Friday, February 28, 2014

U.S. Court Orders Google To Remove "Innocence Of Muslims" From Youtube

One thing you must absolutely avoid at all costs, even shredding our inalienable constitutional rights, is NOT offend a Moozlum.  Christians can be made fun of, their religious objects desecrated in buckets of urine, etc., but by God you had better not do anything that a Moozlum considers offensive because they will use your laws against you and if that doesn't work, they'll issue a Fatwa to kill you.  Because they are violent savages, they get their way in our country despite our inalienable constitutional rights, because the authorities are afraid of what they'll do if they don't get their way.  We're being extorted by Moozlums who have no intention of assimilating into our culture.  They have every intention of forcing Sharia down our throats and converting us into part of the caliphate.

U.S. Court Orders Google To Remove "Innocence Of Muslims" From Youtube

YouTube Ordered to Remove “Anti-Muslim” Film, Innocence Of Muslims

Target Memphis: Another Massive Mega-Mosque Compound in Middle America

The U.S. government under the direction of the Moozlum in Chief, in cooperation with the U.N., is importing huge numbers of Islamic immigrants.  The problem is they have no intention of assimilating into our culture.  They become invaders in the communities in which they are resettled.  Wake up America!  We're doing nothing to elect the right people and hold the current crop of politicians accountable for violating their oath of office.

Memphis is one of those gateway cities in which the State Department dumps whole Muslim communities under the Refugee Resettlement programs. The OIC (Organizaion of Islamic Cooperation)-driven UN designates who and who isn't a refugee. Is it any wonder that Christians are trapped in Muslim countries while jihadists are welcomed here with full entitlements? These towns and cities like Lewiston, Maine, Nashville, Emporia, Kansas et al that are designated as "preferred communities" don't know what hit them. Memphis is a "preferred community" for refugees, according to the US government, which is doling out grants to further assist these hostile invaders.

Now that beleaguered city is getting a seven-million-dollar, 63,144-square-foot mega-mosque. Who pays for these mosquestrosities?
Target Memphis: Another Massive Mega-Mosque Compound in Middle America

Texas Shuts Down Border - M3 Says...Nothing!

This should be front page news in every city in the U.S., but M3 says and does nothing!  They are condoning and supporting BHO's failed policies, which are doing actual harm to our nation.

Texas Lt. Governor: We Did the Job the Feds Won’t Do – We Shut Down the Border

1st Amendment Gone - Might Upset Mexicans & Incite Racial Violence

Well, it's official thanks to the 9th Circuit of Insanity.  They've ruled that you can't wear a U.S. flag t-shirt during Cinco de Mayo because it could incite racial violence.  I could say a lot about this, but this article says enough, if not all.  This is bullshit!  I'd like my country back please!  The United States of America I grew up in was a free place where you could do anything you wanted as long as it did not violate another's rights or safety:

Maybe the flame under the melting pot is burning so hot that our own national identity has…I don’t know...melted?

In Northern California last year, students wearing t-shirts bearing an American flag were asked to turn them inside out. Wait a second…Northern California is still in America, right? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Anyhow, these American kids had the utter audacity to wear a shirt proclaiming their American-ness on May 5, otherwise known as Cinco de Mayo. Cinco de Mayo…that’s not American, is it? Oh – nope, it’s Mexican.

So, in order to keep from ticking off the Mexican kids at the American school celebrating a Mexican holiday, the American kids had to hide the symbol of their own culture they had opted to wear, a flag of the country that the Mexican kids were celebrating the Mexican holiday in. Did you get all of that?

   The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the school’s decision to have the kids turn their shirts inside out to keep from making the Mexican kids mad.

    The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the officials’ concerns of racial violence outweighed students’ freedom of expression rights. Administrators feared the American-flag shirts would enflame the passions of Latino students celebrating the Mexican holiday. Live Oak High School, in the San Jose suburb of Morgan Hill, had a history of problems between white and Latino students on that day.

    The unanimous three-judge panel said past problems gave school officials sufficient and justifiable reasons for their actions. The court said schools have wide latitude in curbing certain civil rights to ensure campus safety.

    “Our role is not to second-guess the decision to have a Cinco de Mayo celebration or the precautions put in place to avoid violence,” Judge M. Margaret McKeown wrote for the panel. The past events “made it reasonable for school officials to proceed as though the threat of a potentially violent disturbance was real,” she wrote. (source)

Just to be sure we all understand this clearly, let me break it down, point by point.

    American kids wore American shirts…in America
    Mexican kids celebrated a Mexican holiday…in America
    American kids being American might make Mexican kids mad…
    So Mexican kids get to be Mexican in America…
    But American kids can’t be American in America…
    Because Mexican kids might uncontrollably become “enflamed” and start a fight.

In what world does this possibly make sense? How can people be expected to embrace diversity when that diversity is celebrated at the expense of our own heritage and national identity? If a holiday that celebrates the Mexican Army defeating the French in Mexico can be tolerated by the American kids, shouldn’t the Mexican kids be required to behave themselves and not attempt to beat the tar out of the American kids for wearing a t-shirt proclaiming their own heritage?

We have become nothing more than an idiocracy of political correctness run horribly amok.

Hey, California! If you’re attempting to teach acceptance of other cultures: YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG!

