Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Environmentalism and Human Sacrifice

Michael Savage rails against liberals daily on his show and originated the phrase "liberalism is a mental disorder."  Mark Levin has recently talked about how the banning of DDT via junk science and liberal good intentions has resulted in millions of deaths in 3rd world countries from malaria.  Even though a civil court judge ruled that there was no evidence that DDT was hazardous to humans, the EPA decided to ban it and the rest of the world followed our lead.

Liberals and their good intentions are responsible for the death of 8 million Phillipino children due to their opposition to genetically modified rice that contain vitamin A, and an estimated 50 million people due to their opposition to DDT and the resulting deaths from malaria.

Michael Savage is correct, liberalism is a mental disorder.  But he should go farther.  He should declare liberalism a sin.  Liberalism has killed more people than war.  Here's a new phrase to coin: "Guns don't kill people, liberal's good intentions do." -- The Kansas Infidel, 2/26/2013

Environmentalism and Human Sacrifice, by Dennis Prager

Sunday, February 24, 2013

NRA Ad: Biden's "Advice" Not Advisable

I'm an NRA Certified Firearms Instructor, but you don't have to be a firearms instructor to know that Biden's self-defense advice is wrong - you just need common sense - something Biden is severely lacking.  When I first heard the VP spout his self-defense nonsense, my first reaction was that his advise was illegal and dangerous.  He was basically telling people to fire a gun within city limits at an unidentified target, with careless disregard for what may be beyond the supposed target.  Old Joe needs to take an NRA Basics course and learn the Fundamental Rules of Firearms Safety.  Unfortunately, putting diplodunk Joe in charge of a task force on firearms makes him think he's an expert.  Sorry, Joe, you're just a moron amongst all the other libtards spouting what they think passes for self-defense advice.  I'll recommend taking Doug Giles advice instead!

NRA Ad: Biden's "Advice" Not Advisable

Double Barrel Biden, Rape Whistle Salazar and My AR-15 Giveaway, by Doug Giles


Gun Companies Boycotting LE In Anti-Gun States

I'm glad to see these companies taking this stance.  It should send a loud and clear message to the diplodunks, unfortunately, their so married to their anti-freedom agenda that they won't be happy until we're all serfs under their totalitarian rule.  People that live in areas where the diplodunks are trying to undermine our Constitutional rights should work on recall proceedings and un-elect these morons as quickly as possible.


Gun Companies Boycotting Law Enforcement In Anti-Gun States Grow By More Than 700% In 1 Week

Sunday, February 10, 2013

I thought Persians were smart?   Maybe they're just brainwashed.  Maybe, they're so fearful of their radical government leaders, they'll tell the Gallop folks what they need to in order to stay alive.

Iran: Gallup published the results of a December survey taken in Iran about the effects of sanctions on Iranians.
A majority of Iranians (56%) said sanctions have hurt their livelihoods a great deal; an additional 29% said sanctions have hurt somewhat, according to a Gallup survey conducted in Iran in December 2012.
The majority of Iranians (63%) said that Iran should continue to develop its nuclear program, even given the scale of sanctions.
Iranians hold the U.S. (47%) responsible for the sanctions against Iran. One in 10 Iranians said their own government is most to blame for sanctions.
Comment: The Gallup survey indicates that sanctions are succeeding in making life difficult, but hardship is not translating into popular pressure on the government to end or even freeze the nuclear program. The data suggest the sanctions are strengthening public support for the program.

Gallup: 63 percent of Iranians Want Nukes in Face of Sanctions

Liberalism Truly Is a Mental Disorder & Produces Mass Murderers

Liberals are showing support for a cop killer.  They sympathize with the plight of this minority man.  Liberalism will destroy this country from within.  Its logic is fundamentally flawed and the people that subscribe to it are, in my opinion (and in agreement with Michael Savage), suffering from a mental disorder.  Liberals, with their situational ethics, justify any means to support the end they want.

