Sunday, June 17, 2012

Is Sharia Law a Threat to the American Judicial System?

Sharia is an obvious threat to not only our judicial system, but our entire way of life.
Is Sharia Law a Threat to the American Judicial System?
In the last year, we have been hearing a lot of news about Sharia law, its dangers and its threats to the American judicial system. Most Americans believe it is a dangerous set of male centered sexist laws for the complete dehumanizing of members of the female sex.

Then there are those like Jamal Badawi who is making the circuit in the US defending Sharia law and telling us there is nothing to worry about. His latest stop was in Perrysburg, Ohio, a suburb of Toledo. He told the crowd that the states that were trying to enact laws barring judges from considering any foreign laws are reacting to Sharia hysteria.

Badawi also told the crowd that he believes it is very unlikely that Sharia law or any form of Islamic legal code could actually influence our courts and legal decisions without first being approved by the legislatures. He said that this is highly unlikely since only about three percent of the American population is made up of Muslims and then added,

“That is a decision of the people, not a decision of a small minority.”

“It is a question of accommodation and respect of the diversity of this country on which it was built.”

“Some people just have this hysteria that Sharia is something coming from Mars to destroy us. ‘The Martians are coming!’ It’s a big myth. It’s a scare tactic.”

Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Now realize that Jamal Badawi is a Muslim imam, author and professor emeritus at St Mary’s University located in Nova Scotia, Canada. He is also a member of the Islamic Juridical Council of North America, the European Council of Fatwa and Research, and the International Union of Islamic Scholars.

Additionally, the crowd Badawi was speaking to was gathered at a Perrysburg mosque and were predominately Muslim.

He may believe that there is little chance of Sharia Law ever influencing the American judicial system, but evidently he has not been reading any news of late or he is just plain ignoring the news. The first example of his flawed statement that comes to mind is the case in Pennsylvania where a judge acquitted a Muslim for physically assaulting a man who wore a zombie Muhammad costume at Halloween. Even though the assault was witnessed by a police officer and caught on video, the judge not only acquitted the Muslim, but verbally chastised the assault victim for being insensitive to Islam. As it turns out the judge is a Muslim.

Badawi also seems to be un-informed about the role that Islam is playing in the current civil rights movement in America. Actually, there are three different civil rights movements going on at the same time. One is about race, a second about sexual preferences and the third is about Muslim rights.

In the third one mentioned, Muslims are actively fighting for their civil rights and in so doing are actually pushing for privileged rights over those of other religions and especially at the cost of the rights of Christians and Jews.

In one of Badawi’s statements, he says that neither Sharia law nor any Islamic legal code will influence judicial rulings without due legislative process. He didn’t say that they aren’t trying to force changes and influence rulings. For example, look at what’s been happening in Dearborn, Michigan over the past couple of years. Pastors and a missionary have been arrested for trying to witness to Muslims or hand out Christian tracts to them on public property. Fortunately, the courts upheld the lawsuits by the pastors and missionary. In the latest attempt to silence Christians, the Muslim city counsel of Dearborn are trying to force Christians to sign away all of their legal rights in order to obtain permission to speak out against Sharia law on public property. Note that Dearborn has the largest concentration of Muslims in America and is home to the largest mosque in North America.

If you ask me, Jamal Badawi is trying to blow smoke in people’s eyes so they can’t see what’s really happening around them. States are not reacting to Sharia hysteria, but to a real threat that is already raising its ugly head in more and more places in America. Sharia law is already affecting American courts and local governments. If it’s not stopped now, it will spread like a plague and result in the imprisonment, injury or death of hundreds of Americans.

And this is one reason, among many others, of why it is so important to follow the words of the first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, John Jay who said,

“Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation, to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”

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