If only the U.S. M3 (Marxist Media Moguls) would publish this kind of good news, then we could feel there are some good things happening in the world.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Attacks on Christians in America Grow as Islam Gets Special Protection
Here's a great article that lists numerous ways that Moozlums are granted religious freedom in the U.S., while Christians are prohibited from participating in their religion and even punished for doing so. We live in evil times when the ACLU and the U.S. government cater to Moozlums and punish Christians. The Evil One himself must be dancing with glee.
Attacks on Christians in America Grow as Islam Gets Special Protection
Attacks on Christians in America Grow as Islam Gets Special Protection
Attacks on Christians in America Grow as Islam Gets Special Protection
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/attacks-on-christians-america-grow-islam-gets-special-protection/#ybxcKkOriv5MJCYl.99
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/attacks-on-christians-america-grow-islam-gets-special-protection/#ybxcKkOriv5MJCYl.99
Secretary General of Interpol Suggests an Armed Citizenry to Combat Terrorist Violence
I'm shocked to say the least! A European LE official who actually states that an armed citizenry is necessary to combat terrorism! Am I awake or dreaming? This fellow worked for the Clinton administration and oversaw the BATF while it implemented the Clinton anti-gun agenda. Apparently he's had an epiphany and found an ounce of common sense!
In his speech to the American public on December 21, 2012, NRA
Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre made clear, "The only thing that
stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." The sentence is a
concise summary of NRA's long-held position on the Right-to-Carry, and
illustrates one of the reasons NRA-ILA works to abolish restrictions on
this right throughout the country. Predictably, anti-gun groups and
some in the media failed to grasp the straightforward logic of the
remark, or perhaps they grasped it all too well and feared what it would
mean for their cause. As a result, they have criticized and attacked
However, the logic isn't lost on Interpol Secretary General Ronald K. Noble. In an interview with ABC News at the 82nd Interpol General Assembly, Noble noted that an armed citizenry is one of two ways to effectively confront terrorists bent on carrying out massacres at "soft-targets," such as the gunmen who conducted the recent attack on the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya that killed 67. Noble told the interviewer, "Societies have to think about how they're going to approach the problem.... One is to say we want an armed citizenry; you can see the reason for that. Another is to say the enclaves are so secure that in order to get into the soft target you're going to have to pass through extraordinary security."
Speaking at length on the topic, the Secretary General went on to
say, "Ask yourself: If that was Denver, Col., if that was Texas, would
those guys have been able to spend hours, days, shooting people
randomly? ... What I'm saying is it makes police around the world
question their views on gun control. It makes citizens question their
views on gun control. You have to ask yourself, 'Is an armed citizenry
more necessary now than it was in the past with an evolving threat of
terrorism?' This is something that has to be discussed… People are
quick to say 'gun control, people shouldn't be armed,' etc., etc. I
think they have to ask themselves: 'Where would you have wanted to be?
In a city where there was gun control and no citizens armed if you're
in a Westgate mall, or in a place like Denver or Texas?"
What makes Noble's comments even more notable, and should give further pause to opponents of the Right-to-Carry, is Noble's background prior to joining Interpol. From 1994 – 1996, Noble served as a political appointee of the notoriously anti-gun Clinton administration in the role of Under Secretary of Enforcement for the Treasury Department. In this capacity Noble oversaw the operations of the BATF, which was then housed within the Treasury Department, and frequently used by Clinton to advance his gun control agenda. No one can reasonably accuse Noble of being in the pocket of the gun rights movement.
For its part, Interpol hasn't traditionally been a bastion of support for gun rights, either. At the 37th Interpol Congress in 1968, a large number of delegate states went so far as to push for an internationally accessible registry of guns and gun owners. In a October 2, 1968 article titled "Interpol moves for arms control," the London Times described the effort, stating, "[t]he plan that will almost certainly be accepted by the police delegates in the final session early next week will propose that regulations on the ownership and sale of firearms of firearms should be enforced in all states. This would be backed up by national registries of all the people permitted to own firearms." With this history in mind, the current Secretary General's comments are even more revealing and significant.