Federal Court Sides With School Over Cinco de Mayo Dress Code: Students Can't Show US Flag on Shirt During Cinco de Mayo - Might Upset Hispanics

CINCO DE SHUT-UP: Court Rules School Can Ban American Flag Shirts Because They Upset Mexicans

Court Backs School for Banning U.S. Flag Shirt on Cinco de Mayo
Federal Court Sides With School Over Cinco de Mayo Dress Code: Students Can't Show US Flag on Shirt During Cinco de Mayo - Might Upset Hispanics
Federal Court Sides With School Over Cinco de Mayo Dress Code: Students Can't Show US Flag on Shirt During Cinco de Mayo - Might Upset Hispanics

Monday, February 24, 2014

300 terrorists from the Somali Al Qaeda group Al-Shabaab have entered the U.S. and are unaccounted for

Nothing to see here folks - move along.  The border is secure, nothing to see here - move along.  The Moozlum in Chief has no intentions of securing the southern border.  He's a disgrace.  Border Patrol documents are evidence of thousands of OTMs, "Other Than Mexicans", have crossed the southern border into the U.S., some known terrorists.  The government knows that 300 Somali terrorists from Al-Shabaab crossed, but they have no idea where they are.  The government has lost the war on drugs and the war on terror, but they are confident they can run your healthcare.  Trust them.  They know what they're doing.

DHS Denies Muslim Terrorists Crossing US Mexican Border – Local Reporter Finds Evidence to the Contrary

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Jamaat al-Fuqra has 22 "Villages" in the U.S.

Just another story of the enemy using our Constitutionally protected freedoms against us to set up jihadist training compounds on our soil.  The compounds belong to a group calling themselves Moozlums of America.  They nickname their compounds with warm, cute, fuzzy names like Mahmoudberg in Texas and Islamberg in New York.  According to The Clarion Project they ave 22 "villages" in the U.S.
Jamaat ul-Fuqra is a terrorist organization that is known to be firmly entrenched in the United States. It has never been listed as a "terrorist group" despite the FBI's admission that the group is linked to at least 10 murders, one disappearance, three firebombings, one attempted firebombing, two explosive bombings, and one attempted bombing.
The Clarion Project is an independent organization that focuses on Islamic issues in America. Recently the organization obtained and published some declassified FBI documents which expose a Texas cell of Jamaat ul-Fuqra.
MOA is an abbreviation for "Muslims of the Americas" or "Muslims of America" which, according to Clarion, has a network of 22 "villages" around the U.S., with Islamberg as its main headquarters in New York. The Clarion Project obtained secret MOA footage showing female members receiving paramilitary training at Islamberg. It was featured on the Kelly File on FOX News Channel in October. A second MOA tape released by Clarion shows its spokesman declaring the U.S. to be a Muslim-majority country.

It is unfathomable that our government, whose primary function is to protect its people and our Constitutionally protected way of life, does not arrest the MOA members and shut down their "villages."  But their defenders in libtardia and the ACLU will claim that they are just exercising their freedom of religion.  Read below and refer to my previous post What "Normal" Muslims Think About Punitive Sharia - It's Not Just for "Radicals".

Reading the FBI report really makes you wonder why this group is allowed to operate within the U.S.  The FBI report states that MOA is an international radical fundamentalist group possessing infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns overseas and within the U.S.  The FBI report also states that MOA IS engaged in international terrorist activities!

According to WND, there may be more than 22 of these "villages" throughout the country:
A radical jihadist group responsible for nearly 50 attacks on American soil is operating 35 terrorist training camps across the nation, but the U.S. government refuses to include the organization on the State Department's list of foreign terrorists.

Jamaat ul-Fuqra, known in the U.S. as "Muslims of America," has purchased or leased hundreds of acres of property – from New York to California – in which the leader, Sheikh Mubarak Gilani, boasts of conducting "the most advanced training courses in Islamic military warfare."
Terrorist Cell in Texas: Declassified FBI Documents Reveal Jamaat ul-Fuqra Enclave Near Sweeney, TX

Here is a link to the declassified FBI document, courtesy of the Clarion Project: FBI-Jamaat-ul-Fuqra-1

Monday, February 17, 2014

What "Normal" Muslims Think About Punitive Sharia - It's Not Just for "Radicals"

Like my readers didn't already know this?  It is truly astounding that liberals think that there is such a thing as moderate Islam.

Mohammed was not just a religious guide.  He and the writings he left behind also functioned as a military guide, as well as a force for social and political change.  Thus, Islam needs to be viewed through each of those 'lenses.'  American Christians, who are uninitiated in Islamic ways, incorrectly assume that Islam is 'merely a religion.'  They often fail to see the multifaceted nature of this religious-legal-military-political force. - A Christian's Response to Islam, Islam's Many 'Parts', pp. 56
Islam is a political force and a social 'change agent.'  Anayat Durrani, in an article regarding the rapid rise in the number of mosques in America, stated that 'Mosques are not only centers for spirituality, they are now bases for political and social change.' -- A Christian's Response to Islam, Political Influencer, pp. 59
Islam is a military regime.  if you have laws (the shari'a), you must have some way to enforce those laws.  That requires military might.  And if your 'theology' is to dominate the entire earth, that requires military might as well.
The majority of the world's wars today are Islamic-driven conflicts.  At the time of the writing of this book [2002], 28 of the 30 plus wars today are Muslim related.  -- A Christian's Response to Islam, Military Force, pp. 60

...As impossible as it is to comprehend, radical Islam's goal is to destroy the democratic Free World physically and/or financially and to replace her with a fundamentalist Islamic world order. -- A Christian's Response to Islam, Military Force, pp. 61
So what if M3 is delusional and there is no such thing as moderate or radical Islam?  What if there is just Islam and it is what it is as described above?
Editor's Note: I have stated on many occasions that there is no such thing as moderate Islam and radical Isalm, there is only Islam. I have taken that sentiment from a world Islamic leader, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who also declared, "The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers." For those who have yet to realize the true nature of Islam, I ask you to keep this in mind as you watch the video below.

