Sunday, June 29, 2014

Google Declares War on the Firearm Industry

Typical leftist libtard ideology. Firearms protect more people and stop more crimes every year than are harmed by firearms.  Firearms are inanimate objects, just like your car, your chainsaw, your lawnmower and your bottle of alcohol.  It's the human being choosing to misuse these legal products that is the problem.  But libtards want to give sociopaths milk and cookies and talk about their problems rather than deal with them harshly.  What gives these holier than thow libtards the power to interpret incorrectly the U.S. Constitution and infringe on our rights?

Once again demonstrating the level of ignorance that is prevalent in liberal corporate settings, the software company has decided to expand their ban on firearm-related content. Breitbart reported:
According to Google Support's "Dangerous Products or Services" page, the company "[wants] to keep people safe both online and offline, so [they] won't allow the promotion of some products or services that cause damage, harm, or injury."
Right. Google (ya know, the company that tracks your every move online) is trying to keep us safe. God bless those left coast liberals who are suddenly embracing the manipulative power of big business. Of course Google seems woefully ignorant of the fact that such “dangerous” items, actually keep many people safe every day. . I understand it could be chalked up to a difference in corporate culture, but I would encourage Google to promote safety and concealed carry classes if they are serious about keeping people safe offline.
The tech giant also decided that such a ban would be ineffective if utilized exclusively against firearms… Which is why they have embraced the idea of expanding their policy to include accessories, ammunition, magazines, clips, scopes, attachments, slings, et al.
Also included is a ban on ads for "any part or component that's necessary to the function of a gun or intended for attachment to a gun." This covers "gun scopes, ammunition, ammunition clips or belts."
Whew… I know I feel safer, don’t you? I mean, clearly the lack of advertising on firearm-related accessories will cut down on all those Chicago drive bys. Right? Apparently, this is the culture of California Leftists and liberal corporatism… Guns are bad. The only use for a firearm is to promote inexplicable violence and oppression. Those who own, handle, or carry firearms are merely psychopaths waiting for an excuse to unleash a wave of bloody violence at unsuspecting victims…
Well, unless we’re talking about cops, or Bloomberg’s body guards. Those guys are obviously special. The rest of you commoners, however, aren’t responsible enough to be exposed to an advertisement for a hunting scope from Cabela’s while surfing the interwebs.
So, what’s the solution? Boycott Google?...
And yet, Google manages to be that neighbor who has every tool you ever need – while still being the most obnoxious human being in the cul-de-sac. He might have that reverse-thread bolt, specialty vice grips, or that silly tool used to remove oil filters… but you just can’t quite get past his Obama bumper sticker and inappropriate political jokes about John Boehner (actually, some of those are kinda funny). So the question is, how much do you really need what Google has to offer?
Google has declared a war on gun owners, the firearm industry, and related self-defense products. Because, obviously, a defenseless population will be much safer, right? Bing, on the other hand, has no such restrictions. So, go ahead… Bing away. But don’t expect to cut Google out of your life completely.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go add the text of the Second Amendment to my automated signature in Gmail.

Scotland Mosque Prayer Leader Who “Never Ever” Showed Signs Of ‘Radicalization’ Calls Upon Muslims To Wage Violent Jihad In Iraq & Syria

"MOderate Moozlum" might be the gaffe of the century!

Another moderate Muslim leader until … he wasn’t. “A well-integrated member of society” who “never ever” showed any radical tendencies until …… he did.

Abdul Rakib Amin — who is seen in a jihadist video — grew up in northeast Scotland, where he volunteered as a prayer caller

Stealth Jihadist Huma Abedin with Hillary Clinton Still Ignored After Being Caught On Video

What should be catching the ire of both men is the fact that walking next to Hillary in Mattera’s video was a woman who has irrefutable, extensive and very dangerous familial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. To boot, Abedin began working for Hillary when the latter was first lady in 1996 and continued to do so during Hillary’s tenure as U.S. Senator, Secretary of State, and now apparently as a 2016 Presidential candidate.

Obama Wants $500 Million to Arm Terrorists in Syria

I don't trust this administration to vet anything or anyone.  Show me where the Constitution authorizes sending our tax dollars to anyone, let alone terrorists.

