Saturday, August 25, 2012

75% of Pakistanis polled consider the US to be an enemy of Pakistan

Read this excerpt and weep.  I read between the lines that our State Dept. is worthless and our president is stupid, ineffective and knows nothing about foreign policy.  It also demonstrates that Pakistan is just another Moozlum nation that hates the U.S.  Somehow the POTUS' bowing to Moozlums hasn't make Pakistani's like us.  I guess I'd have to call that another failed liberal policy.  

Read the full article linked below, as it is full of vital analysis about the Moozlum world.  There is a section on Egypt at the end of the article describing how Mursi is acting exactly like his predecessor - a dictator, but the international media ignores it.
"Pakistan: The former Pakistani Ambassador to the United States said Pakistan and the US should "divorce", in an address to a US "think tank." Ambassador Hussain Haqqani justified his recommendation that relations should be downgraded, in part, on the basis of a Pew Research Center survey in June that found that 75% of Pakistanis polled consider the US to be an enemy of Pakistan.
According to the account in The News, Haqqani said it was just as unrealistic for Pakistanis to think that the United States would side with Pakistan by launching war on India as it was for the United States to think Pakistan would give up its nuclear weapons or sever ties with extremists. He said, "Equally unrealistic is that Pakistan ... will give up support for jihadi groups that it deems to be a subconventional (sic) force multiplier for regional influence."
Haqqani described himself as a member of a small minority of Pakistanis who favor strong ties to the US.
Comment: In NightWatch's experience, the Pew Center survey significantly understates the extent and depth of Pakistani hostility towards the United States. The implications of the survey are far reaching. They mean that any Pakistani government that cooperates with the US is acting against the will of an overwhelming majority of Pakistani voters.
The only way that is possible is because the Pakistan Army wields power over national security policy and the civilian government does what it is told. The Army needs US military assistance to maintain the fantasy that it defends Pakistan from India, although everyone with sense knows the last thing India wants is more Muslims and tribal minorities.
In fact, the Pakistan Army generals need US military assistance to maintain the Army's control of Pakistani national security policy. Haqqani's address exposes that Pakistani national security policy serves no strategic US interests and will not change. What he also might have said is that US involvement in South Asia in the past decade has strengthened Pakistani ties to China."

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