In this video, a large Muslim audience is asked if the punitive sharia is radical or extreme, and whether such views are held by all Muslims or just “radicals.”

This Muslim cleric and his large audience confirm everything I have said. It is not radical or extreme, it is Islam.

This is from Europe – is it any wonder that Robert Spencer and I were prohibited from entering and speaking? Thanks to Sardar Rajesh Merwah for sending this.

What "Normal" Muslims Think About Punitive Sharia - It's Not Just for "Radicals"

Free Speech Alert: Islam Rips Ever Deeper Into Europe

First, European countries don't have the protection of a Constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech.  Second, liberalism's embrace of multiculturalism has nearly destroyed European culture and it will only get worse as they continue to allow the Islamic bullies to push their agenda.

I live in the United States of America, thank God, and I have a Constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech and to be intolerant of anything I disagree with.  And I fundamentally disagree with Islam and am intolerant of Islam.  I'm sure I will be until the day I die.

As a wild beast would pull its prey closer to guard it from other predators, Islam is sinking its barbed paws ever deeper into the heart of the European Union (EU). Right under the radar of the EU, the European Parliament is considering a proposal that requires the direct surveillance of any EU citizen suspected of being “intolerant.”

The proposal is called, “European Framework National Statute for the Promotion of Tolerance”, and it intends to compel the governments of all 28 EU member states to create “special administrative units” to monitor individuals or groups expressing views that these self-styled sentinels of European multiculturalism assess to be “intolerant”… an unprecedented threat to free speech in Europe. European citizens are already habitually punished for expressing the “wrong” views, specifically concerning Islam.

Remember, it’s all those citizens “Suspected” of being “intolerant”…I guess it depends on who looks through Allah’s microscope…
Now this part of the story I believe in and echo!

What the Sharia machine of the OIC fails to realize is…the Leftist World media/leaders, the little Islamic helper monkeys walking around with eyes wide shut…are not the only kafir out here. There is a growing number of infidels with eyes wide OPEN, who know what they’ve swept under their magic prayer rugs: Sharia Islamic Law forbids questions or criticism of Islam (including the Quran & Muhammed) of any kind. The idea of “questions or criticism” is intentionally vague and is subjective to the offended Mohammedan. It’s considered blasphemy whether it be committed by a Muslim OR non-Muslim. Sharia also calls for severe punishment, even death, for the offense.

Their issue of including “religious defamation” in the UN’s free speech code, is another way of implementing blasphemy under Sharia…and the world would aid them in their enforcement.

But, while the Ummah (global Islamic community) is busy soothing their wounded feelings, the gravest offense is being perpetrated against the Free World. Our life-blood is in peril: Our freedom of speech. An inalienable right recognized ONLY in the Judeo-Christian world….where skin is not so thin, and the only thing we want to kill is a box of Ho-Hos.

So, Islamic supremacists…be not confused. As you continue to force your camel’s nose under our tent, you will be met with a force that only free men, who have tasted liberty, possess. On either side of the Pond, we will band together and push you back into the caves you find so cozy.

And on this side of the Pond, we’ll do it with lead!

Free Speech Alert: Islam Rips Ever Deeper Into Europe

Monday, February 10, 2014

Barack Obama's Uncle: "We Are All Muslim" (Caught on Video)

More and more light is being shed on the Obama family connection with Islamists.  Of course M3 will not touch these stories.

We obtained several videos from Middle Eastern sources. In one, President Obama’s uncle Sayid, about whom we’ve reported in the past, about his dealings in Saudi Arabia being in bed with Wahhabist madrassas. Here he was assuring the Middle East in this rare interview that the whole Obama family are “all Muslim”, everyone.

We assembled the following clip (unedited versions are linked to below) never before reported in Western circles until now. Of course, no one in the U.S. media wants to even address the sensitive issue of President Obama’s Islamist connections; it’s a taboo:

Barack Obama's Uncle: "We Are All Muslim" (Caught on Video)

Gun Prohibition Activist Dwayne Ferguson Takes Gun into Grade School - Claims He Forgot

The word of the day boys and girls, is 'hypocrite.'  We're talking about an activist who embraces MAD DADS gun ban agenda, but carries a gun himself.  Here we have an example of libtard logic.  They think the laws they impose on society apply to everyone but themselves.  This crazy SOB walked into a grade school with a gun on his person.  Now since people with common sense know that guns don't kill people, people kill people, the mere presence of this inanimate object would normally not be that much cause for concern.  The fact that a libtard moron possessed this inanimate object inside a school is of enormous concern, especially since all of the recent mass murderers who shot up schools were liberals.  Hopefully he'll be convicted of the felony he committed and serve every day of his sentence in jail.  No doubt M3 will ignore this story, or if they do cover it, it will be to defend this libtard.

Dwayne Ferguson is the President of a local Buffalo chapter of MAD DADS (Men Against Destruction-Defending Against Drugs and Social-Disorder) and also sits on the National Board of Directors. MAD DADS is not just an anti-gun organization but gun control is a major part of their national platform. Among other things, the group organizes and supports gun buy-back programs.

