Monday, July 4, 2016

Our Last True American 4th of July? - The Rise of a New Darkened America

My best friend sent me this article and it struck a cord with me.  It's long, so I won't post it, just go to the link.  It's well worth your time to read.

My comments after reading the article:

As I read this, I thought of the tag line that I often add to my political emails:  “May God turn His shining face on this great nation as he did during the Revolutionary War.”  It’s going to take a lot of prayer to get our country back.  The evil one’s machinations were put in place long ago and his minions are plentiful to carry out those machinations.  I believe we are at the pinnacle of the destruction of the greatest nation on earth, one that was only created by the Grace of God.
"May the father of all mercies scatter light, and not darkness, upon our paths, and make us in all our several vocations useful here, and in His own due time and way everlastingly happy." -George Washington (1790)

The Original Assault Rifle

I was talking with my mother-in-law the day after the Orlando club shooting.  She's what you'd call a 1/2 believer in the 2ARKBA.  She thinks you should be allowed to own a gun, but thinks you only need a revolver or similar anemic arm.  She also buys M3's "assault weapon" diatribe.  So I calmly explained to her that the only thing that has prevented genocide in the modern world is the semi-automatic military-style rifle, and once again explained that assault is a type of human behavior, not a type of firearm (wink, wink, nudge, nudge - people commit crimes, not inanimate objects).  I also thought of the analogy and explained to her that when the Revolutionary War started the musket was considered an 'assault weapon.'  Today I found this picture and it brought the conversation back into my thoughts.  Very appropriate for this Independence Day, the original Brexit!

Concealed Carrier Prevents Mass Shooting at Nightclub…No Wonder the Media Didn’t Mention It!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

How Russia Handles Terrorists

This is what I consider good news

Although the evidence is overwhelming that Christians are being persecuted and slaughtered by Moozlums, it appears that they are killing more of their own with their export of jihad.

The U.S. National Counterterrorism Center - the United States government organization responsible for national and international counterterrorism efforts - reported in 2011 (page 14):In cases where the religious affiliation of terrorism casualties could be determined, Muslims suffered between 82 and 97% of terrorism-related fatalities over the past five years.

 How to Destroy ISIS Propaganda and Wipe Out Its Ability to Recruit

The Waltzing Fool

President Obola is a fool.  He thought he was making history by being the first U.S. president to travel to Cuba since Grover Cleveland.  He made history, all right, but not in the way he thought he would.  Being a libtard, and a fool, he can't understand how communist regimes use useful idiots, whether they are ignorant peasants or presidents.  So he glibly shows up in Cuba, not to red carpet fanfare, but to utter silence.  No one from the Castro regime was there to meet and greet him.

When I saw the fool waltzing, I thought of the song Waltzing Fool by Lyle Lovett.  Now in Argentina, and in typical Obola libtard fashion he's apologizing for the U.S. and trying to convince us there is no difference between capitalism and communism.  Yeah, and there's no difference between someone with content of character and a cocksucker either.  Sadly, no one in the communist loving M3 is challenging him on statements like:

"Whether an unequally shared abundance is superior to a universally shared poverty is not a settled issue," the President asserted. "The United States has historically opted for free enterprise and individual rights, but can we really say that it has made its people happy? I just visited Cuba, which chose a different path. The people there seemed pretty happy to me. I did not see the kind of anger and dissatisfaction that has given rise to the type of clamor for a change in government that is currently dominating the US 2016 presidential campaign."
"Under Communism, the Cuban people have been spared the constant pressure of trying to get ahead," Obama continued. "Just knowing that there is no 'getting ahead' has liberated people to relax and enjoy simpler lives—watching baseball games and tinkering on their cool 1950s cars. If I could push a button and exchange America's greedy self-centered way of life for Cuba's public-spirited collectivism I'd be sorely tempted to do it."

While he's glibly on his Cuba tour, ISIS attacks Brussels and Obola makes a cursory statement and glibly goes off to watch a baseball game. This pretend president is all about the  appearance of office and having a good time.  He doesn't know the first thing about statesmanship - but that's been evident for 7 years.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Hey libtards - guns save lives!