At a time when President Obama is seeking gun control guidance from countries like Australia and the UK, it is a welcome development that a public official tasked with confronting the day-to-day realities of international crime is looking instead to the U.S. tradition of civilian gun ownership and Right-to-Carry as a way to combat predatory violence. We hope that domestic and foreign governments interested in helping protect their citizens from violence consider Noble's remarks and work to broaden opportunities for citizens to provide for their own defense.
Secretary General of Interpol Suggests an Armed Citizenry to Combat Terrorist Violence
However, the logic isn't lost on Interpol Secretary General Ronald K. Noble. In an interview with ABC News at the 82nd Interpol General Assembly, Noble noted that an armed citizenry is one of two ways to effectively confront terrorists bent on carrying out massacres at "soft-targets," such as the gunmen who conducted the recent attack on the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya that killed 67. Noble told the interviewer, "Societies have to think about how they're going to approach the problem.... One is to say we want an armed citizenry; you can see the reason for that. Another is to say the enclaves are so secure that in order to get into the soft target you're going to have to pass through extraordinary security."
![]() |
What makes Noble's comments even more notable, and should give further pause to opponents of the Right-to-Carry, is Noble's background prior to joining Interpol. From 1994 – 1996, Noble served as a political appointee of the notoriously anti-gun Clinton administration in the role of Under Secretary of Enforcement for the Treasury Department. In this capacity Noble oversaw the operations of the BATF, which was then housed within the Treasury Department, and frequently used by Clinton to advance his gun control agenda. No one can reasonably accuse Noble of being in the pocket of the gun rights movement.
For its part, Interpol hasn't traditionally been a bastion of support for gun rights, either. At the 37th Interpol Congress in 1968, a large number of delegate states went so far as to push for an internationally accessible registry of guns and gun owners. In a October 2, 1968 article titled "Interpol moves for arms control," the London Times described the effort, stating, "[t]he plan that will almost certainly be accepted by the police delegates in the final session early next week will propose that regulations on the ownership and sale of firearms of firearms should be enforced in all states. This would be backed up by national registries of all the people permitted to own firearms." With this history in mind, the current Secretary General's comments are even more revealing and significant.
At a time when President Obama is seeking gun control guidance from countries like Australia and the UK, it is a welcome development that a public official tasked with confronting the day-to-day realities of international crime is looking instead to the U.S. tradition of civilian gun ownership and Right-to-Carry as a way to combat predatory violence. We hope that domestic and foreign governments interested in helping protect their citizens from violence consider Noble's remarks and work to broaden opportunities for citizens to provide for their own defense.
Secretary General of Interpol Suggests an Armed Citizenry to Combat Terrorist Violence
Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood
Read what M3 refuses to cover:
"Obama backs these savages. He is on a jihad to destroy freedom in the Middle East and Africa. The media's silence or re-framing of another one of Obama's foreign policy disasters further disarms the American people for what's coming.
Obama is making an enemy of Egypt, a once reliable ally. Recently, he suspended hundred of millions in military and other aid to punish the people of Egypt for throwing off the yoke of Islamic tyranny by the Muslim Brotherhood."
Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Calls for Violence & Bloodshed as Mohammad Morsi Goes on Trial for Inciting Murder
"Obama backs these savages. He is on a jihad to destroy freedom in the Middle East and Africa. The media's silence or re-framing of another one of Obama's foreign policy disasters further disarms the American people for what's coming.
Obama is making an enemy of Egypt, a once reliable ally. Recently, he suspended hundred of millions in military and other aid to punish the people of Egypt for throwing off the yoke of Islamic tyranny by the Muslim Brotherhood."
Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Calls for Violence & Bloodshed as Mohammad Morsi Goes on Trial for Inciting Murder
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/obamas-muslim-brotherhood-calls-violence-bloodshed-mohammad-morsi-goes-trial-inciting-murder/#pvzg3yvwMirTZhZX.99
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/obamas-muslim-brotherhood-calls-violence-bloodshed-mohammad-morsi-goes-trial-inciting-murder/#pvzg3yvwMirTZhZX.99
backs these savages. He is on a jihad to destroy freedom in the Middle
East and Africa. The media's silence or re-framing of another one of
Obama's foreign policy disasters further disarms the American people for
what's coming.
