Sunday, June 16, 2013

“One Nation Under Allah”

It is sickening that Christians are persecuted in our public schools and every reference to God and Christianity is being removed from the public square and our public schools, yet Islam gets a pass.  Here we have a story of students reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic.  The fact that this occurred in Colorado is no surprise, as Colorado has demonstrated recently how liberal they are by legalizing pot and criminalizing gun ownership.

The parents of the students are right to express suspicion and fear.  The Islamist agenda is being promoted here by socialist Francis Bellamy.

Principal Lopez isn't just naive, he's ignorant.  Anyone who believes that Allah is the same as the Christian God is ignorant and probably a fool to boot.  And here's why (from A Christian's Repsonse to Islam, Chapter 4 - Islam and the Koran, pp.54-59, 73, James L. Garlow, Ph.D.):

1.  The God of the Bible is very personal and intimately involved in the history of mankind....Allah is impersonal and not involved providentially.
2.  For Christians, salvation comes through the unmerited forgiveness offered us by God, based on the sacrificial death of Jesus, the Son of God.  Christians believe the Gospel of John: "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one can come to the Father except through me." (John 14:6 NLT).  The God of the Bible is a God of grace.  One cannot earn salvation.  It is a free gift.  In the teaching of Islam, however, one must earn salvation by works.  Without the free gift of salvation, there are, in its place, works.  Moozlums must practice the "Five Pillars" of the faith in the hope of reaching Paradise and they don't believe in "original sin."  They believe in such a thing as sinful "acts," but not a sinful "nature."
3.  Christians hold to a theology that proclaims God to be three-in-one:  the Trinity.  The concept of a trinity is an offense to Moozlums.  They view Christians as tri-theists (worship of three distinct gods.)  To Moozlums, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not part of the Godhead.  The Koran specifically teaches that Allah has no son, only three daughters.  When the moon god Allah married the sun goddess, they produced the three "daughers of Allah".
4.  Jesus is just one of 25 prophets mentioned in the Koran.  Of all the prophets Jesus makes it into the list of the six most significant prophets: (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed).  So where do the Bible and the Koran differ on Jesus?  The answer to that question is the most important part of Christian belief: the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus....Moozlums find it offensive that God would come in the form of a man (They would say, "God has no son.") and even more ridiculous that He would die on a cross.
5.  Islam is a religious-legal-military-political force.  American Christians, who are uninitiated in Islamic ways, incorrectly assume that Islam is "merely a religion."  And if they listen to M3, they will incorrectly be told that Islam is a "religion of peace."  But, Islam is not merely a religion in the way Americans think of religion.  It certainly is a religious "system" of beliefs...but it is so much more.  Islam is a cultural phenomenon.  It is, simply put, a "'deification (to make a deity) of 7th century Arabian culture.  In a very profound sense, Islam is more cultural that it is religious.'" [Robert Morey, The Islamic Invasion (Harvetst House, 1992), p. 20]
6.  Islam is also a system of law known as the "sharia."  Islam does not easily co-exist alongside other religions long term, because it is a system of law, and, to many Moozlums, those laws are to be applied to the entire country.  Coexistence occurs only when Islam is in the minority...when it lacks critical mass.  At its core is the need to dominate all of life: personal life, family life, culture, society, religion, government.l [George Braswell, What You Need to Know about Islam and Muslims, p. 3]
7. Islam is a political force and a social "change agent."  "Mosques are not only centers for spirituality, they are now bases for politcal and social change." [Muslim Mosques Growing at a Rapid Pace in the U.S., Hartford Institute for Religious Research.  Web page (Hartford Seminary, Hartford, CT: Last updated: 12/19/2001), Web site:]
8.  Islam is a military regime.  If you have laws (the sharia), you must have some way to enforce those laws.  That requiries military might.  And if your "theology" is to dominate the entire earth, that requires a military as well.
9.  When typical Americans think of "peace," they envision more than the absence of ware.  Americans think of freedom of conscience, freedom to make decisions, freedom of movement.  To Islam, "Peace" is the Moozlum sharia law ruling all humanity.  These are two very conflicting definitions of "peace."

US High School Recites Pledge In Arabic: “One Nation Under Allah”

UnMasking Islam: What You Need to Know 

Unmasking Islam: More Of What You Need To Know

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