The White House promises that before any money is awarded to anyone, the recipient groups will be “appropriately vetted.” To make sure that only the “moderate” rebels will get the money.

This is supposed to allay fears that money and weapons might end up in the wrong hands. Keep in mind that these are mostly anti-gun politicians calling for sending loads of money, heavy weapons and training to Mohammedan terrorist groups. Isn’t that a little ironic? Foreign terrorists get free money and truly automatic “assault” weapons and rocket-propelled grenades and even crash courses to show them how to use them. But if you’re an American, you have to jump through hoops just to get a permit to own a handgun. After you pay the fee, submit to a background check and wait. Makes perfect sense.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Islam and Female Genital Mutilation

Just one of the horrors the 'Relgion of Peace' has brought into the world, but probably the worst.
Kidnappings, slavery, the want to exterminate a whole race (the Jews) and cause the end of entire nations (Israel, USA), Sharia law, honor killings, the genocide of people of differing religions (mainly Christians), and this – FGM, Female Genital Mutilation.

Yes, all these things can be attributed to the religion of peace, Islam.

The terrible treatment of their own people has been well documented, but the way they treat their women is a tragedy.

Of all the abhorrent things done to Muslim girls/women, Female Genital Mutilation is the worst.

The practice of FGM is so disturbing, I will not describe it here. If you wish to know more, you may link here.

FGM has been common in Africa and the Middle East for quite a long time. Today it is estimated that between 125 million and 150 million women have been mutilated to “honor” Islam.
Islam and Female Genital Mutilation

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Muslims Push for Taxpayer-Funded Halal Food in California Public Schools

Between the Moozlums pushing their pushing their ideological agenda via sharia and now halal school menus and the libtards rush to embrace and accommodate the Moozulms, the country as we knew it could be ending soon.

Muslims Push for Taxpayer-Funded Halal Food in California Public Schools

Soldier Exchange? Terrorists Aren't Soldiers! They're Illegal Enemy Combatants!

Since when do we negotiate with terrorists and release known terrorists in a prisoner exchange?  This seemed very, very odd to me when it was first reported.  Now Allen West has posted that the U.S. soldier abandoned his post.  There is an excellent post reply to West's article from a soldier that was there.  If this is true, BHO just let blood thirsty terrorists go in exchange for a traitor.  I don't hear any talk of prosecuting Bergdahl.

President Obama has been accused of violating U.S. laws by approving a prisoner exchange of five Guantanamo detainees for the release of America’s only prisoner of war, Republicans claim.

John McCain welcomed the release of soldier Bowe Bergdahl, who was held for five years by Islamic Islamists, but said the men being freed had ‘the blood of Americans on their hands’.

The five Afghans are among the most senior members of the Taliban being held at the controversial camp, and include one who had direct ties to Osama bin Laden.
As well as warning of the potential threat releasing these men could have, other Republicans have accused Obama of breaking the law by sidestepping Congress.
Congressman Howard McKeon and Senator James Inhofe said on Saturday that the President has to give Congress 30 days’ notice before transferring terrorists from U.S. facilities.

On 6/2/14 I heard Marc Levin bring up excellent points on this issue.  Like  these:
  • Terrorists are illegal enemy combatants, but the BHO administration billed this as a 'soldier exchange'
  • BHO, Hagel and Rice made a big deal of the trade being an emergency.  Hagel said it was because of a threat to his life.  Rice said it was due to Bergdahl's health.  Which is it?  Probably neither.
  • BHO and his minions also made a big deal of the U.S. military's motto of 'No man left behind.'  However, by all accounts, Bergdahl walked off post and deserted his brothers in arms.  Therefore he is no longer a member of the U.S. military by his choice.  He's a deserter.
  • Why did we lose 6 great men looking for this deserter?
I heard a local talk radio host this morning (6/3/14) talking about Bergdahl's father's statements.  He spoke Arabic and said 'In the name of Allah the most merciful' before he said 'Bowe I am your father'.  There are a lot of questions about both father and son and where their loyalties lie.

This will probably embolden the Taliban who realize what a bunch of idiots our leaders are.