Obama is making an enemy of Egypt, a once reliable ally. Recently, he suspended hundred of millions in military and other aid to punish the people of Egypt for throwing off the yoke of Islamic tyranny by the Muslim Brotherhood.
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/obamas-muslim-brotherhood-calls-violence-bloodshed-mohammad-morsi-goes-trial-inciting-murder/#pvzg3yvwMirTZhZX.99
Obama is making an enemy of Egypt, a once reliable ally. Recently, he suspended hundred of millions in military and other aid to punish the people of Egypt for throwing off the yoke of Islamic tyranny by the Muslim Brotherhood.
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/obamas-muslim-brotherhood-calls-violence-bloodshed-mohammad-morsi-goes-trial-inciting-murder/#pvzg3yvwMirTZhZX.99
Benghazi Witness 'Morgan Jones' Claims Attackers Said “We’re Here to Kill Americans”
Still no news coming out of the Baracko White House - truly the most transparent administration ever.
Benghazi Witness 'Morgan Jones' Claims Attackers Said “We’re Here to Kill Americans”
Benghazi Witness 'Morgan Jones' Claims Attackers Said “We’re Here to Kill Americans”
Benghazi Witness 'Morgan Jones' Claims Attackers Said “We’re Here to Kill Americans”
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/benghazi-witness-morgan-jones-claims-attackers-said-were-here-to-kill-americans/#wlfH3T71KRKyDUMD.99
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/benghazi-witness-morgan-jones-claims-attackers-said-were-here-to-kill-americans/#wlfH3T71KRKyDUMD.99
Former Guantanamo Detainee on Ground in Benghazi during Attack
Only our brain-dead libtard President and his minions believe that releasing Islamist miltants from Guantanamo is a good idea. Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that their ideology compels them to return to the battlefield and continue the war against the infidels.
Former Guantanamo Detainee Sufian bin Qumu Was on Ground in Benghazi during Attack
Former Guantanamo Detainee Sufian bin Qumu Was on Ground in Benghazi during Attack
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/former-guantanamo-detainee-sufian-bin-qumu-ground-benghazi-attack/#BWQqHfRUUsXkU5by.99
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/former-guantanamo-detainee-sufian-bin-qumu-ground-benghazi-attack/#BWQqHfRUUsXkU5by.99
Former Guantanamo Detainee Sufian bin Qumu Was on Ground in Benghazi during Attack
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/former-guantanamo-detainee-sufian-bin-qumu-ground-benghazi-attack/#BWQqHfRUUsXkU5by.99
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/former-guantanamo-detainee-sufian-bin-qumu-ground-benghazi-attack/#BWQqHfRUUsXkU5by.99
Liar in Chief Abandons Fallen Dead Heros and Their Families
No comment necessary...an angry patriot speaking the truth.
Islamists Put Tunisia on Road to Civil War
Great! Another middle-east country ready to spiral into civil war as militant Islamists try to take over.
"Tunisia: Prime Minister Ali Larayedh has begun talks with opposition parties including the National Salvation Front in an effort to form a caretaker government and prepare for elections.
Comment: A surge in violent clashes between Islamists and secular opposition groups and the police provided the impetus for Larayedh and his pro-Islamist Ennahda Party cohorts to begin the talks. This week six policemen have been killed by Islamists in attacks. A car bomb ready to detonate was found and defused at one site of recent clashes. In retaliation secular opposition groups have ransacked and burned Ennahda Party offices in one town outside Tunis.
Tunisia heretofore had avoided the violence that accompanied political change in Egypt and Libya. The backlash by secular and moderate Muslim parties against the political overreaching by Ennahda has put Tunisia on the same path as the others.
Larayedh still seeks to slow-roll the negotiation process by insisting that the drafting of a long overdue constitution be completed and a firm election date be set before he transfers power to a technocratic caretaker government. His delaying tactics have created conditions for a steady deterioration of internal security.
The Ennahda agreement with the opposition parties stipulates that the Ennahda-led government shall resign and be replaced within three weeks by a neutral interim government of technocrats. If Larayedh and his men do not comply, security conditions will get much worse."