In this case the life of a police officer who was being mobbed by 40-50 thugs.  Obola and his appointees are directly responsible for the danger police face.  They've created an unsafe environment and have encouraged the thugs to attack police.  Their ideology, agenda, and actions during the last 7 years have supported a violent, totalitarian mentality and authoritarian values.  And our thin blue line is paying the price.

This is particularly worrisome for a culture such as ours. It is increasingly focused on and defined by popular entertainment. The lines between entertainment and politics are now completely blurred. Social media is only adding fuel to the fire. There is a gleeful abandon on Twitter in making “epic takedowns” of opponents and driving their proverbial noses into the digital dust. And our movies and TV shows glorify revenge and narcissism to the point where they are not merely acknowledged as social realities, but actually accepted as positive expressions of the human condition. 
Here’s the danger. Former Hubert Humphrey speechwriter John P. Roche once told National Review columnist John Fund that “[i]f authoritarianism of the right or left ever comes to America, it will come surrounded by patriotism and show business.”
So true. The Super Bowl’s opening act of Lady Gaga belting out the Star Spangled Banner was followed by the halftime display of black revolutionary nationalism. The juxtaposition was not an accident. It was intended to show the latter is now acceptable by the former. 
We had best be careful about the kind of entertainment we wish for. We may find ourselves someday on the wrong side of Penn’s wish to institutionalize people.
 -- Kim Holmes, Why Beyoncé Shouldn’t Have Honored Black Panthers in Super Bowl Show

Man With Concealed Carry Permit Saves Cop’s Life From Unruly Mob


Sheriff Clarke Sends Scathing REBUKE to Obama After Beyonce’s RACIST Half Time Show

Why Beyoncé Shouldn’t Have Honored Black Panthers in Super Bowl Show

Angela Merkel Promises to ‘CONVERT’ Muslim Refugees So They’ll Treat Women Better

OMG!  Really?  The stupidity of liberals really has no bounds.  I always knew Michael Savage was right when he stated that 'liberalism is a mental disorder.'  Libtards prove it daily.  Merkel and her aides think they can talk and persuade Moozlums into behaving better.  Perhaps if there had been a concerted effort to re-educate them over the last 50 years, and you then screened them for their attitudes/beliefs BEFORE you let them swarm into your country unchecked, then maybe you'd have a chance at admitting mostly moderates, but it's way too late for that.  Merkels meaning of 'conversion' is to talk nicely to the dear little Moozlums and persuade them with western reasoning.  Unbelievable!  Be sure to serve them milk and cookies during their 'conversion.'

Angela Merkel Promises to ‘CONVERT’ Muslim Refugees So They’ll Treat Women Better

The sad state of 'Merica

Doug Giles sums it up succinctly:
The dolts on stage last night calling for Obola to hold off on a black robe nomination and let the next POTUS have it are beyond stupid.  These politicians are in it for power and to mold the country in their libtard image. Obola is jumping for joy at the opportunity to appoint a 3rd libtard black robe to help cement the libtard fantasy world into law.  He loves activist judges and will appoint another to the high court.  One more nail in the coffin of the constitutional republic we used to know and love. If the demoncrats continue to run policy in this country, it begs the question of when Atlas will shrug and the producers will refuse to work to fund the socialist's pograms.

I pray frequently that God turns his shining face on this nation as he did in the revolutionary war and blesses us, but with the belief system of the millennials (my kids and Giles being a rare exception), the way we as a country embrace murder in the womb, and every other Marxist ideology, I’m pretty sure he’s pissed at us and not even looking our way.  God favored this nation in its founding, but this nation has turned away from Him.  Christians need to get into the political fight.
God To Christians: “Vote!”

This article from is so good and precise I'm going to post it in it's entirety in another post.  It clearly shows why our country is so screwed up by the screw ups:

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Islam's contribution to the world

I've seen similar statistics in emails, but without supporting documentation.  Here are some eye opening realities about the 'religion of peace.'

