Saturday, January 24, 2015

“Islam-on-Christian Persecution Around the World”

Nicely written and explained.  There are multiple factors that cause Islamists to hate America and Americans, but as the author demonstrates, our 'foreign policy' is not the primary factor.  In the absence of American foreign policy, Islamists rampantly slaughter Christians because they're values are not Islamic values. 

In short, they hate our values because they are not Islamic values.

And this gets to the heart of the matter: the “Bush” and “Paul” camps argue past one another because both fail to reckon with the role played by Islam—not “Islamism,” “Islamo-Fascism,” “Islamo-Nazism,” “radical Islam,” “Islamic extremism,” or some other politically acceptable fiction, but Islam—in these violent clashes with Muslims.

Muslims around the world routinely engage in unspeakable acts of cruelty toward their neighbors in contexts that obviously have nothing whatsoever to do with American values, American foreign policy, or, for that matter, America.

But it isn’t just the Christians of Nigeria that agonize at the hands of Muslims. Nigerians have it bad: according to Open Doors, out of 50 countries worldwide, Nigeria is the tenth worse place for Christians. And it’s true that Muslims aren’t the only persecutors of Christians. But in 40 of the Earth’s 50 countries where Christians are made to suffer because of their faith, Muslims are the culprits.

Open Doors evaluates global persecution of Christians in terms of degrees. The worst is “extreme persecution.” Eleven countries are named here. In 10 of these, the persecutors are Islamic. The second worst type of Christian persecution is “severe persecution.” In 11 of 14 countries, the culprits are Islamic. Next there is “moderate persecution.” In 10 of 14 countries, those responsible for the persecution are largely Islamic. Finally, there is “sparse persecution.” In nine of 11 countries, Muslims engage in the persecution of Christians.

In none of these instances of Islamic violence and oppression does “American values” or American foreign policy play a role.

Islam, however, most certainly does. 

“Islam-on-Christian Persecution Around the World”

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