Video of Bowe Bergdahl’s Father Declaring Muslim Victory – Obama Smiles as he Hears War Cry of Allah:

5 CRAZY TERRORISTS FOR ONE POW: ‘These terrorists have blood of Americans on their hands'

Voting is an honor which deserves our respect and due diligence.

Going down gun-control memory lane one recent day, I thought about California Senator Dianne Feinstein talking about her distorted belief on the evils of assault weapons. All the while holding an AK-47 in her hands with her finger wrapped around the trigger; that’s an anti-gun Democrat for you. Silly-liberal-rabbit, guns are for freedom-loving Americans who know how to HOLD a gun! Yes certainly, nothing is more dangerous than a liberal’s finger on the trigger of any gun.

That reminds me, anyone remember another (Land of fruits and nuts) California female politician Councilwoman Sandy Sheedy saying, “Even unloaded guns can kill someone.” What are they smoking out in Cali, I’m laughing out loud again.

Let’s one-up the Feinstein-Sheedy statements by saying that: nothing is more dangerous than an uninformed person entering a voting booth to vote. Dangerous for my family’s future and for that of my country, because in all reality the uninformed voter is holding my world in their hands.

I remember watching some show several years ago, when a group of white, forty-something year old women were asked why they had voted for Bill Clinton — are you ready for the answer? Their reply was because, “he was sexy,” WTH! He always did walk with that bar-room swagger, Maybe these foolish women liked reminiscing about their good ol’ days with the sleaze-bar one night stands. Seriously though, what does “being sexy” have to do with choosing a president for the largest free-country in the universe?

Now to our pitiful present day voters, it is incomprehensible to be able to rationally critique why Obama was voted into the most powerful office in the world, twice. I wonder what those same women’s excuse would be voting for likes of Obama. Maybe they think Barracks’ granny jeans make his butt look sexy. Or maybe his bike riding skills are a turn-on to these type of dim-witted women and their ilk. Whatever the excuse, an enormous segment of our society does not belong in a voting booth.

Voting is an honor which deserves our respect and due diligence. (Due diligence is defined as: appropriate carefulness; the degree of care that a prudent person would exercise, which is a legally relevant standard for establishing liability.)

Voting should be treated as an earned privilege, as when one “earns” a driver’s license. So maybe voters should have to purchase voter liability insurance, as drivers are required to carry auto liability insurance. That’s an awe-inspiring idea, this would enable sane voters to sue liberal voters every time our country goes belly-up or down-the-toilet, whatever end you are observing the catastrophe from. Due-diligent voters would be able to sue for liberal pet-projects, rising government debt, pork barrel spending, funding of global warming cures and debunked green energy projects. Do you think there would be any takers for providing liability insurance to silly liberal voters?…I don’t think so.

‘Truth About CAIR’ Posters Vandalized in New York Subway Stations

As Pamela Geller states:

Truth to sharia adherents is like a cross to Dracula. Brutal.
This is typical of liberals whom proclaim to be tolerant above all else.

‘Truth About CAIR’ Posters Vandalized in New York Subway Stations

Litigation jihad

Pamela Geller spells out CAIR's Litigation jihad in this article.  It has long been evident that Moozlums have learned how to use the west's systems against us.

Hamas-Tied CAIR-Canada NCCM Advances Libel Suit against Prime Minister Harper for Saying It Has Hamas Ties

Saudi Royals and Iranian Mullahs Were Co-Conspirators in 9/11

Wow!  This information is devastating and we'll not be hearing a thing about it from M3.  The incompetence of the federal government, mainly due to political correctness, is staggering.  In our effort to not offend, we allow terrorism to flourish.

Saudi Royals and Iranian Mullahs Were Co-Conspirators in 9/11

38 Muslim Men Gang Rape 15 Year Old Girl for Several Hours

Those that have eyes to see have long known the depravity of Islam.  This article does not state that the victim was a Christian, but the article goes on to talk about how they are trying to help Christian girls who have been raped by Moolums, so I can deduce that this girl was a Christian.  The article indicates that the girl's boyfriend was also raped.  Islam wants to rule the world.  This is the kind of world you can expect to live in when Moozlums have control - one of evil.

38 Muslim Men Gang Rape 15 Year Old Girl for Several Hours