CA Franklin-McKinley School Board     WON
Jihan Aiyash       MI Hamtramck Public School Board     WON
Javed Ellahie      CA Monte Sereno City Council     WON
Hazim Yassin      NJ Red Bank City Council     WON
Haseeb Javed     VA Manassas Park City Council    WON
Farrah Khan        CA Irvine City Council WON
Ali Taj         CA Artesia City Council        WON
Alaa Matari        NJ Prospect Park Borough Council        WON
Alaa “Al” Abdel-Aziz   NJ Paterson City Council Ward 6 WON
Aisha Wahab      CA Hayward City Council     WON
Ahmad Zahra     CA Fullerton City Council District 5       WON
Salim Patel         NJ Passaic City Council         WIN
Sabina Zafar       CA San Ramon City Council WIN
Shahabuddeen Ally    NYC Civil Court, NY County WON
Sam Salamey      MI District Courts, District 19      WON
Rabeea Collier   TX District Courts, 113th District WON
Halim Dhanidina    CA Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, Division Three         WON
George Abdallah Jr.    CA Superior Court of San Joaquin County, Office 12          WON
Adel A. Harb      MI Wayne County Circuit Court    WON
In breaking these down by state.
Cheryl Sudduth – West County Wastewater District Director
George Abdallah Jr. – Superior Court of San Joaquin County, Office 12
Halim Dhanidina – Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, Division Three
Maimona Afzal Berta – Franklin-McKinley Board of Education
Javed Ellahie – Monte Sereno City Council
Al Jabbar – Anaheim Union High School District Board of Trustees
Ahmad Zahra – Fullerton City Council District 5
Aisha Wahab – Hayward City Council
Ali Taj – Artesia City Council
Farrah Khan – Irvine City Council
Sabina Zafar – San Ramon City Council
Amira Dajani Fox (R) – State Attorney 
Sheikh Rahman (D) – State Senate District 5
Sadia Gul Covert (D) – Dupage County Board District 5
Andre Carson (D) – 7th Congressional District
Ako Abdul-Samad (D) – State House District 35
Sabina Taj – Howard County Board of Education
Rashida Tlaib (D) – 13th Congressional District 
Abdullah Hammoud (D) – State House District 15 
Abdul “Al” Haidous (D) – Wayne County Commission District 11
Sam Baydoun (D) – Wayne County Commission District 13
Adel A. Harb – Wayne County Circuit Court
Sam Salamey – District Courts, District 19
Ilhan Omar (D) – 5th Congressional District 
Keith Ellison (D) – Attorney General 
Hodan Hassan (D) – State House District 62A 
Mohamud Noor (D) – State House District 60B
Siad Ali (D) – District 3 member of the Minneapolis Board of Education
New Hampshire
Aboul Khan (R) – State House Rockingham 20 District
Safiya Wazir (D) – State House Merrimack 17 District
New Jersey
Assad Akhter (D) – Passaic County Board of Chosen Freeholders
Alaa “Al” Abdel-Aziz – Paterson City Council Ward 6
Mohammad Ramadan – Passaic County Board of Education
Alaa Matari – Prospect Park Borough Council
Dawn Haynes – Newark Public Schools School Board
Hazim Yassin – Red Bank City Council
Mohamed Khairullah – Prospect Park Mayor
Salim Patel – Passaic City Council
New Mexico
Abbas Akhil (D) – State House District 20
New York
Charles Fall (D) – State House District 61
Robert Jackson (D) – State Senate District 3
Shahabuddeen Ally – NYC Civil Court, NY County
North Carolina
Mujtaba Mohammed (D) – State Senate District 38
Nasif Majeed (D) – State House District 99
Mohamed Al-Hamdani – Dayton Public Schools Board of Education
Jason Dawkins (D) – State House District 179
Rabeea Collier – District Courts, 113th District
Salman Bhojani – Euless City Council Place 6
Babur Lateef – Prince William County School Board
Haseeb Javed – Manassas Park City Council
Mo Seifeldein – Alexandria City Council

Those judiciary wins are extremely significant considering how judges don’t seem to be concerned about the Constitution anymore and look to foreign law and “precedent” in many of their rulings. 
However, numbers from a report by Hamas-CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) in coordination with JETPAC indicates that a high percentage of Muslims voted in 2018 