Islamists Put Tunisia on Road to Civil War
"Tunisia: Prime Minister Ali Larayedh has begun talks with opposition parties including the National Salvation Front in an effort to form a caretaker government and prepare for elections.
Comment: A surge in violent clashes between Islamists and secular opposition groups and the police provided the impetus for Larayedh and his pro-Islamist Ennahda Party cohorts to begin the talks. This week six policemen have been killed by Islamists in attacks. A car bomb ready to detonate was found and defused at one site of recent clashes. In retaliation secular opposition groups have ransacked and burned Ennahda Party offices in one town outside Tunis.
Tunisia heretofore had avoided the violence that accompanied political change in Egypt and Libya. The backlash by secular and moderate Muslim parties against the political overreaching by Ennahda has put Tunisia on the same path as the others.
Larayedh still seeks to slow-roll the negotiation process by insisting that the drafting of a long overdue constitution be completed and a firm election date be set before he transfers power to a technocratic caretaker government. His delaying tactics have created conditions for a steady deterioration of internal security.
The Ennahda agreement with the opposition parties stipulates that the Ennahda-led government shall resign and be replaced within three weeks by a neutral interim government of technocrats. If Larayedh and his men do not comply, security conditions will get much worse."
Islamists Put Tunisia on Road to Civil War
Pakistan Attacks Indian Security Posts To Assist Militant Infiltration
A Night Watch report documents that on 10/22/13 and 10/24/13 Pakistan attacked India: "mortar fire and small arms fire struck 50 border observation posts on
the Indian side of the International Border in the Jammu, or southern,
part of the state. The attacks killed one Border Security Force
constable and injured six others and a civilian. The harassing fire
lasted through the night for more than seven hours. On the 24th, mortar
fire and small arms attacks struck 17 border observations posts,
injuring eight civilians."
"Firing attacks occur annually in autumn to cover pre-winter infiltration from Pakistan by Kashmiri militants before winter weather impedes if not prevents crossing."
"As mentioned in an earlier NightWatch on this topic, another unusual aspect of the attacks is that they many target the Jammu area, across the International Border. This indicates the militants are attempting to rebuild a terrorist force to destabilize the southern part of the Indian Jammu and Kashmir State."
"If this is part of a planned expansion of the militants' operating area, it could only occur with the assistance of Pakistani security forces. This cooperation includes a deliberate relaxation of security by the Pakistan Army which has thousands of troops stationed along the normally quiet International Border."
Islamists Put Tunisia on Road to Civil War
"Firing attacks occur annually in autumn to cover pre-winter infiltration from Pakistan by Kashmiri militants before winter weather impedes if not prevents crossing."
"As mentioned in an earlier NightWatch on this topic, another unusual aspect of the attacks is that they many target the Jammu area, across the International Border. This indicates the militants are attempting to rebuild a terrorist force to destabilize the southern part of the Indian Jammu and Kashmir State."
"If this is part of a planned expansion of the militants' operating area, it could only occur with the assistance of Pakistani security forces. This cooperation includes a deliberate relaxation of security by the Pakistan Army which has thousands of troops stationed along the normally quiet International Border."
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
The New Road to Damascus - From Infidels to Bible People
I'm subscribed to the Voice of the Martyrs and received an email from them stating that Muslim refugees from the Syrian civil ware are converting to Christ by the hundreds and even thousands. That is amazing and truly good news. It's hard to fathom that 100,000 people have died in this civil war and more than 2 million are refugees.
Here is the email re-posted:
The war
in Syria is one of the greatest crises seen in the Middle East in the last 20
years. It has claimed the lives of more than 100,000 people, both Muslim and
Christian. More than 2 million Syrians have fled to neighboring countries. In
the midst of this crisis, our persecuted family is boldly reaching out. And the
reactions of Muslims have been astonishing.
you hear about one Muslim coming to Christ, it’s a great thing, and everybody
rejoices,” said a VOM Syrian contact. “Today in Syria I’m not talking about one
person. We’re talking about hundreds and even thousands of Muslims coming to
know Christ.”
