Saturday, January 26, 2019

What is Islam?

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Demoncrat Moozlum Congresswomen

Tlaib is from Detroit, MI, and Omar is from MN.  I didn’t watch elections in these areas, but I’m sure that M3 was true to form and didn’t vet them or ask them any tough questions during their campaign.  After all, Islam has become the left’s white guilt cause of the day since communist Russia collapsed.  We deserve the government we elect, and here we have a couple of excellent examples of what the Demoncrat Moozlum voter block will give us.  Both women are supporters of BDS, “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign, an insidious anti-Israel movement whose members believe that the world’s only Jewish nation-state shouldn’t exist.”

Both Tlaib and Omar were sworn in on a Koran, not a bible.  “It’s important to me because a lot of Americans have this kind of feeling that Islam is somehow foreign to American history,” Tlaib said about her swearing-in. “Muslims were there at the beginning … Some of our Founding Fathers knew more about Islam than some members of Congress now.”  She must be a follower of Obola if she thinks Moozlums were part of the founding of the U.S.

Tlaib stated on day two in office:  “we’re gonna impeach the motherf---er.” Referring to POTUS DJT.

Judge Jeanine rocks!  Watch her monologue where she rips Tlaib.

Birds of a feather: anti-Semites and fascists, with venom dripping from their fangs.

Great article.  The best point made is that these Moozlum activists have absolutely no grounding in the fact that they were elected to represent the constituents in their district.  Tlaib identifies as a “Palestinian,” not an American, and immediately took an anti-Israel stance supporting a one-state solution.

“Tlaib did not speak at all about her plans to represent her constituents in Michigan.  Her focus was solely on Palestinians rights, a world away from her district.  As the first elected Palestinian woman, even though she was born and raised in Detroit, Tlaib aligns herself with the dangerous, anti-Semitic socialist Linda Sarsour.  Sarsour was disavowed by the president of the Women's March due to her anti-Semitic remarks and close ties to Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam.  Tlaib will be known by the company she keeps.” 
“Former congressman Keith Ellison, another friend of Louis Farrakhan, vacated the seat that was filled by Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), a young, hijab-wearing Somali-American Muslim who "turned her victory rally into a display of Islamic solidarity and triumph.  Accused of marrying her brother, committing immigration fraud (to become a U.S. citizen), and polygamy after marrying the father of her child, Omar seems to be chasing controversy.  Later, she was accused of campaign finance violations.  Even though these moral questions were never resolved, she was still elected.” 
“Her opening statement on taking office was in Arabic, "As-salaam-aleikum," addressing only Muslims – which alienated non-Muslim supporters.  But no matter – Omar's district is located in a Somali area of Minneapolis nicknamed "Little Mogadishu." 
“Omar's message was less about being a Democrat or an American and more about being Somali and Muslim, less about speaking English and celebrating American traditions and more about speaking Arabic "Alhamdulilah" and thanking Allah in lieu of her supporters.” 
“Already, Congresswoman Omar is "pushing to change a 181-year-old rule barring headwear in the House chamber, "so she can wear a hijab on the House floor.  When Bishop E.W. Jackson complained about Omar's push for a religious exemption she responded, 'Well sir, the floor of Congress is going to look like America ... And you're gonna have to just deal.'" 

“Both congresswomen Omar's and Tlaib's first acts in Congress are clear attempts to prioritize their own religious preferences and to honor the heritage of their home countries over their duty to represent their districts.  Do they need to be reminded that they were elected to represent their districts inside the United States?”

Friday, January 11, 2019

Leftmedia Buzzword of the Week: 'Manufactured Crisis'

In one respect this IS a manufactured crisis, but it's been manufactured over the last 50 years, not by DJT.  When I turned 18 and registered to vote, I started writing my representatives about border security and illegal immigration.  I'm now 51. That's 33 years of my lifetime that politicians have refused to fix this absurd situation, and by their inaction have made it exponentially worse.  This has been a national crisis for my entire life.

As Michael Savage says, you can't have a country without borders, language and culture.  One party wants cheap labor.  One party wants to import a voter block that will keep them in power.  There may be truth in the theory that sectors of the government WANT the drugs coming in to keep the masses stupified and not focused on resisting the encroaching socialism.  There is plenty of evidence that the CIA runs drugs to fund their operations.  But until DJT took office, no previous POTUS has enacted an America FIRST policy and insisted that we save what's left of our country by enforcing our borders.