Saturday, July 6, 2013

Obama's Brownshirts are Russian?

Of course M3 won't report this, but conservative internet news and bloggers are picking it up.  DHS director Janet Napolitano has requested that the Russian Emergency Control Ministry (EMERCOM), according to The European Union Times, "at least 15,000 Russian troops trained in disaster relief and 'crowd functions' [i.e. riot control] be pre-positioned to respond to FEMA Region III during an unspecified 'upcoming' disaster."

Whoah there Nelly!  Foreign troops on U.S. soil?  And for the purpose of supposed disaster relief and riot control?   Sounds like BHO doesn't want to leave office and wants to surround the capitol with Russian troops to stay in power.  Those of us that remember his little speech in 2008 where he calls for a 'civilian national security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded' as the military initially thought that he may use his Acorn and Black Panther supporters for this, but the stockpiling of guns and ammo by DHS this year now makes it appear that DHS could be his Brownshirts.  They may be, and he may be planning to supplement them with Russian troops.

Is there a general out there with the balls to arrest Janet Napolitano for this flagrant violation of law?  Yeah, I didn't think so.  That's why this nation is in its death throws.  The libtards keep shredding the U.S. Constitution and no one will do anything about it.  Red Dawn doesn't look like fiction anymore does it?

The European Times article also notes this '“strongly suggesting” that the Obama regime has lost confidence in its own military being able to secure its survival should it be called upon to do so.'  What message does this send to the world?  With actions like this that send this kind of message, is it any wonder that the Egyptian military ignored BHO's warning to not overthrow Morsi?  Thak God they did, so the Moozlum Brotherhood will hopefully not be in control of that country and our military equipment that was sent there.

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