Mr. Ferguson is someone who should know better than to carry a handgun into a school.

On Thursday afternoon he proved that he does not know better. WIVB4 reports:

    BUFFALO, N.Y.(WIVB)- More than a dozen cop cars, the SWAT team, K9 units and the Erie County Sheriff's Air One helicopter swarmed Harvey Austin Elementary School in Buffalo on Thursday after reports of a man with a gun near the school or on the grounds. Dwayne Ferguson, head of the Buffalo chapter of MAD DADS, was taken into custody. He will be arraigned Friday.

    An anonymous call came into 911 around 4:15 p.m. that a man with a gun was seen inside the Sycamore Street school. The building was placed in lockdown and around 60 students who were in the building for after school programs were herded into the cafeteria as officers from every district in the city went room-to-room in twos and threes looking for a possible gunman. A portion of Sycamore Street and Walden Avenue were closed and parents were kept from the scene until a preliminary sweep of the school was complete.

    In the preliminary sweep, no gunman was found, and school buses arrived at the school around 5:30 p.m. to take the children to School 91. But it took until at least 7 p.m. before the students began to arrive to be released to their parents.

    School officials say students were checked for weapons as they boarded the buses to be transported to School 91, and all were safe and accounted for. Afterwards, staff began placing calls to parents to inform them of what was taking place.

Meanwhile, the SWAT team conducted a more thorough secondary search of the school. It was during the secondary search that police found Ferguson with a gun.

To fully understand the complete hypocrisy of the situation, please consider that Ferguson was previously interviewed by WIVB in regard to the New York SAFE Act:

    News 4 interviewed Ferguson in March of 2013 at a rally in support of the NY SAFE Act. At the time, Ferguson stated the law did not go far enough.

    "Our kids are not buying assault weapons, they're buying pistols and they're buying them right out of community stores and back here in the school. So this is serious. It needs to go further than what it is," he said.

It needs to go further indeed. This is a felony offense and it will be interesting to see how Ferguson fares in this situation. He claims he forgot he was carrying the handgun.

The Daily Caller reports:

    Among much else, the 2013 law, deemed New York's SAFE Act, made it a felony to carry a gun on school property, according to The Buffalo News.

    While it was always illegal to carry a gun on school grounds, the new law bumped the crime from a misdemeanor to a felony in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

    The community activist has claimed that he forgot he was carrying his gun in a felony gun-free zone he helped create.

    Rev. James E. Giles, Ferguson's friend and the president of Buffalo's Back to Basics Outreach Ministries, vouched for this claim.

    "I'm sure Dwayne went into the school not thinking he had the gun on him," Giles told The Buffalo News.

    Giles said Ferguson even asked police on the scene what was going on.

    "Dwayne's reaction was to get his kids — he had about 50 of them — and make sure they were safe," Giles explained.

Liberals like to use the argument that guns kill people. So forgetting about a gun is not an excuse. That gun could have killed someone while Ferguson was in the school.

Absurd? Of course it is.

But it's no more absurd than a man who has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and claims that he forgot he was carrying a gun. I don't doubt that Ferguson might get a slap on the wrist but the law is the law and I would throw the book at this guy who, of all people, should know better.
Gun Prohibition Activist Dwayne Ferguson Takes Gun into Grade School - Claims He Forgot

Gun Control Activist Arrested For Carrying A Gun On School Campus
Gun Control Activist Arrested For Carrying A Gun On School Campus

US Muslim Hatem Bazian Teaches “Islamophobia” Course – Bullies & Harasses Students

Pamela Geller brings to light a Mohammedan professor at the University of Berkley using students to further his agenda of Islamic supremism.

The Nazi-like march of Islamic supremacists into influential positions of power in media, politics and academia sank to a new low this week (and that bar was already conspicuously low).

Canadian Muslim reformer Tarek Fatah received a panicked message from a student enrolled at the University of California at Berkeley, who along with 100 kids in his class is being forced to tweet on "Islamophobia" as a requirement in a course on that subject called "De-Constructing Islamophobia and the History of Otherness." This "course" is taught by a notorious anti-Semitic, terror-supporting professor, Hatem Bazian.

The student reported Bazian established as part of the course requirements that students would have to open a Twitter account and tweet at least once a week about "Islamophobia." The student commented: "I can't help but feel this is unethical. This is his agenda, not mine."

The student explained to Fatah:

    There are 100 students in the class, all of us forced to create individual Twitter accounts. I'm not wholly clear on what our final project is yet (I find it very interesting that he excludes both the Twitter account requirement AND the final project from his official syllabus), but we have to meet with a group in San Francisco, and our class will be surveying people of color on the impact of some ads put out by Pamela Gellar [sic]. Now I'm no Pamela Gellar [sic] fan, I think she's nuts, but I feel … between the Twitter stuff and the final project he's basically using us as unpaid labor to work on his agenda.

The kid has already bought into the demonization, smearing and marginalization of anyone opposing jihad. What's nuts is "asking people of color" about my Shariah awareness ads. Shariah is not a color. Jihad is not a color. What's nuts was the Hamas-CAIR ad campaign that my ads countered. Hamas-CAIR created an ad campaign to "rebrand" jihad ("my jihad is getting to the gym every day"). That's nuts.

Nuts is the San Francisco City Council issuing a resolution (the first of its kind) condemning our ads highlighting Muslim oppression of gays.

