Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Biblical Edict is a Solution to War in the Middle East

This article re-states my premise on my blog bio that winning the war on terror is crucial to the human race.

I am not pro-war. In and of itself, war makes no sense. Masses of people killing other masses of people can never be constructive. It is always destructive: of property, of people, of civilized society. There is only one time when war is justifiable: when it is in defense of civilization, when it is waged against aggression. What is happening today in the Middle East can lead to only one conclusion: It is that organizations such as Hamas, Hezbolah, Isis and Al Qaeda are aggressors against civilization. Thus, they are evil because they do not make war to protect or establish civilized society, but to promote a cruel and dictatorial society based on a religion which is itself a false and defective invention.

It is not merely an opinion that Islam is an evil. It is provable. When brutal savage men can claim as an unwilling bride, some little girl of seven, then rape and subjugate her to a life without freedom, the religion in whose name this is done cannot be considered valid by any standards of decency and intelligence. Muslims have proven over and over that following Islam strictly, fundamentally, encourages uncivilized conduct and brutality with the excuse that cruel and inhumane actions are done at the word of God.

I don't really want to have to qualify this because the images of cruelty have taken Islam way beyond sane defense, but I suppose I must say that there are many Muslims in the world who are peaceable and do not wish to promote genocide and the complete destruction of civilization. I know such people and have befriended them. But those Muslims are not following the word of the Quran strictly. They are not orthodox, but reform Muslims, who want civilization to proceed apace. They do not favor beheading women and children or innocent men.

Except for a brave and slowly growing few, they have been largely silent, perhaps out of fear of reprisal. Nonetheless, if they are not going to speak up against these disgustingly backward animals, they are complicit in the acts of brutality and at the very least we must now ignore any protest from them. If they choose not to distinguish themselves from the pernicious horror that Islam has proven to be, they risk collective identity with militant orthodoxy, at least until they admit its existence and object to it.

It is apparent from decades of experience with fundamentalist Muslims, whom we now call Islamists, that there is no making peace with them, there is no curative negotiation, no chance of coexistence. The only thing these people understand is conquest. Once conquered, they will comply with the rules imposed on them, by the conqueror.

The absurd idea that we can remake a deeply ingrained theocracy which allows no opposition, no free-will, nothing but obedience to its dictatorial rules, into a freely democratic, civilized society, could only be the notion of an idiot, with the philosophic perception of an elementary school child. When generation after generation has been subjected to the imbecility of nomadic savagery, there is no hope but to treat them in a way they understand: namely to force them to be civilized, to give them rules to which they must be obedient, in this case, our rules.

How do we do this? First, we should—indeed we must—allow the only demonstrably courageous army, currently willing to do the job, actually do the job! We should cheer the Israelis on and, if necessary, lend them the money and arms to obliterate first Hamas, then ISIS, then all the other so-called armies of savages who threaten civilization. Indeed, we must encourage the Europeans to do the same in Europe and we ourselves should stamp out all threats from such savages wherever we find them. Western civilization, as well as that of Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere on the globe is being destroyed from within and Obama is helping to destroy it by his commiseration with Islam. We must recognize the biblical edict with one change: Those who live by the sword must die by the sword.

A Biblical Edict is a Solution to War in the Middle East

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