“If anything, liberals are even more dangerous than Islamacists. The terrorist attacks with bombs and bullets. The liberal saps our will to resist. He rationalizes evil. In the name of civil liberties, he constantly seeks to undermine national security and make it impossible to safeguard our people from another 9/11.” -- Don Feder


Liberals Come Out in Support of Black Cop Killer

The Rampaging Gunman That Liberalism Built

The Obama Ogling Cop Killer Is Using Assault Weapons with High Capacity Mags

 *Note to Doug Giles: While your article uses the term 'high capacity magazines' to point out the liberal hypocrisy, they are in fact standard capacity magazines, as guns come from the factory with 15, 20 or 30 round magazines.

Buy Guns & Ammo, Not Obamacare!

The Choir agrees.  No need to say more, just read the article:

Why Congress May Lawfully Require Citizens to Buy Guns & Ammunition, But Not To Submit To Obamacare

Sunday, February 3, 2013

NRA is Right, Armed Guards are the Answer

Common sense and rational thought aren't so common any more.  When NRA President Wayne LaPierre announced that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, he came under attack from the liberal media.  As we've come to expect from liberals, they will stick to their agenda of shredding our Constitution and enslaving us.  Liberal ideas have failed throughout human history!  Yet liberals will not give up on their ideology.  Liberals either have a mental disorder preventing them from accepting reality, or they are deliberately trying to destroy our country from within.

Armed Guard Saves School Last Week (Gun Control Freaks Wrong Again)?

Newtown Chooses Good Guys with Guns

Gabby Giffords’ Job: Manipulate “the Jury” Against Second Amendment

Thoughts on “Assault Weapons” and “Magazine Limits” from an Actual Gun Expert

Video Letter: Constituent Educates His Elected Representatives On Shotguns & AR-15s

Response to Congressman’s Quip About Not Needing An Assault Rifle to Shoot a Duck

Legal Immigrant Understands Second Amendment Better Than Most Americans

Sandy Hook Student’s Father: You’ll Have To Take My Gun From My Cold Dead Hands!




The Second Amendment is About Fighting Tyranny

Patriots understand the true meaning of the 2ARKBA.  We know that it is not about hunting or collecting.  Those are legal, allowable activities that are a result of our Constitutional RIGHT to bear arms.  The Founding Fathers, having just fought a civil war to remove a tyrant, were not about to lose their hard won victory.  They knew from history and experience than an armed populace can change their government when they see fit.  An unarmed populace is just another name for slavery and victimization at the hands of government.

” … to disarm the people – that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” -- George Mason


The Second Amendment is About Fighting Tyranny

Legal Immigrant Understands Second Amendment Better Than Most Americans

Resistance To Tyrants Is Obedience To God

Joe Biden: Gun Control Laws Won’t Work, But We’ve Got To Do Something

Resistance To Tyrants Is Obedience To God


State Dept. Recruits Jihadists to Join Foreign Service

Each new revelation of this POTUS' policies astounds me!  Its not bad enough that we give billions of dollars in foreign aid to our enemies who want to kill us.  Now BHO and his misguided diplodunks are hiring jihadists as Foreign Service Officers.  BHO coddles our nation's enemies, which should cement in anyone's mind with any rational thought or common sense that liberalism is a mental disorder*  Our State Dept., under Hillary Clinton, is a disgrace, and with the help of the media, she has been allowed to continue rather than resigning in disgrace as she should have over the Bengazi massacre.  Now the State Dept., still under the leadership of Hillary Clinton, is hiring jihadists to represent us at our embassies and consulates.

I agree with radio host Mark Levin that BHO is an Islamic sympathizer.  Any honest look at his policies and actions support this opinion.  Its unfortunate that Americans were so stupid as to elect BHO for a 1st term, let alone a 2nd term.  We're obviously very, very poor students of history, and haven't learned how much damage one misguided ideologue can cause.  We're still suffering the effects of Jimmy Carters idiocy.  BHO's idiocy is causing irreparable damage around the world, and we will be paying for these stupid policies a century from now.

*Term coined by Michael Savage


State Dept. Recruits Jihadists to Join Foreign Service

Freedom Outpost