Islamabad writer Dr. Farrukh Saleem pointed out in 2005 indisputable facts about the Islamic world.
Combined, 57 Islamic countries are the world’s poorest and most illiterate:
  • The GDP of 57 Muslim countries is less than $2 trillion;
  • Muslims comprise roughly 22 percent of the world’s population but only produce less than 5 percent of global GDP;
  • 20 percent of Arabs live on less than $2 per day;
  • The average growth rate of per capita income in the Arab world hovers around .5 percent per year [worse than everywhere else except for sub-Saharan Africa];
  • 60 percent of Muslims worldwide are illiterate;
  • 50 percent of Arab women cannot read.
Dr. Javaid Laghari adds that 40 percent of the Muslim states’ population falls below the poverty line.
These 57 Islamic countries contribute the least to scientific and technological advancement, let alone have computers or use the Internet. Saleem points out that over a period of more than 105 years, only two (2) Muslims won the Nobel Peace Prize. (They studied Physics and Chemistry in Italy, the U.K., and California). Only eight (8) Muslims are Nobel Laureates.
Of the entire Arab population, only:
  • 1 percent has a personal computer—and;
  • .5 percent uses the Internet.
To reiterate: these 57 Islamic countries are the world’s poorest, most illiterate, and contribute the least to scientific and technological advancement, let alone have computers or use the Internet.
Islamists organized and implemented the most expansive slavery enterprise — ever — in history of the world.In fact, historians have estimated that Muslims have enslaved over 100 million people over 14 centuries. Additionally, Muslims enslaved Africans 1,000 years prior to the European African slave trade and continued another 100 years after Europeans abolished it.
Not to mention, that Islam subjugates women and girls to:
  • Female genital mutilation (genitals being cut and sewn shut),
  • Honor killings (fathers or brothers kill their daughters/sisters),
  • Child marriage (girls under age 12 are married to adult men),
  • Slavery (girls are sold for “protection” by their parents and/or kidnapped and sold at slave bazaars),
  • Shari’a Councils (Imams marry girls – even for one hour– to men, then divorce them only to marry them to another man and divorce them again),
  • Wife abuse and domestic violence (husbands are instructed to beat their wives as a form of punishment); husbands are permitted to rape their wives,
  • Non-legal status for women who are considered property (a wife’s legal rights equate to only half of her husband’s),
  • Discrimination, punishment, and death for everyone based on sexual and religious orientation, especially if they will not “convert” to Islam.
Islam's contribution to the world

Muslim ‘Refugees’ Molest Women in Russian Nightclub… Russian Men Put Them in the Hospital

At least the Russians are handling it correctly.  Nice to see there are still some men in the world who aren’t metrosexuals.  This is a good old fashioned neighborhood welcoming committee, instructing the newcomers about the local rules of conduct.  When the cops arrived and learned what was happening, they assisted the neighborhood locals with the instruction and took about 33 of the 51 'refugees' to jail.  Between 8 and 20 were taken to the hospital to recover from their immigrant social conduct lesson.

Muslim ‘Refugees’ Molest Women in Russian Nightclub… Russian Men Put Them in the Hospital


Contrary to popular opinion, this political ideology isn't homophobic

Notice the title?  It didn't say 'religion' it said 'political ideology.'  That's because no ideology that preaches hate and killing should be considered a religion, in my humble opinion.

From the reports of U.S. Servicemen being disciplined and told to shut the hell up when they knew of Afghan commanders who were imprisoning and raping little boys, to Ambassodor Stevens being raped when the U.S. Embassy in Libya was overrun, to the stories of Syrian refugees raping little boys, it is becoming quite clear that the adherents to the 'religion of peace' have quite the penchant for buggery.

Years ago, way before I started this blog, I heard an Arab proverb:  ‘For children: a woman; for pleasure: a melon; for ecstasy: a boy.’  I wish they’d rape all the melons they can find and leave the women and children alone.  It's a known fact that Mohammed himself was a child rapist, taking very young girls as wives.

This may sound like a horrible stereotype, but a good friend of mine, a retired Special Forces Colonel, told me that on one particular night op, they were watching some goat herders with their night vision when the herders started having sexual relations with the herd.