Infidels to Bible People
Teams of
believers are working in the refugee camps, providing Christ’s love while
sharing material aid, such as medical supplies and Bibles, as well as spiritual
aid. Christians, widely considered “infidels” in Syria, are now often and
affectionately referred to as “the Bible People.”
war is like a knife in the heart of the church. No human can stand that
suffering. But there is God’s presence. I can see Christ in the midst of
darkness.” —VOM National Contact
Please pray for
Christians who face not only the horrific effects of war but also continued
persecution. Please also pray for those who are bravely using this
opportunity to advance the kingdom.
is doing miracles inside the country,” a Christian worker told VOM. “But even
if he allows us to die, it will be an honor for us to die for his name, to
glorify his name.”
opportunities for ministry in Syria today exceed what we thought possible.
Working with the Syrian church and local workers, VOM continues to distribute
material aid, Bibles and Christian literature, and support for pastors and
the evangelistic teams. VOM will continually seek ways to increase our
this time of crisis and opportunity, VOM invites you to make a special
contribution to support this ministry in Syria.
you are not currently receiving The Voice of the Martyrs’ monthly newsletter,
please also request your copy of our November 2013 newsletter highlighting
forward this e-mail to Christian friends who may also want to pray for and
support this outreach to the Syrian people.
Hey, Christians: Grow a Spine and Declare Islam a Vile Doctrine
Well said by Pete Parker:
But — thanks to the above mentioned leftists — we have a profusion of spineless American Christians who have allowed themselves to be convinced that Muslims deserve victim-class status due to past injustices at the hands of those “cruel” and “nefarious” Crusaders.
Puhleez!!! — give me a freakin’ break.
For once — let’s cast aside all the politically correct bulls**t and myriad obfuscations concerning the so-called religion of peace. Thank you! What CNN pundits (and other assorted liberal windbags) refer to as the “Islamic World” (Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Iraq and Iran) was once a series of thriving Christian communities before they were invaded by the Muslim hordes.
Victims? Yeah, right.
Europe was not immune from the Islamic aggression that subjugated the Christians of North Africa and the Middle East. Constantinople (the center of Christian education) was besieged and eventually conquered by Islamic invaders in 1453.
Subsequent to the invasion — the Hagia Sophia (Christendom’s most sacred edifice) was converted into a mosque. In fact — the mosque still remains today in what is now Istanbul, Turkey.
At least 30 European countries (including Spain, Italy, Greece and Austria) were either attacked or came under Islamic rule. Yes, the wave of jihad against Christians was both unremitting and profoundly brutal.
Fact is — again, despite all the leftist drivel — the first Crusades were launched in 1099 for the singular purpose of stemming the horrific onslaught of violent Islamic proliferation.
That’s right! The Crusades were in direct response to the utter savagery of Islamic jihad that was being perpetrated on Christians from North Africa to Europe.
And, lest we forget — while our constitutional republic was in its nascent stage (1800) — our ships were being attacked (and crews enslaved) off the coast of North Africa by Muslim pirates who — when questioned about their motives — proffered the following response: “It is our right and duty to make war upon them [Christians] wherever they could be found…”
Sadly — we are still witnessing the barbaric manifestations of jihad against Christians today in such palaces as Nigeria, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Sudan.
Presented with such irrefutable facts — it is time for many American Christian to grow a spine by stridently rejecting leftist drivel. Yes, it is time for these individuals to not only call Islam what it is (a vile doctrine that has no place in a civilized society) — but to also labor feverishly and courageously against those who are plotting the Islamization of America.
The time to act is now.
Hey, Christians: Grow a Spine and Declare Islam a Vile Doctrine
since it’s birth in 7th century Arabia, Islam has been on a violent and
bloodthirsty jihad against Christians. And despite the drivel of
leftist politicos, pastors, bureaucrats and historical revisionists —
Muslims (acting on Islamic dogma) have been the aggressors rather than
the victims.
But — thanks to the above mentioned leftists — we have a profusion of spineless American Christians who have allowed themselves to be convinced that Muslims deserve victim-class status due to past injustices at the hands of those “cruel” and “nefarious” Crusaders.
Puhleez!!! — give me a freakin’ break.
For once — let’s cast aside all the politically correct bulls**t and myriad obfuscations concerning the so-called religion of peace. Thank you! What CNN pundits (and other assorted liberal windbags) refer to as the “Islamic World” (Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Iraq and Iran) was once a series of thriving Christian communities before they were invaded by the Muslim hordes.
