Sunday, September 15, 2013

Al Qaeda Leader Calls for Attacks on US: "We Should Bleed America Economically"

Hey Mr. President!  I don't think Al Qaeda got your message of 'Mission Accomplished' and that they were defeated.  Seems they have a clear strategy of waging war on us for the indefinite future, or at least until the new caliphate is established.  The caliphate you seem eager to help them establish since you back AQ and MB wherever there's a dictator you don't like.  Your uncanny ability to destroy our economy from within while attempting to bring 3rd world countries to 1st world status also helps the enemy.

Here is a glimpse of Al Qaeda's 20 year plan.  Funny that our President thinks they're defeated and its time to pull out of Afghanistan.  Maybe if he attended the daily national security briefings he would be aware that AQ has a 20 year plan that they haven't put on ice.

Jihad 2020: Assessing Al-Qaida’s 20-Year Plan

This is old news, but it clearly demonstrates AQ's plan to continue the war against the U.S.:
AQAP releases a 'special issue' of Inspire magazine

Saturday, September 14, 2013

2 Million Moozlum March - More like 21 Total

Hey, this is the U.S., and we're all for freedom of speech.  You're also free to be a complete idiot if you want to.  Calling for and hosting a 2 milliom Moozlum march on the 12th anniversary of the 9/11/01 attack on our country is stupid and in poor taste.  Pick another day for your statement.  D.C. authorities should have absolutely denied a permit for this anniversary day.

But, since the D.C. authorities under the Moozlum Brotherhood loving BHO administration don't have any common sense and probably succumbed to political correctness, some Americans planned a counter protest.  The score at the end of the match:  American Bikers 880,000 - Moozlums 21.  That's a pretty decisive defeat.

It could be the Moozlums lied and just wanted us to spend a lot of money on security and never really planned on showing up.  But what they did do was to stir up a hornet's nest of pissed off Americans who said "Hell No!" by peacefully gathering and riding through D.C.  If they're foolish enough to think they will ever bring the U.S. under their worldwide caliphate, this biker rally is just a small demonstration of the fight they will get.

Were There Really 800,000+ Bikers in DC on September 11th? This Woman Was There…

BHO is a Fool on Syria

A lot has happened in the last week and I've been too busy to post until now on the Syria issue.  Here's my quick and dirty synopsis/analysis.  Assad is the last domino standing and BHO is determined to knock him down.  BHO has successfully supported the overthrow of every middle eastern dictator to allow the Moozlum Brotherhood to take over - except Assad in Syria.  The use of chemical weapons was the excuse BHO needed to finish off Assad and support the Al Nusra and Al-Qaeda rebels - despite the fact that in the pictures we've been shown there is no evidence of chemical weapons (burns, vomiting, seizures; the handlers are not wearing protective gear, etc.)

Thank God Congress didn't go for it.  How is it we know everything about the chemical attack and who did it, but 1 year after Bengahzi we know nothing?  As usual, BHO wants to back and support the MB.

BHO the amateur tried to play politics in the big league and Putin played him for the fool he truly is.  This Peace Prize president was ready to go to war on Syria.  England bailed on the idea and his biggest supporter was France!  Anyone who wants to go to war with France's backing is a fool.  Syria is Russia's biggest purchaser of weapons.  Russia has a naval base in Syria and Russian advisers man the surface to air defenses.  Putin was not going to let BHO piss in his backyard pool.

The Russians are master politicians from the cold war.  BHO the community organizer is a total amateur.  When Putin and the Russian Foreign Minister publicly call BHO and John Kerry a liar instead of being diplomatic, they should have known there was no way to win.  But they're too stupid and inexperienced to realize the position they were in.  This cartoon says it all.  BHO thinks he can trust these two evil doers.

U.S. - Backed “Rebels” Behead Young Man in Syria

Claims Of “Marginal” Role Of Terrorists Among Syrian “Rebels” Debunked

Assad To Kerry: No Deal Unless You Stop Arming Terrorists

Don't Worry Obama, When Your Syria Crisis is Over, Your Scandals Will Be Right Here Waiting on You
Claims Of “Marginal” Role Of Terrorists Among Syrian “Rebels” Debunked
U.S. - Backed “Rebels” Behead Young Man in Syria

British college drops Muslim veil ban amid outcry

Of course they did.  Liberalism and multiculturalism have taken strong root in England and Birmingham Metropolitan College's spineless leaders have succumbed to political correctness. 

"But some 9,000 people signed a petition co-ordinated by the National Union of Students (NUS) Black Students' Campaign against the policy, while hundreds of students had planned to protest against the ban on Friday.

"This ban is a complete infringement on the rights to religious freedom and cultural expression and is a clear violation of a woman's right to choose," said NUS black students' officer Aaron Kiely."

England is basically lost as a western cultural nation.  They've let so many Moozlum's immigrate and no assimilate that the Moozlums have essentially invaded and taken over.  France banned face veils in 2011.  If the French have seen the light, then England is doomed.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Terrorists Won the War on Terror

'Terrorists Won the War on Terror; 74% of Pakistanis View US as Enemy, 60% Have No Confidence in Obama.'  Great title for the article and the statistics presented support the title.  

I'm posting this because the statistics tell a story.  I don't agree with the author's position or conclusion.  He seems to have a personal aversion to drone strikes, and thinks they've resulted in untold diplomatic damage and they're the reason Moozlums hate us.  Sorry for the spoiler alert, but Moozlums have always hated us and wanted to destroy us.  But they have only recently (since 2001) been able to actually attack us on our own soil.

The author states that 'Terror is a method. It is not possible to win a war on a method.'  Agreed terror is a method, a tactic.  Methods and tactics can be fought and defeated.  Ask any military strategist.  Even if you agree with the author that you cannot 'win a war on a method,' you can win a war against the people using the method.  It's a relatively easy formula.  Just kill more of the enemy than they kill of you.  It's an easy formula for winning a war.  Kill so many of the enemy that they decide its not worth fighting any longer and they give up.  Of course its hard to win the war on terror when the POTUS is a caliphate enabler.

Terrorists Won the War on Terror; 74% of Pakistanis View US as Enemy, 60% Have No Confidence in Obama

Evidence of BHO Treason? MB Puts Cart Before Horse

This article points out that Baracko's support of the Moozlum Brotherhood is evidence of treason.  Since the MB clearly states that the U.S. is their avowed enemy and they want to destroy us along with Israel, BHO's financial and political support of the MB is treason.

The MB was formed in 1928 with the single goal of creating a Moozlum worldwide empire.1
"...four out of five Egyptian presidents have sought to minimize the Muslim Brotherhood's influence, suggesting they possess superior knowledge as to why it poses a danger -- one clearly recognized by the Egyptian military."1

"That danger was set aside in 2011 by U.S. President Barack Obama, who announced the United States would work with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization seeking America's long-term demise."1

"In the early 1990s, the Brotherhood memorialized its strategy in a secret document -- not discovered until 2004 -- for spreading Islam's reach to U.S. borders as well. In a game plan best described as "Shariah creep," it sought to introduce Islamic law into the United States, gradually getting it to replace rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution."1

Egyptian People Asking Why U.S. So Dead Set On Supporting Muslim Brotherhood?