Saturday, December 19, 2015
Infidelves - Christmas is coming!
Christmas is almost here! I love Christmas! We celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, who suffered unbelievable torture and an excruciating death to pay for the sins of mankind. At Christmas more than any time of the year, we celebrate our Lord's birth and his gift to the world. God so loves us that he sacrificed His only begotten son so that sin could be forgiven. At every Mass I thank Jesus for doing the will of the Father, and I thank the Father for sacrificing his only son so that my sins will be forgiven.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Leading Muslim Voice Speaks Out Against Islamic Extremism
This is the first rational Muslim I've ever heard and he gives me hope that the tiny minority of peaceful Muslims may engage in the process of challenging the radical followers of Islam.
Leading Muslim Voice Speaks Out Against Islamic Extremism
Leading Muslim Voice Speaks Out Against Islamic Extremism
Syrians Are a Terror Threat, Here Are the Numbers
Sure, let's import refugees whom hate us and support jihad and terrorism. What could go wrong?
Joint Chief Chairman Contradicts Obama about ISIS Containment
A 2007 poll showed that 77% of Syrians supported financing Islamic terrorists including Hamas and the Iraqi fighters who evolved into ISIS. Less than 10% of Syrians opposed their terrorism.Syrians Are a Terror Threat, Here Are the Numbers
Joint Chief Chairman Contradicts Obama about ISIS Containment
AG Loretta Lynch - Would You Like to Buy a Vowel?
And if that isn't clear enough for your, here it is in Arabic:

Eric Holder in a skirt and heels thinks she can unilaterally throw away my 1st Amendment rights.
Is Free Speech Dead? Obama Attorney General Promises to Prosecute Anyone Using “Anti-Muslim Speech”
San Bernardino, CA Terrorist Attack
Is it shocking that two members of the 'religion of peace,' Syed Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik, had a pipe bomb factory in their garage and went on a killing spree? Not really. It's become commonplace. What is shocking is that LE only took two days to admit publicly that this was an act of terrorism that killed 14 and wounded dozens.
Evidence Now CONFIRMS The Terrorists Of The San Bernardino Massacre Pledged Allegiance To ISIS Caliph Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi
Muslim Leader from Terror Group CAIR Blames America for Terror Attacks
RESPONDING TO SAN BERNARDINO: Put Your Trust In God And Keep Your Powder Dry
SanBernardino Terror Mosque Attendee Just Said This About TRUMP … I Think Donald TERRIFIES Them!
HOW DEMS GOT SAN BERNARDINO WRONG: Insane Murderers and More Insane Politicians
‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist
False Answers on Mass Shootings
Useful, Criminal Idiots: San Bernardino Crime Scene Tampered with by Mainstream Media
Report: Mass Shootings on the Rise…but Only in Gun-Free Zones
Muslim Leader from Terror Group CAIR Blames America for Terror Attacks
RESPONDING TO SAN BERNARDINO: Put Your Trust In God And Keep Your Powder Dry
SanBernardino Terror Mosque Attendee Just Said This About TRUMP … I Think Donald TERRIFIES Them!
HOW DEMS GOT SAN BERNARDINO WRONG: Insane Murderers and More Insane Politicians
‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist
False Answers on Mass Shootings
Useful, Criminal Idiots: San Bernardino Crime Scene Tampered with by Mainstream Media
Report: Mass Shootings on the Rise…but Only in Gun-Free Zones
The Islamists are experts at using our freedom laws against us, to operate their terror networks.
Will Your City or State be the Next San Bernardino? At Least 22 Verified Islamic Terror Training Camps in US – All Under the Watchful Eye of the FBI
Terror is becoming the normal news event
As this article points out, terrorism is becoming very frequent and almost commonplace in the news. Anyone who has been paying attention and has any free thought apart from M3 knows that Islam is evil and it's followers are mostly bloodthirsty murderers, rapists, etc. Yes, there is a very small minority of Moozlums who believe in peace and want to live a quiet life, but they are a very small minority of the over 1 billion Moozlums on the planet.
Add 2 More Attacks To The List As The Year End Explosion Of Islamic Terror Continues
Why Christian Terrorism is an Oxymoron While Islamic Terrorism is a Truism
On a daily basis, we all rely on the fact that the people we encounter in public are not going to try to kill us.
But what happens when attacks start happening regularly at soft targets such as schools, churches, subway stations, shopping malls and sporting events?The western nations have a social contract. That's part of what's made the western nations so successful. People could live in peace and proper. The Moozlums and their extremist views are going to make the social contract tenuous at best, and obsolete at worst. They are going to continue their insane ideology until the citizens of the western nations snap to attention and start defending themselves.
Add 2 More Attacks To The List As The Year End Explosion Of Islamic Terror Continues
Why Christian Terrorism is an Oxymoron While Islamic Terrorism is a Truism
Gun Statistics for Liberals
It's really pointless, because liberals don't accept facts that disagree with their ideology, but if you insist on trying, this website very clearly shows that guns are not the problem.
A Factual Look at Guns in America
A Factual Look at Guns in America
THE RELIGION OF OH-PLEASE: This Koran Carbon-dating Could Rock Islam’s Insane World
If this is true, and the carbon dating shows that the Koran is older than Mohammed, then the foundation blocks of this so-called religion are false. Not that this will make a difference to the radicalized nuts who shout 'Aloha Snackbar' before slaughtering innocents, or who run a sex slave trade, or who rape young girls in the name of Allah. I'm sure they'll come up with some excuse that the western devils are trying to destroy their religion to explain away this science.
THE RELIGION OF OH-PLEASE: This Koran Carbon-dating Could Rock Islam’s Insane World
THE RELIGION OF OH-PLEASE: This Koran Carbon-dating Could Rock Islam’s Insane World
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