Read more at http://clashdaily.com/2013/10/hey-christians-grow-spine-declare-islam-vile-doctrine/#kV1lkiqsbz1jL9pB.99
Ever since it’s birth in 7th century Arabia, Islam has been on a violent and bloodthirsty jihad against Christians. And despite the drivel of leftist politicos, pastors, bureaucrats and historical revisionists — Muslims (acting on Islamic dogma) have been the aggressors rather than the victims.But — thanks to the above mentioned leftists — we have a profusion of spineless American Christians who have allowed themselves to be convinced that Muslims deserve victim-class status due to past injustices at the hands of those “cruel” and “nefarious” Crusaders.
Puhleez!!! — give me a freakin’ break.
For once — let’s cast aside all the politically correct bulls**t and myriad obfuscations concerning the so-called religion of peace. Thank you! What CNN pundits (and other assorted liberal windbags) refer to as the “Islamic World” (Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Iraq and Iran) was once a series of thriving Christian communities before they were invaded by the Muslim hordes.
Read more at http://clashdaily.com/2013/10/hey-christians-grow-spine-declare-islam-vile-doctrine/#kV1lkiqsbz1jL9pB.99
But — thanks to the above mentioned leftists — we have a profusion of spineless American Christians who have allowed themselves to be convinced that Muslims deserve victim-class status due to past injustices at the hands of those “cruel” and “nefarious” Crusaders.
Puhleez!!! — give me a freakin’ break.
For once — let’s cast aside all the politically correct bulls**t and myriad obfuscations concerning the so-called religion of peace. Thank you! What CNN pundits (and other assorted liberal windbags) refer to as the “Islamic World” (Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Iraq and Iran) was once a series of thriving Christian communities before they were invaded by the Muslim hordes.
As the hordes entered each community — Christians were given the ultimatum to either convert, pay an onerous tax (jizyah) or face decapitation. The women were usually gang raped while their children were forced to watch.
Victims? Yeah, right.
Europe was not immune from the Islamic aggression that subjugated the Christians of North Africa and the Middle East. Constantinople (the center of Christian education) was besieged and eventually conquered by Islamic invaders in 1453.
Subsequent to the invasion — the Hagia Sophia (Christendom’s most sacred edifice) was converted into a mosque. In fact — the mosque still remains today in what is now Istanbul, Turkey.
At least 30 European countries (including Spain, Italy, Greece and Austria) were either attacked or came under Islamic rule. Yes, the wave of jihad against Christians was both unremitting and profoundly brutal.
Fact is — again, despite all the leftist drivel — the first Crusades were launched in 1099 for the singular purpose of stemming the horrific onslaught of violent Islamic proliferation.
That’s right! The Crusades were in direct response to the utter savagery of Islamic jihad that was being perpetrated on Christians from North Africa to Europe.
And, lest we forget — while our constitutional republic was in its nascent stage (1800) — our ships were being attacked (and crews enslaved) off the coast of North Africa by Muslim pirates who — when questioned about their motives — proffered the following response: “It is our right and duty to make war upon them [Christians] wherever they could be found…”
Sadly — we are still witnessing the barbaric manifestations of jihad against Christians today in such palaces as Nigeria, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Sudan.
Presented with such irrefutable facts — it is time for many American Christian to grow a spine by stridently rejecting leftist drivel. Yes, it is time for these individuals to not only call Islam what it is (a vile doctrine that has no place in a civilized society) — but to also labor feverishly and courageously against those who are plotting the Islamization of America.
The time to act is now.
Read more at http://clashdaily.com/2013/10/hey-christians-grow-spine-declare-islam-vile-doctrine/#kV1lkiqsbz1jL9pB.99
As the hordes entered each community — Christians were given the ultimatum to either convert, pay an onerous tax (jizyah) or face decapitation. The women were usually gang raped while their children were forced to watch.Victims? Yeah, right.
Europe was not immune from the Islamic aggression that subjugated the Christians of North Africa and the Middle East. Constantinople (the center of Christian education) was besieged and eventually conquered by Islamic invaders in 1453.