Pamela Geller's commitment to freedom from jihad and Shariah shines forth in her books.

Nuts is a homework assignment shackling children to a fictitious narrative designed as a thought-crushing device to silence any criticism of Islam.

A more useful assignment would highlight the brutal and bloody oppression of religious minorities under the Shariah. An intellectual study of the 1,400-year jihad against the Jews as manifested in the Muslim hatred for Israel would certainly be instructive. Where is the college credit for the study of the mass annihilation of Hindus in jihadi wars?

Steven Emerson, in his book, "American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us" (Pages 214-215), quotes Bazian sermonizing at an American Muslim Alliance conference in May 1999:

    In the Hadith, the Day of Judgment will never happen until you fight the Jews. They are on the west side of the river, which is the Jordan River, and you're on the east side until the trees and stones will say, oh Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me. Come and kill him! And that's in the Hadith about this, this is a future battle before the Day of Judgment. (More here.)

Bazian is a co-founder of an anti-Semitic, pro-jihad activist group founded at University of California's Berkeley campus in 2001,  Students for Justice in Palestine. According to Campus Watch:

SJP's stated goal is to promote a "just resolution of the plight of the Palestinians" and employs boycott, divestment and sanctions campaigns as well as mock checkpoints and mock "apartheid walls" on campuses throughout the U.S. to promote that cause.

SJP's theatrical and physical violence aims mainly at intimidating and marginalizing Jewish students on campus. It uses violent imagery to bypass discussion and skip right to the hate, accusing its opponents of Apartheid, Nazism and genocide. Its extremist speakers use lies and distortions to portray Israel and its supporters as absolute evil to create a hateful worldview (see Jessica Felber and Helen Freedman).

When the SJP deploys makeshift checkpoints on campuses where its members yell, "Are you Jewish?" at passing students, when it disrupts Holocaust memorials and Jewish student concerts, when it assaults and intimidates Jewish students on campus – it is making the trees and stones of the Ivy League and the Public Ivies a place of terror and danger for Jewish students.

Bazian is also the executive director of American Muslims for Palestine. Check out its web of Hamas support here. At its 2011 conference, Bazian said: "The universities – it's gonna be the front line moving forward, the front line. Why? Because this is the next generation."

Why would anyone take his course? He even equated the Boston jihad bombings with "Islamophobia." Robert Spencer wrote this of Bazian last May:

    The aptly-named professor Hatem Bazian some years ago called for an "intifada" in the U.S. Here, he completely ignores the fact that the Tsarnaev brothers were Muslims acting, in their own words, in the defense of Islam. … Instead, as one would expect from a charter member of the "Islamophobia" propaganda industry, he equates the Tsarnaevs' murders, which he calls "horrific crimes," with those who spoke accurately about what motivated those murders, whom he accuses of "crimes against our collective consciousness."

It is amazing that moral cretins like Hatem Bazian occupy comfortable positions at respected universities in the United States, but such is the state of academia today. In a field populated with people like Omid Safi, Haroon Moghul, and Caner K. Dagli, Bazian actually comes off rather well.

This "professor" is using his position of authority to bully and harass his students by demanding that they tweet about "Islamophobia." His "course" is yet another sign of how low American academia has sunk.

US Muslim Hatem Bazian Teaches “Islamophobia” Course – Bullies & Harasses Students

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Mouse that Roared

Iran says warships sailing towards U.S.: agency

DUBAI (Reuters) - An Iranian naval officer said a number of warships had been ordered to approach U.S. maritime borders as a response to the stationing of U.S. vessels in the Gulf, the semi-official Fars news agency reported on Saturday.
"Iran's military fleet is approaching the United States' maritime borders, and this move has a message," the agency quoted Admiral Afshin Rezayee Haddad as saying.
Haddad, described as commander of the Iranian navy's northern fleet, said the vessels had started their voyage towards the Atlantic Ocean via "waters near South Africa", Fars reported.
Fars said the plan was part of "Iran's response to Washington's beefed up naval presence in the Persian Gulf."
The Fars report, which carried no details of the vessels, could not be confirmed independently.
In Washington, a U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, cast doubt on any claims that the Iranian ships were approaching U.S. maritime borders. But the official added that "ships are free to operate in international waters."
The United States and its allies regularly stage naval exercises in the Gulf, saying they want to ensure freedom of navigation in the waterway through which 40 percent of the world's seaborne oil exports passes.
U.S. military facilities in the region include a base for its Fifth Fleet in the Gulf Arab kingdom of Bahrain.
Iran sees the Gulf as its own backyard and believes it has a legitimate interest in expanding its influence there.
Iranian officials have often said Iran could block the Strait of Hormuz, at the mouth of the Gulf, if it came under military attack over its disputed nuclear program, and the Western war games are seen in the region as an attempt to deter any such move.
Fars said the Iranian navy had been developing its presence in international waters since 2010, regularly launching vessels in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden to protect Iranian ships from Somali pirates operating in the area.
Iran says warships sailing towards U.S.: agency

Umm, Hello? Iranian Warships Head for U.S. Waters

U.S. Postal Service Stockpiling Ammo

Personally, this article doesn't give me enough information to make me overly suspicious, but we all know the stories from the recent past of the government placing extraordinarily large ammo orders.  This article doesn't say how much ammo the postal service is ordering, but this administration has proven to us that we cannot trust it in even the small things.  Actually, what strikes me as odd is that the postal service is an organization that is broke due to the gross overpaying of union wages and benefits, as well as the fact that it is an ineffeciently run governmental organization.  So how can a broke company afford to buy ammunition?

Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration made news not too long ago when it was revealed that they had been buying up all the ammo and “assault” weapons. (Actually, if the government buys them, they cease to be “assault” weapons and become “personal defense” weapons.)
Homeland Security and the SSA aren’t the only ones buying up ammo and assault weapons. Now, the U.S. Postal Service wants to get in on the action.


Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration made news not too long ago when it was revealed that they had been buying up all the ammo and “assault” weapons. (Actually, if the government buys them, they cease to be “assault” weapons and become “personal defense” weapons.)

Homeland Security and the SSA aren’t the only ones buying up ammo and assault weapons. Now, the U.S. Postal Service wants to get in on the action.

Of course, anybody who calls the government’s actions into question is immediately labeled a “conspiracy theorist.” They can buy all the ammo in world, and the media won’t bat an eye. But who are the real conspiracy theorists when an average American citizen can buy a few boxes of ammo, and that’s considered “suspicious activity?”
I wrote a while ago about a commercial fisherman named Brian Loftus who bought a few boxes of ammo from his local gun store, and the following night he received a phone call from the police department. They had already checked his record and found that he had no history of criminal activity. They were calling “just to make sure” that he wasn’t going to do anything crazy. It turns out, the man who sold Loftus the ammo was the one who turned him in. “If you see something, say something.” Isn’t that what the DHS has been trying to teach us? So, the gun store clerk was just doing his job. Everybody is a suspect now.
Well, Postal Service, we see your ammo stockpiling, and we are saying something about it now. You’re not going to do anything “crazy,” are you? Just wanting to “make sure.”

Of course, anybody who calls the government’s actions into question is immediately labeled a “conspiracy theorist.” They can buy all the ammo in world, and the media won’t bat an eye. But who are the real conspiracy theorists when an average American citizen can buy a few boxes of ammo, and that’s considered “suspicious activity?”

I wrote a while ago about a commercial fisherman named Brian Loftus who bought a few boxes of ammo from his local gun store, and the following night he received a phone call from the police department. They had already checked his record and found that he had no history of criminal activity. They were calling “just to make sure” that he wasn’t going to do anything crazy. It turns out, the man who sold Loftus the ammo was the one who turned him in. “If you see something, say something.” Isn’t that what the DHS has been trying to teach us? So, the gun store clerk was just doing his job. Everybody is a suspect now.

Well, Postal Service, we see your ammo stockpiling, and we are saying something about it now. You’re not going to do anything “crazy,” are you? Just wanting to “make sure.”

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Gun Free Zone Signs Offend Libtards

Liberalism IS a mental disorder.  Unfortunately very few libtards ever recover from it.  Not only do libtartds not fathom the absurdity of gun free zones and the fact that they've created slaughter zones, they are now claiming that the picture of a gun in their gun free zone sign will 'alarm' people.  That's it folks - we've reached the point of political correctness where we can't even see a picture of a gun without libtards throwing conniption fits.

Based on my interpretation of the no gun sign inside a no sign, this is a double negative which means guns ARE allowed.

School Objects to Pictures of Guns … in Gun-Free Zone Signs

School Officials Concerned About Images Of Guns On Their Own Gun-Free Zone Signs

The Sixth Non-Sense: I See Pictures of Guns…I Mean Dead People
School Objects to Pictures of Guns … in Gun-Free Zone Signs

The Left's Valentine to Defiant Jihad-Enabler Lynne Stewart

How much proof do you need that liberalism is a sin?  Liberal ideology is at its core evil, because it does not believe in and support the ideals of our constitution - the only form of government (a constitutional republic, not a democracy) that has created true freedom and wealth for the people on this planet.  This libtard piece of dung, Lynne Stewart, became a foot soldier for the jihadists that want to kill us, and the Moozlum in Chief released her.  Not surprising given how much compassion he's shown for Moozlums and our enemies around the world.  I've seen media coverage of Stewart's release and it is absolutely sickening to see libtards (journalists included) fawning over this enemy of the state.

What are you doing for Valentine's Day? Bleeding-heart progressives across the country are raising money for "an evening of music, song and sharing love for recently released People's Lawyer Lynne Stewart." Warm fuzzies for one of the world's most notorious terrorist helpers? I can't think of a more stomach-turning way to mark the holiday.

Thanks to the Obama administration, Stewart walked out of prison on New Year's Eve. She is reportedly suffering stage-four breast cancer. Now she's passing the plate among her supporters, asking them to foot the bill for her health insurance deductibles and co-pays, as well as for a "special diet, vitamins and other healing methods." What, no Obamacare?

Has Stewart shown exceptional remorse or good behavior to warrant such compassion? Don't forget: Both the Bureau of Prisons and a federal judge previously had denied Stewart's petition for a compassionate release, but a U.S. Attorney intervened. This preferential treatment is extraordinary: Since 1992, the annual average number of prisoners who receive compassionate release has been less than two-dozen.

Let me remind you of what she did, who benefited, who died and how she has acted since being caught red-handed and freed.

Stewart was convicted in 2005 of helping terrorist Omar Abdel Rahman -- the murderous Blind Sheik -- smuggle coded messages of Islamic violence to outside followers in violation of an explicit pledge to abide by her client's court-ordered isolation. Rahman, Stewart's "political client," had called on Muslims to "destroy" the West, "burn their companies, eliminate their interests, sink their ships, shoot down their planes, kill them on the sea, air or land." He issued bloody fatwas against U.S. "infidels" that inspired the 1993 WTC bombing, the 1997 massacre of Western tourists in Luxor, Egypt, and the 9/11 attacks.

