Monday, July 4, 2016

Our Last True American 4th of July? - The Rise of a New Darkened America

My best friend sent me this article and it struck a cord with me.  It's long, so I won't post it, just go to the link.  It's well worth your time to read.

My comments after reading the article:

As I read this, I thought of the tag line that I often add to my political emails:  “May God turn His shining face on this great nation as he did during the Revolutionary War.”  It’s going to take a lot of prayer to get our country back.  The evil one’s machinations were put in place long ago and his minions are plentiful to carry out those machinations.  I believe we are at the pinnacle of the destruction of the greatest nation on earth, one that was only created by the Grace of God.
"May the father of all mercies scatter light, and not darkness, upon our paths, and make us in all our several vocations useful here, and in His own due time and way everlastingly happy." -George Washington (1790)

The Original Assault Rifle

I was talking with my mother-in-law the day after the Orlando club shooting.  She's what you'd call a 1/2 believer in the 2ARKBA.  She thinks you should be allowed to own a gun, but thinks you only need a revolver or similar anemic arm.  She also buys M3's "assault weapon" diatribe.  So I calmly explained to her that the only thing that has prevented genocide in the modern world is the semi-automatic military-style rifle, and once again explained that assault is a type of human behavior, not a type of firearm (wink, wink, nudge, nudge - people commit crimes, not inanimate objects).  I also thought of the analogy and explained to her that when the Revolutionary War started the musket was considered an 'assault weapon.'  Today I found this picture and it brought the conversation back into my thoughts.  Very appropriate for this Independence Day, the original Brexit!

Concealed Carrier Prevents Mass Shooting at Nightclub…No Wonder the Media Didn’t Mention It!