Why Islam is a perfect fit for gay men

10-Year-Old Boy Brutally Raped By Iraqi Migrant at Pool in Vienna

Boy Savagely Raped at Pool — Guess Who’s Arrested


Once again the evidence show that our government has failed in it's prime directive.  With ideological nutjobs running the Executive branch, this is the kind of story we have come to expect.  The government is failing to provide the most basic service - security - to it's citizens.


Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Syrian Refugee Dilemma

While shopping online for some items designed by Sherri Ohler to complete a kitchen decorating project, I came across her blog and this post about Syrian refugees.  As I read her intro I was a little fearful that being artistic and thereby naturally liberal, I'd read some mamby pamby nonsense. Instead, I was overjoyed to read her well reasoned and God inspired response.  Check it out!

A 2007 poll showed that 77% of Syrians supported financing Islamic terrorists including Hamas and the Iraqi fighters who evolved into ISIS. Less than 10% of Syrians opposed their terrorism.

Syrian Jihadists

4 year old Syrian jihadist:

I’ve been venting about my stance, which really wasn’t a stance, on Facebook for about a week now. Back and forth I prayed for God’s heart on the issue of the Syrian refugees. Anyone who doesn’t want to let them in is accused of reacting in fear. Anyone who wants to let them in is accused of being brainless.  It is a dilemma-and if you have been all in on one side or the other from the get go, we can probably conclude that you haven’t prayed for God’s heart on the issue, because it is not black and white as everyone seems to think it is.
The argument from our President and others is that by not letting them in we are forcing them to hate us and therefore giving them a great reason join ISIS. They have said that we would actually be working as recruiters for ISIS if we close our doors. Sorry, but this is a lame argument. By this logic, we should all, including the Obama family, be opening our homes to the homeless so that they don’t join gangs, but I know plenty of people with extra bedrooms, me included, that out of wisdom and love for our children, do not invite the homeless in and offer them refuge in the next bed. And not once does it occur to us that by shutting our doors we may be working for the gangs that would love to recruit them, and we also don’t accuse others of not being good Christians for not having a revolving door to the homeless. So is it fear or wisdom that keeps our doors locked at home?
God’s people are taught to honor strangers and invite them into their land throughout the old testament, we are told to take good care of all. But, God’s people are also taught to enforce His moral and civil laws and abolish any idol worship among the strangers, hmmm….That alone should tell us not to let thousands more allah worshipers to have free reign in our land, am I wrong? As Christians we are called to love people, but we are also called to abolish evil. We are called to share the gospel, but we are also called to guard against false worship. We are called to sacrifice ourselves for our brother, but we are also called to protect the innocent among us. Finally, we are called to bless the Jewish people, and we know that muslims are raised to do the opposite.
This is not black and white, it’s just not. At this point, God is miraculously reaching the muslims with dreams of Jesus! They are coming to Him by the thousands which is incredible! Praise Him!! That is what will change the climate of Syraia and the world. Amazing. We see God working among them, so what is our role?
Here is my personal stance after wrestling in prayer about this for days and listening to the opinions of people smarter than me on both sides, my conclusion is that as a Christian I need to love every single human that crosses my path in Jesus’ name. I need to open my heart and my mouth to share the gospel and feed, clothe and serve as many as I personally can no matter who they are.  However, the government is an entity who was elected to protect its people, it has a responsibility to protect the nation’s citizens from the threat of terror, which means they should close the doors.  Dallas Pastor, Robert Jeffries, takes this position and I agree with him. Watch him explain it here.
This is something that we should seek God’s heart about every single day. We need to know how to fight the antichrist agenda of islam while loving those lost in it. We need to know what to pray to match His seasons on the earth. We need to know His will. Period. And that will only happen if we are seeking Him on our knees in our prayer closet.

The Syrian Refugee Dilemma

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Jihad in Germany: Suicide Bombers Still At Large

5-7 suspected terrorists  planning to bomb Munich trains during New Year's celebrations are still at large.  Europe has committed suicide by allowing Moozlum immigration/migration.