Stewart ignored a judge's communications ban, transmitting Rahman's edicts of violence to fellow jihadist Rifa'l Ahman Tara in Egypt. She smuggled out a coded order to his followers lifting a ceasefire between his terrorist group and the Egyptian government. She personally delivered one of the messages to a Reuters reporter.

Far from the innocent grandma her supporters continue to portray her as, Stewart was caught on video making distracting "covering noises" -- tapping the table, shaking a water jar -- for the Blind Sheik's translator to evade the communications ban.

 After receiving a measly initial sentence of 28 months for abetting terrorism, the disbarred civil rights attorney was re-sentenced to 10 years in jail. A federal panel of judges felt the need to spotlight her smugness. "From the moment she committed the first act for which she was convicted, through her trial, sentencing and appeals," Judge Robert Sack of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals wrote, "Stewart has persisted in exhibiting what seems to be a stark inability to understand the seriousness of her crimes."

Stewart failed to understand "the breadth and depth of the danger in which" her crimes had "placed the lives and safety of unknown innocents, and the extent to which they constituted an abuse of her trust and privilege as a member of the bar," the panel concluded.

This jihad-coddling grandmother remains defiant. She called 9/11 an "armed struggle." Upon her initial sentencing, she boasted that she could serve the term "standing on her head." After she was convicted of aiding and abetting Rahman, she told an interviewer she "would do it again." She has repeatedly told liberal sycophantic journalists that she would not have done anything differently.

After a jubilant return to New York City upon her release last month, Stewart thanked Louis Farrakhan, bragged about her (convicted cop-killer) Mumia Abu Jamal pin, condemned the government that had just released her and vowed to continue her radical advocacy of "political prisoners." No regrets, no remorse, no repentance.

Stewart doesn't need to solicit President Obama and the White House for a Valentine's Day donation. They delivered her the biggest "LUV YA" candy heart a terror-enabler could ask for: her release papers sealed with a kiss. XOXO. 

The Left's Valentine to Defiant Jihad-Enabler Lynne Stewart

A Valentine’s Evening with Convicted Terrorist Lynne Stewart

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Newspaper chain plans 'state-by-state' concealed weapon databases

Here we go again.  Libtard M3, who doesn't even believe in the 2ARKBA, wants to expose those who do and who carry for protection.  M3 elites, who hold their privacy and 1st Amendment rights sacred, have no problem violating your privacy or rights.  Once exposed, you'll be the easy target of criminals.

A national newspaper chain with nearly 100 publications and 1.6 million readers is considering building “state-by-state databases” on concealed weapons permit holders, according to an internal e-mail.

The plan, laid out in an email from a top editor at North Carolina-based Civitas Media, could be similar to a controversial project a New York state newspaper carried out in 2012 which included an online map that identified gun owners in two counties by name and address. Civitas' database project was detailed in a Jan. 19 e-mail to newsrooms across the chain, which has papers in 11 states, including Ohio, Illinois and Pennsylvania.

The newest project "examines the explosion of ‘conceal and carry’ gun permits across the U.S.,” wrote Jim Lawitz, Civitas’ director of content, in an e-mail first obtained by the Buckeye Firearms Association. “Through public records act requests, we will attempt to build state-by-state databases that list those who have the right to carry a concealed weapon.”

Lawitz downplayed the email when reached early Friday by

“In news organizations, a variety of ideas routinely are discussed, researched and planned, which may or may not result in published work,” Lawitz said. “Typically we do not publicly comment on internal proprietary communication. However, we have no plans to publish any lists or databases of people’s names on conceal and carry.”

Lawitz declined further comment.

Civitas Media, according to its website, employs more than 1,400 people and publishes 35 daily and 63 weekly publications for a combined circulation of more than 1.6 million.

Chad Baus, secretary of the Buckeye Firearms Association, told he received the email from a confidential source within the company who was “concerned” about the media group’s plans. Whatever the intention behind the proposed databases, Baus said he wants the effort stopped.
“The goal is to raise awareness because each and every time a newspaper organization does this type of thing, the public reacts very strongly to it,” Baus said. “And yes, we do want it stopped. They’re saying they’re not going to publish the list, but once the list is compiled, what are they going to do with it?”

The database, if indeed created according to the internal email obtained by Baus, would be used to further “demonize gun owners,” he said.

“There’s no other purpose for creating these lists but to target and victimize gun owners,” Baus told

As a gun owner himself, Baus isn’t concerned with potentially becoming a target for would-be burglars, but others may not feel the same way, he said.

“There are many people who choose for that information not to be public, whether for employment reasons or family politics,” he said. “Many law-abiding people don’t want that information to be public.”

The New York project, by the Gannett-owned Journal News, angered Second Amendment advocates across the country, who said it was an effort to stigmatize legal gun owners. Some law enforcement officials also complained the interactive map, published with an article entitled "The gun owner next door: What you don't know about the weapons in your neighborhood," provided burglars with a roadmap of which homes to avoid and which ones to hit.

The newspaper nevertheless defended the decision to publish the material, obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests.

"The massacre in Newtown remains top-of-mind for many of our readers," a statement said. "In the past week, conversation on our opinion pages and on our website,, has been keenly focused on gun control.

