Saturday, July 9, 2011

Beware of Dr. Jihad - "Those who cure you will kill you"

Michelle Malin's article, Beware of Dr. Jihad, is a reminder that the "Religion of Peace" will stoop to any level in order to kill infidels. Moozlum doctors are now implanting bombs inside jihadists.

Add to this the news from Thursday, June 30, 2011, that Olajide Noibe passed through TSA security last Friday with an expired boarding pass which wasn't even in his name, and an invalid passport, and traveled from New York to Los Angeles. The Virgin American flight crew realized they had an extra passenger in the air, but the man was allowed to disembarque the plane and was not arrested. The trick worked so well he tried it again on Wednesday, June 29, 2011, and was arrested by the FBI. When arrested, he had in his possession a stolen ID and boarding pass, and 10 other boarding passes with various names.

The grossly incompetent TSA can strip search 95 year old cancer patients, but can't stop a Nigerian national with an invalid passport an expired boarding pass from boarding a flight and traveling across the nation. You should trust them implicitly to prevent practitioners of "The Religion of Peace" from doing us harm.

"The Patriot Post ("
Digest · July 8, 2011
National Security
TSA Nightmare Continues
The evidence of the incompetence of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) just keeps rolling in. The recent case of a 95-year-old cancer patient forced to remove her adult diaper by TSA employees is now well known, but this week's story tops that. Olajide Oluwaseun Noibi is a 24-year-old Nigerian immigrant who was recently allowed to board a plane and fly from New York City to Los Angeles using an expired boarding pass that didn't have his name on it. Noibi apparently got his free ride using a Virgin American boarding pass that a New York resident had lost. Even though the pass was for June 23, Noibi used it on June 24 and easily cleared the TSA's checkpoint at JFK. His screener was suspicious enough to call her supervisor, but the supervisor didn't notice that the boarding pass was not for Noibi, so he continued to the gate, where the Virgin Atlantic gate agent then cleared him to board.

During the trip, passengers complained that Noibi smelled bad, and airline officials finally figured out that he was sitting in an unsold seat and they alerted authorities from the air. Los Angeles police, TSA officials, and an FBI agent met Noibi when the plane landed but, incredibly, he was released without being charged. Noibi was eventually arrested a week later for trying the same scheme to board a Delta flight from Los Angeles to Atlanta. He had more than 10 boarding passes in various people's names.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration warned airlines that terrorists might try to surgically implant explosives into people to try to beat airport security measures. Who knows what the TSA will have passengers do to clear that hurdle, but the safe money says it won't be foreign nationals that receive increased scrutiny. Rather, it will be normal American people, including the elderly and children, who feel the invasive hands of the TSA.

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