Jihad in Germany: Suicide Bombers Still At Large

Muslim Immigration is What ISIS Wants

Commentary from me unnecessary, see the article:

Islamic terrorists are not responding to us. They are responding to the Koran and to over a thousand years of history. 
Osama bin Laden did not carry out 9/11 to inflict harm on Americans. That was a secondary goal. His primary goal was to rally Muslims to build a Caliphate by encouraging them to attack America. 
The ritualistic “Why do they hate us” browbeating favored by the chattering classes is nonsense. Al Qaeda hated us because we were not Muslims. But it was only using us as the hated “other” to consolidate a collective Muslim identity. We are to Islamists what the Jews were to Hitler; a useful scapegoat whose otherness can be used to manufacture a contrasting pure Aryan or Islamic identity. 
No dialogue is possible with an ideology whose virtue is premised on seeing you as utterly evil. 

You can negotiate with terrorists, though you shouldn’t. But Islamic terrorists rarely even bother to negotiate. Their core focus is on rallying local Muslims and the Ummah behind them. They don’t recognize national borders so any hope for a permanent peace behind recognized borders is wishful thinking. Islam is a transnational movement. Islamic terrorism is a race between terror groups around the world to carve out their own Islamic states and then use them as a springboard to a Caliphate. 

ISIS is the end stage of Islamic terrorism. Its leader is a Caliph with all Muslims obliged to submit to him. The Islamic State is not just in Syria and Iraq. It is everywhere that a Muslim outpost swears allegiance to the Caliph. On its own maps the Islamic State encompasses parts of Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Russia. The more local Islamic terror groups pledge allegiance to ISIS, the bigger it becomes.
ISIS doesn’t plan to defeat America through acts of terrorism. The plan for defeating America, like every other country, Muslim or non-Muslim, is to build a domestic Muslim terror movement that will be able to hold territory and swear allegiance to the Islamic State.

Muslim Immigration is What ISIS Wants

Turkish President Denies he was Using Hitler's Germany as a good Example

Well, deny it all you want, but it's pretty clear what you meant.

Turkish President Denies he was Using Hitler's Germany as a good Example

Terrorists Machete Attack Thwarted in New York

We don't often hear about thwarted terrorist attacks, but here's one they felt comfortable letting the media report on.  Just imagine how many bomb attacks they thwart that don't make the press.

The FBI describes Lutchman as “a self-professed Muslim convert with a criminal history dating back to approximately 2006 … as well as previous state mental hygiene arrests.” It states that Lutchman told an undercover informant that he had been in discussions with a “brother” who is a part of ISIS, and that he wanted to travel overseas to join the group.

This Moozlum convert was planning to hack kuffars (infidels) to death New Year's eve.

Terrorists Machete Attack Thwarted in New York

Muslim Machete Attack on NY Restaurant Patrons Thwarted

You Can Take the Terrorist Out of Islam, But ...

Interesting.  Some Moozlum converts to Christianity who call themselves Koosha Las Vegas haven't discarded their Moozlum ways of intimidation.  Like the author says, they'd make the world a better place if they harangued their former fellow Moozlums and converted them.  The Catholics they are harassing are already Christians, but I guess that point is lost on them.  It seems one raised in a radical faith and methods doesn't easily give up that mindset, even when they convert to another religion.

Many of the parishioners report being terrified and concerned about terrorism because of the men's aggressive demeanor and because they have shouted at Catholics to repent, calling the pope Satan, accusing Catholics of worshiping idols and a lot of other mean stuff that certain denominations of Protestants like to say about the Catholic Church.

You Can Take the Terrorist Out of Islam, But ...

Meat Plant Rightly Fires 200 Muslims Who Walked Out Over Prayer Dispute

I agree, this is a form of creeping Sharia.  The company was stupid for making an accommodation in the first place.  Now the Moozlums expect it and will likely sue, especially with the un-indicted co-conspirator of 9-11, CAIR, involved.

Islam is at war with the west.  They hate western culture.  They will use our liberal laws against us and force their intolerance upon us.

Meat Plant Rightly Fires 200 Muslims Who Walked Out Over Prayer Dispute