First story: Even During Lockdown, Murder Soars in New York City
Typical liberal head-up-the-ass policies. Whether you're talking gun control or the Wuhan virus quarantine, liberal jackasses believe that criminals will follow the law and the social contract.
"Criminals in New York City are needlessly putting lives at risk by not following stay-at-home orders when going out to murder people. Murders in New York City have reportedly skyrocketed more than 55 percent over the last 28 days, compared to the same time last year. While certain categories of crimes are down in New York City, like felony assault and rape, overall crime is still up 4.6 percent year-to-date. Breitbart reports that between April 13 and April 19, murders in the Big Apple increased 100 percent over the same time in the previous year. Grand larceny auto is also soaring in the city, up more than 62 percent overall since the year before. Burglaries are also way up, some 25 percent in the last 28 days and more than 36 percent in the last week."
So, besides violating the quarantine, the criminal element is murdering, stealing cars at a soaring rate, and burglaries are significantly increased. With the quarantine, they should adjust the stats, as I'm sure the majority of these are now home invasions.
And you'd think with the vast majority of the population behind closed doors, and the largest police department in the nation (about 36k officers), that there would be plenty of cops on patrol to check out any suspicious behavior. I guess not. This really slams the door shut in the face of the proactive policing advocates. I'm admittedly biased here, as I was a security director and studied crime in-depth. Security's job is prevention. LE's job is to respond AFTER a crime has been committed - and they do an awesome job of gathering evidence, investigating, and apprehending criminals AFTER the crime. They're ability to prevent crime is severely restricted by the very nature of their mission and culture.
"A huge part of the problem is bail reform, where those suspected of burglary, certain types of homicide and various other serious crimes are immediately released."
Second Story: What First Century Christians Could Teach Us Today
Seemingly unrelated stories, however, the author of this story, presumably a conservative by the source, encourages us to not get caught up in partisan politics (This ties in with Story #1 with its example of libtard policies dictated by partisan politics). Really? With what we see today, knowing there is a deep state enemy within, plotting the destruction of our government and country, with the aid of the media elites (aka M3 - Mainstream Media Moguls), and both now openly aligned with the Demoncrat party? If you don't get caught up in partisan politics, you might as well relinquish your rights, because there is a political party waging all out war on your rights.
He "remind[s] us to put our trust in God, not in government and not to confuse patriotism with the kingdom of God." He also states that no matter the leader, nothing can stop the gospel. OK. I agree with that wholeheartedly. Government is a necessary evil, but evil nonetheless. When comparing the evils of types of government, I'll take the lesser evil of our capitalist Republic over a totalitarian communist regime (insert your favorite communist regime name here). Our founding fathers put their trust in God to help them found a free nation with inalienable rights. Yet they still fought bitterly amongst themselves and with communities over partisan politics. Today, because partisan politics exist and are trying to take away our freedoms, we must rise to meet them, challenge them, and defeat them.
Most people who are good or are working toward good things, expect to be left alone to pursue their God given inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The problem we have is that bad people working toward bad/evil things will never stop trying to control and oppress the good people. We have a political party that has proven itself to have an evil platform/agenda and that they and their co-conspirators will stop at nothing to gain power and control. If you value your freedom and your inalienable rights, then don't listen to nationally syndicated columnists, even on conservative sites like TownHall, who tell you not to get caught up in partisan politics. Partisan politics are all that exist today, and if you're not paying attention to them, don't expect to have the same rights and freedoms in the future. There IS a war being waged for power, control, and to take your rights away. Partisan politics is the front line of that fight, like it or not.
And I think he's completely wrong in his statement that 1st Century Christians would find the concept of partisan politics strange or unknown. He's correct when he points out that they lived under "absolute monarchy. Or a tyrannical dictatorship. Or an oppressive, all-controlling regime." But partisan politics were part of every culture and every government, even those strictly controlled. He completely fails to mention the Sanhedrin who controlled the Jewish communities. Although, they were ruled by Rome, they had some autonomy to control the local population, and we know that they were ruled by partisan politics. That's one of the main reasons they opposed Jesus and had him put to death. He opposed their partisan politics and pointed out what fools they were!
The author also claims that in ancient Rome there weren't rival political parties and that "while there were different social and philosophical factions, there was not a political divide. For the most part, the emperor was supreme." Does he not know anything about the Roman Senate and it's legendary political divides and partisan politics. Yes, the emperor was supreme...until the Senate decided to kill him. I think that definitely falls into the realm of crass partisan politics.
Even Christ's disciples were caught up in partisan politics. At least one, Judas, was expecting the Christ to be a political/military savior and free them from their Roman occupiers. He and others were a little disenfranchised when they learned Jesus came to free us from sin, not from the Romans.
The author starts to conclude by saying this about first century Christians, "But partisan politics did not vie for their attention. Or consume their emotions. Or divide them as believers. That’s why I say that they would encourage us not to get caught up in partisan politics.But I believe they would help us to step above the political frenzy that so dominates and divides our nation."
I've already pointed out how wrong the author is. How can you claim partisan politics did not vie for their attention when everything around them was partisan. They had to meet in secret to avoid persecution and death from their occupiers. They were overtaxed by their occupiers and always looking for a way meet their tax obligation or skirt it (does it get more partisan politics than that?) The disciples were divided with partisan politics in their belief about the messiah and why he was here.
Stepping above the political frenzy that divides our nation is a wonderful theoretical concept, but completely devoid of reality, unless you choose to bury your head in the sand and wait for your inalienable rights to be stripped from you, just as Jesus' cloak was stripped from him before his torturous flogging.