A 2007 poll showed that 77% of Syrians supported financing Islamic terrorists including Hamas and the Iraqi fighters who evolved into ISIS. Less than 10% of Syrians opposed their terrorism.
Syrian Jihadists
4 year old Syrian jihadist:
I’ve been venting about my stance, which really wasn’t a stance, on Facebook for about a week now. Back and forth I prayed for God’s heart on the issue of the Syrian refugees. Anyone who doesn’t want to let them in is accused of reacting in fear. Anyone who wants to let them in is accused of being brainless. It is a dilemma-and if you have been all in on one side or the other from the get go, we can probably conclude that you haven’t prayed for God’s heart on the issue, because it is not black and white as everyone seems to think it is.
The argument from our President and others is that by not letting them in we are forcing them to hate us and therefore giving them a great reason join ISIS. They have said that we would actually be working as recruiters for ISIS if we close our doors. Sorry, but this is a lame argument. By this logic, we should all, including the Obama family, be opening our homes to the homeless so that they don’t join gangs, but I know plenty of people with extra bedrooms, me included, that out of wisdom and love for our children, do not invite the homeless in and offer them refuge in the next bed. And not once does it occur to us that by shutting our doors we may be working for the gangs that would love to recruit them, and we also don’t accuse others of not being good Christians for not having a revolving door to the homeless. So is it fear or wisdom that keeps our doors locked at home?
God’s people are taught to honor strangers and invite them into their land throughout the old testament, we are told to take good care of all. But, God’s people are also taught to enforce His moral and civil laws and abolish any idol worship among the strangers, hmmm….That alone should tell us not to let thousands more allah worshipers to have free reign in our land, am I wrong? As Christians we are called to love people, but we are also called to abolish evil. We are called to share the gospel, but we are also called to guard against false worship. We are called to sacrifice ourselves for our brother, but we are also called to protect the innocent among us. Finally, we are called to bless the Jewish people, and we know that muslims are raised to do the opposite.
This is not black and white, it’s just not. At this point, God is miraculously reaching the muslims with dreams of Jesus! They are coming to Him by the thousands which is incredible! Praise Him!! That is what will change the climate of Syraia and the world. Amazing. We see God working among them, so what is our role?
Here is my personal stance after wrestling in prayer about this for days and listening to the opinions of people smarter than me on both sides, my conclusion is that as a Christian I need to love every single human that crosses my path in Jesus’ name. I need to open my heart and my mouth to share the gospel and feed, clothe and serve as many as I personally can no matter who they are. However, the government is an entity who was elected to protect its people, it has a responsibility to protect the nation’s citizens from the threat of terror, which means they should close the doors. Dallas Pastor, Robert Jeffries, takes this position and I agree with him. Watch him explain it here.
This is something that we should seek God’s heart about every single day. We need to know how to fight the antichrist agenda of islam while loving those lost in it. We need to know what to pray to match His seasons on the earth. We need to know His will. Period. And that will only happen if we are seeking Him on our knees in our prayer closet.