The report claims:
97% of Muslim voters participated in this year’s midterm election.
• 88% of Muslim voters primarily voted for the Democratic Party candidates and 17% for Republican Party candidates.
• 56% of Muslim voters consider themselves liberal on social issues, while 26% consider themselves conservative.
• 33% of Muslim voters consider themselves fiscally conservative, while 50% consider themselves liberal.
• 26% of Muslim voters who primarily voted for Democratic candidates perceived themselves as being conservative on social issues. Moreover, 36% perceived themselves as being fiscally conservative.
• 78% of Muslim voters thought Islamophobia and anti-Muslim sentiment in the U.S. increased while 17% thought it decreased in the past year.
• 88% of Muslim voters who primarily voted for Democratic Party candidates thought Islamophobia increased in the past year. Conversely, only 33% of Muslim voters who primarily voted for Republican Party candidates thought Islamophobia increased in the past year.
• 53% of Muslim voters became more interested in politics since the 2016 presidential election, while 34% maintained the same level of interest in politics and 13% became less interested in politics.
• 65% of Muslim voters have become more actively involved in politics and/or civically engaged since the 2016 presidential election, while 25% have not.
• Out of those Muslim voters who have become more actively involved in politics and/or civically engaged since 2016 presidential election:
• 50% have primarily donated money to a political or social campaign.
• 55% have primarily donated their time by volunteering with a local charity or civic-minded or religious organization.
• 48% have primarily donated their expertise by using their skills and/or network to advance social/political engagement.
• 27% have primarily been involved in another way. 
If people don’t think they have an agenda to conform America to Islam, they really do need to pull their heads out of the sand.

Article posted with permission from The Washington Standard

Then, to my surprise, one of my Jewish relatives responded to the email saying:
Sorry I cannot believe all of these people who were elected has an agenda against the United States sometimes I wonder if we cry Wolf too much.
My response:
I feel compelled to answer this.  It’s time to wake up and smell the Sharia.  It’s called immigration jihad.  I haven’t verified the numbers, but the email is very disturbing.  I noticed that only two were Republicans.  The rest were Demoncrats (not misspelled!).  Most of you aren’t aware of my political commentary over the years, but with a background as a security director and having had lots of LE training, I’ve been following terrorism news for over 30 years.  In my opinion, Islam is THE greatest threat to western civilization.  They’re happy fighting us in the middle east, but they’re also happy fighting a guerilla war with no timeline. Part of that guerilla war is to immigrate and become involved in the political process and use our own system of laws against us to further Sharia and the Caliphate.  Islam is wholly incompatible with western civilization, our values, and especially a Constitutional Republic and Christianity.  Islamists and most Moozlums don’t believe in our constitution and won’t support it.  They support Sharia and want it to be the dominant rule.  Islam is a total system: religion, political, military, judicial, etc., with Sharia at the core.  They do not support the Christian values this nation was founded upon.  Tlaib and Omar were just sworn in on the Koran, not the Bible.  They have already been exposed as anti-Semites and supporters of BDS, “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign, and are associated with Linda Sarsour.  You can read my full report on that here:
The Demoncrats agenda/platform is anti-American and pro-communism.  The liberals in the US have always supported communism/socialism/progressivism (whatever the libtards want to call it depending on their situational ethics of the moment and which lies they’re peddling).  Ayn Rand was unable to publish her books in the early 1900s because, as we found out later, the leaders of society were closet Communists and wouldn’t publish a book revealing the true nature of their beloved ideological system.  Communism/socialism/progressivism has been an abject failure everywhere it’s been implemented, but the libtards stuck with it as an idyllic system until the Soviet Union collapsed.  Faced with the worldwide exposure of the failure of the largest communist system, they needed another cause to take up and they readily took up the cause of Islam as a downtrodden, misunderstood & maligned people.  They peddled the lie that it was a “Religion of Peace” for a very long time.  They are complicit in helping our enemies.  Under Islam and Sharia (literal word for law) Infidels have only two choices – convert or die.  Jews and Christians are given a third choice, pay a jizya (punishment taxation making you a second class citizen).
You’ve seen the light enough to know that an armed presence at temple/church is very wise.  We haven’t seen many church attacks in the US, but you can be certain that at some point they will come through our church doors yelling “Allahu Akbar!”  The US media won’t cover the persecution of Christians worldwide because Islam is still their cause of the day and the reporting will destroy their “Religion of Peace” narrative.  To get a glimpse of the wholesale slaughter, rape, imprisonment and persecution of Christians by Moozlums and communist regimes around the world, go to The Voice of the Martyrs:  Don’t be naïve about the intentions of the Moozlums being elected.  They have a hidden agenda
I encourage everyone to get a copy of ‘A Christian’s Response to Islam’ by Dr. James L. Garlow.  It’s an excellent explanation of the entire system of Islam and the fact that we worship two very different Gods.  Jews and Christians worship the one true God, the creator of the universe.  Islam’s Allah has roots in an Arabic pagan moon god.  When you know their history and their objective of a world wide caliphate, you can better understand why they are getting involved in our politics.  Look at the disaster Europe has created for themselves by allowing Moozlum immigration, which created no-go zones, and now Sharia courts.  Moozlums no longer recognize the authority of the British courts and insist on Sharia courts
Today I heard Dr. Michael Youssef on Bott Radio, which reminded me to respond to this email.  He said some very important things like:-The Barbarians are here.  ISIS has training camps in the U.S. (see Sean Hannity’s expose on this)-When the church departed from the foundational bedrock biblical truth that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to the Father, it left a vacuum, which the Moozlums quickly took advantage of to fulfill their plans to take over the western world and establish their caliphate.-We are in a spiritual war.-The Islamists have a plan to take over the Vatican first, then the U.S.-25 years ago the Islamists published a document on how they were going to take over England.  They are well on their way and have several members in Parliament.-Listen to the broadcast here:

My Jewish relative's reply:
I understand what you are saying, we need a wall it works in Isreal it will work here, I was saying I cannot believe all those people elected has an agenda against the united cstates
And my final reply, as there has been no further communication on this topic/issue:
The wall is a completely separate discussion, but I totally support a wall on our southern border. Read my response again and again until it sinks in.  If you don't understand the hidden Moozlum agenda to destroy the U.S. from within (along with their co-conspirators in the Demoncrat party), and don't believe those elected Moozlums have an agenda against the U.S., then you're ignorant, or may be hopelessly naive.  Obola and the Demoncrats allowed massive legal Moozlum immigration (note they didn't bring in Coptic Christians!).  They settled in areas to concentrate their numbers, allowing them to elect one of their own.  It's the first step in immigration jihad.  Michigan is almost lost to them.  They have established massive compounds in Texas.  They have an agenda, it is evil (as is Islam at its core), and they mean to take us down from within.  You can close your eyes to it, but it won't change the facts
Check out Brotherhood of Warriors by Aaron Cohen.  Fascinating read, but the last couple of chapters explain a lot about our pathetic security and readiness for domestic terrorism and the the Islamists' ideology about fighting a timeless guerrilla war against us.

Related article from the supposed source of the provided stats:

Orwellian mindset of the thought police

The elitist socialists will never get the message that their ideology is a complete and utter failure given human nature.  Of course, being elitists, they think they can make socialism work.  They’ve been able to take control with violence, and maintain control via gun confiscation, genocide, and execution of political opposition, but they’ve never been able to make socialism work.  Case in point – Venezuela’s economy was ranked 7th in the world before their socialist experiment.  Now they’re ranked 127th!  And this is considered an example of successful democratic socialism.  Unfortunately, we have areas of the U.S. where the elitists and believers in socialism keep electing socialists.  We deserve the government we elect.  It’s truly amazing that they are so partisan that they can’t look at the facts and actions of president’s like Reagan and Trump and see the positive economic results of their policies.  The coasts of American socialism will keep electing those that support their ideology.  Those of us in fly-over country can only keep praying that the people won’t forget what the demons have done, and that God will bless us with another Trump term and then a Pence term.  Perhaps with a divided Congress they’ll get little done, which is a good thing for We The People.  Then there’s the opinion of a good friend, an ex-Army Sergeant, who thinks America is doomed and wishes the uncivil war would start soon so we can clean out the enemies of America.  I can guarantee you the socialists have already made a list of who they’re going to get rid of when they come to power – that’s what every socialist regime has done.  When you read Harris’ tweet and understand that perceived social ills are considered “national security” issues, then you’ll begin to understand the Orwellian mindset of the thought police and what they have planned for the independent thinkers.