Subsequent to the invasion — the Hagia Sophia (Christendom’s most sacred edifice) was converted into a mosque. In fact — the mosque still remains today in what is now Istanbul, Turkey.
At least 30 European countries (including Spain, Italy, Greece and Austria) were either attacked or came under Islamic rule. Yes, the wave of jihad against Christians was both unremitting and profoundly brutal.
Fact is — again, despite all the leftist drivel — the first Crusades were launched in 1099 for the singular purpose of stemming the horrific onslaught of violent Islamic proliferation.
That’s right! The Crusades were in direct response to the utter savagery of Islamic jihad that was being perpetrated on Christians from North Africa to Europe.
And, lest we forget — while our constitutional republic was in its nascent stage (1800) — our ships were being attacked (and crews enslaved) off the coast of North Africa by Muslim pirates who — when questioned about their motives — proffered the following response: “It is our right and duty to make war upon them [Christians] wherever they could be found…”
Sadly — we are still witnessing the barbaric manifestations of jihad against Christians today in such palaces as Nigeria, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Sudan.
Presented with such irrefutable facts — it is time for many American Christian to grow a spine by stridently rejecting leftist drivel. Yes, it is time for these individuals to not only call Islam what it is (a vile doctrine that has no place in a civilized society) — but to also labor feverishly and courageously against those who are plotting the Islamization of America.
The time to act is now.
Read more at http://clashdaily.com/2013/10/hey-christians-grow-spine-declare-islam-vile-doctrine/#kV1lkiqsbz1jL9pB.99
Victims? Yeah, right.
Europe was not immune from the Islamic aggression that subjugated the Christians of North Africa and the Middle East. Constantinople (the center of Christian education) was besieged and eventually conquered by Islamic invaders in 1453.
Subsequent to the invasion — the Hagia Sophia (Christendom’s most sacred edifice) was converted into a mosque. In fact — the mosque still remains today in what is now Istanbul, Turkey.
At least 30 European countries (including Spain, Italy, Greece and Austria) were either attacked or came under Islamic rule. Yes, the wave of jihad against Christians was both unremitting and profoundly brutal.
Fact is — again, despite all the leftist drivel — the first Crusades were launched in 1099 for the singular purpose of stemming the horrific onslaught of violent Islamic proliferation.
That’s right! The Crusades were in direct response to the utter savagery of Islamic jihad that was being perpetrated on Christians from North Africa to Europe.
And, lest we forget — while our constitutional republic was in its nascent stage (1800) — our ships were being attacked (and crews enslaved) off the coast of North Africa by Muslim pirates who — when questioned about their motives — proffered the following response: “It is our right and duty to make war upon them [Christians] wherever they could be found…”
Sadly — we are still witnessing the barbaric manifestations of jihad against Christians today in such palaces as Nigeria, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Sudan.
Presented with such irrefutable facts — it is time for many American Christian to grow a spine by stridently rejecting leftist drivel. Yes, it is time for these individuals to not only call Islam what it is (a vile doctrine that has no place in a civilized society) — but to also labor feverishly and courageously against those who are plotting the Islamization of America.
The time to act is now.
Hey, Christians: Grow a Spine and Declare Islam a Vile Doctrine
Read more at http://clashdaily.com/2013/10/hey-christians-grow-spine-declare-islam-vile-doctrine/#kV1lkiqsbz1jL9pB.99
Read more at http://clashdaily.com/2013/10/hey-christians-grow-spine-declare-islam-vile-doctrine/#kV1lkiqsbz1jL9pB.99
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Radical Moozlum DHS Advisor Supports MB
Yes, you read that right. The DHS Advisory council has as its member, radical Moozlum Mohamed Elibiary, who publicly supports the Moozlum brotherhood. God help this country with leaders like BHO who embrace our enemies. We are essentially leaderless. Congress is impotent to challenge BHO or his radical Moozlum appointees. There is no way to measure the damage being done to this country from the enemies within. It is depressing that we have no leaders who will do anything about this.