"Our readers are understandably interested to know about guns in their neighborhoods. We obtained the names and addresses of Westchester and Rockland residents who are licensed to own handguns through routine Freedom of Information law public-records requests."

Michael Hammond, legislative counsel for the Gun Owners of America, said he believes Civitas Media will ultimately publish the databases, despite Lawitz’s statement to
“Why would a newspaper chain go to the trouble of compiling a list if they had no interest in publishing it?” he said. “Isn’t that what newspapers do? It’s clear that this newspaper chain doesn’t intend to do [gun owners] good.”

National Rifle Association spokesman Andrew Arulanandam said the project serves no journalistic purpose.

“There is no legitimate need for any news organization to compile a list of law-abiding citizens who have concealed carry permits,” Arulanandam told “There are serious security concerns. For example, some people who have carry permits have stalkers and these news organizations are essentially providing a lighted pathway to the homes of these individuals.”
 Newspaper chain plans 'state-by-state' concealed weapon databases

Obama's Al-Qaeda: AK-47 Shooting 4-Year-Old Is A Syrian Rebel Fighter

Truly shameful.

President Obama's Administration should be strung up one by one and made to pay for what they have done in Syria. To read what is happening in Syria is to weep for the children of Islam. The ones who have no choice, the ones who are forced to fight, and have no idea what they are doing. Al-Qaeda is the spawn of Satan himself, with the best evidence being using a four-year-old to fight in the Syrian civil war. The worst part is America is supporting these monsters, aiding and giving them weapons to battle Bashir al-Assad's forces. Now that Congress is secretly sending "small arms" to Syrian "moderates," this is what is to become of the weapons. They will make their way into the hands of "cub jihadists," pawns of Al-Qaeda adult fighters. These cowardly bastards and overall reptilian predators are giving children automatic weapons and sending them to die. This display is the worst, a disgrace that cannot be measured. Congress has this baby Al-Qaeda fighter's blood on their hands as he wields his AK-47.

President Obama's Administration should be strung up one by one and made to pay for what they have done in Syria. To read what is happening in Syria is to weep for the children of Islam. The ones who have no choice, the ones who are forced to fight, and have no idea what they are doing. Al-Qaeda is the spawn of Satan himself, with the best evidence being using a four-year-old to fight in the Syrian civil war. The worst part is America is supporting these monsters, aiding and giving them weapons to battle Bashir al-Assad's forces. Now that Congress is secretly sending "small arms" to Syrian "moderates," this is what is to become of the weapons. They will make their way into the hands of "cub jihadists," pawns of Al-Qaeda adult fighters. These cowardly bastards and overall reptilian predators are giving children automatic weapons and sending them to die. This display is the worst, a disgrace that cannot be measured. Congress has this baby Al-Qaeda fighter's blood on their hands as he wields his AK-47.

This can't be, it has to be a fake. But to see this child firing off the weapon like a mini-trained professional and to hear the Al-Qaeda "rebels" from Hell in the background is to realize that it doesn't get any more real than this. They're using a four-year-old to fight for them, to die for them. Do they care that they have created a baby monster who will surely go to his grave before he's old enough to have a clue what he is doing? Islam preys on children, be it through rape, marriage, or using them as warriors. They're slaves, captive to soulless men who care nothing for their lives, or their ultimate death.

That's right, Al-Qaeda is recruiting babies, preschool age children to fight in the Syrian civil war. Other children are at least age nine. This four-year-old has to be the youngest. But this is who Americans are backing, sending them arms so Al-Qaeda thugs can give them to children to fight. When Congress authorized giving more weapons to these scum of the earth, they might as well be handing the toddlers the weapons themselves. This is American tax dollars at work, training baby jihadists to kill and fight in a war they should not be anywhere near. This is how sick Islamists truly are at their core.

Obama's Al-Qaeda: AK-47 Shooting 4-Year-Old Is A Syrian Rebel Fighter

From Belarus With Love?

I received an email today detailing the involvement of Balarus software engineers on the Obamacare website and then today PatriotPost.US reports that U.S. intelligence officials have retracted their warning about this.  Hmmm...first they issue a warning, confirming that the site was built by software engineers working for a state controlled country hostile to the U.S., then they retract it.  Who do you believe?


From Belarus With Love?

U.S. intelligence officials retracted a warning that developers linked to the Belarus government helped to create and inserted malicious software (malware) that could be used later for cyber attacks. Obviously, that possibility would raise new questions about the security of data entered by millions of Americans, but Caitlin Hayden of the White House National Security Council promises, "So far HHS has found no indications that any software was developed in Belarus." That's very reassuring, we guess. But cyberwarfare expert David Kennedy warned last month that ObamaCare was "much worse off" after all the fixes, and it almost defies belief that HHS could have paid contractors tied to a hostile regime to build complete with malware. Then again, the Belarusian malware might have actually made insurance affordable.
 The email:

Bad enough that the Obama Administration let a $636-million contract be awarded to a Canadian firm on a no-bid basis.  It went there because one of Michelle's college friends was highly placed in the inept company.  Now we learn about a Bellarussian connection!!! 

HELLLLLOOOOOO!  Is anyone going to hold Obama, Sibelius and other morons accountable for this?  Bill Gertz is one of the finest reporters anywhere.  Read this and gasp!

The Belarusian Connection

Obamacare network vulnerable to cyber attack

Intel chair calls for probe

Software security issue follows website problems

Internet diversion linked to state telecom

Belarus software not raised during Hill probes