Sunday, June 1, 2014

Soldier Exchange? Terrorists Aren't Soldiers! They're Illegal Enemy Combatants!

Since when do we negotiate with terrorists and release known terrorists in a prisoner exchange?  This seemed very, very odd to me when it was first reported.  Now Allen West has posted that the U.S. soldier abandoned his post.  There is an excellent post reply to West's article from a soldier that was there.  If this is true, BHO just let blood thirsty terrorists go in exchange for a traitor.  I don't hear any talk of prosecuting Bergdahl.

President Obama has been accused of violating U.S. laws by approving a prisoner exchange of five Guantanamo detainees for the release of America’s only prisoner of war, Republicans claim.

John McCain welcomed the release of soldier Bowe Bergdahl, who was held for five years by Islamic Islamists, but said the men being freed had ‘the blood of Americans on their hands’.

The five Afghans are among the most senior members of the Taliban being held at the controversial camp, and include one who had direct ties to Osama bin Laden.
As well as warning of the potential threat releasing these men could have, other Republicans have accused Obama of breaking the law by sidestepping Congress.
Congressman Howard McKeon and Senator James Inhofe said on Saturday that the President has to give Congress 30 days’ notice before transferring terrorists from U.S. facilities.

On 6/2/14 I heard Marc Levin bring up excellent points on this issue.  Like  these:
  • Terrorists are illegal enemy combatants, but the BHO administration billed this as a 'soldier exchange'
  • BHO, Hagel and Rice made a big deal of the trade being an emergency.  Hagel said it was because of a threat to his life.  Rice said it was due to Bergdahl's health.  Which is it?  Probably neither.
  • BHO and his minions also made a big deal of the U.S. military's motto of 'No man left behind.'  However, by all accounts, Bergdahl walked off post and deserted his brothers in arms.  Therefore he is no longer a member of the U.S. military by his choice.  He's a deserter.
  • Why did we lose 6 great men looking for this deserter?
I heard a local talk radio host this morning (6/3/14) talking about Bergdahl's father's statements.  He spoke Arabic and said 'In the name of Allah the most merciful' before he said 'Bowe I am your father'.  There are a lot of questions about both father and son and where their loyalties lie.

This will probably embolden the Taliban who realize what a bunch of idiots our leaders are.

Video of Bowe Bergdahl’s Father Declaring Muslim Victory – Obama Smiles as he Hears War Cry of Allah:

5 CRAZY TERRORISTS FOR ONE POW: ‘These terrorists have blood of Americans on their hands'

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