"According to PJ Media, about a year after Elibiary’s appointment to the DHS Security Advisory Council, he downloaded files from the Texas Department of Public Safety and tried to sell them to a variety of liberal media outlets in an effort to defame Gov. Rick Perry and make him into an islamophobe. Fortunately, even the left wing media shied away from Elibiary’s anti-Perry crusade."
This enemy of the State uses the Moozlum Brotherhood symbol on his Twitter photo. Public officials are required to avoid the appearance of impropriety, but the BHO administration's double standard of political correctness is not holding this clown to that standard.
If his mere presence on the DHS Advisory Board isn't enough, he's tweeting a "warning 'the Tea Party' that they can't change the country through "'Christianist xenophobia.'"
Muslim DHS Advisor Is Clear And Present Danger To America
"According to PJ Media, about a year after Elibiary’s appointment to the DHS Security Advisory Council, he downloaded files from the Texas Department of Public Safety and tried to sell them to a variety of liberal media outlets in an effort to defame Gov. Rick Perry and make him into an islamophobe. Fortunately, even the left wing media shied away from Elibiary’s anti-Perry crusade."
This enemy of the State uses the Moozlum Brotherhood symbol on his Twitter photo. Public officials are required to avoid the appearance of impropriety, but the BHO administration's double standard of political correctness is not holding this clown to that standard.
If his mere presence on the DHS Advisory Board isn't enough, he's tweeting a "warning 'the Tea Party' that they can't change the country through "'Christianist xenophobia.'"
warning "the Tea Party" that they can't change the country through "Christianist xenophobia."
Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/12938/department-homeland-security-warns-tea-party-christianist-xenophobes/#kJUbAucklGjZdgRb.99
Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/12938/department-homeland-security-warns-tea-party-christianist-xenophobes/#kJUbAucklGjZdgRb.99
According to PJ Media,
about a year after Elibiary’s appointment to the DHS Security Advisory
Council, he downloaded files from the Texas Department of Public Safety
and tried to sell them to a variety of liberal media outlets in an
effort to defame Gov. Rick Perry and make him into an islamophobe.
Fortunately, even the left wing media shied away from Elibiary’s
anti-Perry crusade.
Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/12940/muslim-dhs-advisor-clear-present-danger-america/#gX7R2BvMkkDEztgO.99
Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/12940/muslim-dhs-advisor-clear-present-danger-america/#gX7R2BvMkkDEztgO.99
Muslim Brotherhood supporter gets Homeland Security promotio
Department of Homeland Security Warns Tea Party 'Christianist Xenophobes'
Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/12938/department-homeland-security-warns-tea-party-christianist-xenophobes/#kJUbAucklGjZdgRb.99
Department of Homeland Security Warns Tea Party 'Christianist Xenophobes'Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/12938/department-homeland-security-warns-tea-party-christianist-xenophobes/#kJUbAucklGjZdgRb.99
Muslim DHS Advisor Is Clear And Present Danger To America
Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/12940/muslim-dhs-advisor-clear-present-danger-america/#gX7R2BvMkkDEztgO.99
Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/12940/muslim-dhs-advisor-clear-present-danger-america/#gX7R2BvMkkDEztgO.99
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Welfare Zombie Food Stamp Frenzy Evidence of Welfare State Mentality
When a glitch with the federal food stamp EBT cards did not put a limit on the cards, the welfare zombies stormed Wal-Mart and loaded carts to overflowing with food. When the cards started showing limits later that night, the welfare zombies abandoned the carts with food. This is the result of giving people free government handouts. They have an entitlement mentality and know full well that they are stealing by exceeding their EBT spending limit. These are the same welfare zombies that riot and loot at every natural disaster. Funny, the Japanese didn't act like that when they were hit with a tsunami. We will reap what we sow with government entitlements.
FOOD STAMP FRENZY: Walmart Shelves Cleared During Food Stamp Panic
Read more at http://clashdaily.com/2013/10/food-stamp-frenzy-walmart-shelves-cleared-food-stamp-panic/#eQ7kY4Xc6THSFWTd.99
FOOD STAMP FRENZY: Walmart Shelves Cleared During Food Stamp Panic
Read more at http://clashdaily.com/2013/10/food-stamp-frenzy-walmart-shelves-cleared-food-stamp-panic/#eQ7kY4Xc6THSFWTd.99
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