The terrorist's nose is more than under the tent. They're here! They've formed a political party within the U.S. In President Obola's home base of Chicago.

The Muslim Brotherhood has been defined
as an Islamic terrorist organization by some, but not by Barack Hussein
Obama. He supported them in their rise to power in Egypt back during
the revolution that ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Obama
supported the election of Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohamed Morsi as the new
president of the ancient country.
the Muslim Brotherhood seized power, Morsi declared his intentions to
establish an Islamic caliphate with Egypt being the central point of
power. However, about 10% of Egypt’s population is Christian and you
just can’t have a caliphate with that many Christians around. Initially,
Morsi said that all of Egypt’s Christians and other non-Muslims would
have three alternatives: convert to Islam, leave the country or pay a
special high tax to remain in the country.
But less than a month after making his pronouncement, Morsi’s government troops and police began a genocidal assault on Egypt’s Christians.
Women were raped, men and women were beaten and murdered, some being
burned alive. Morsi’s henchmen also looted and burned the homes,
business and churches belonging to Christians.
The whole time this
was being reported to world, Obama continued to support the Muslim
Brotherhood and their terrorist attacks on Egypt’s Christians and anyone
who opposed Morsi and his gang. At one point, Congress had enough and
froze millions of dollars of aid and weapons that were headed to Egypt.
That wasn’t going to stop the White House’s resident Muslim as he illegally bypassed Congress
and ordered the money and weapons released. Obama even authorized the
sale of a number of jet fighters to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood
leadership. Obama’s support helped the Muslim Brotherhood to continue
their attack of Egypt’s Christians.

Fortunately for the people of
Egypt, Morsi’s reign of terror lasted just under a year. His opponents
staged a coup and arrested Morsi and many of his henchmen. Some Egyptian
attorneys associated with the new government even file criminal charges
in international court against Obama and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for their support of the Muslim Brotherhood’s terrorist actions.
though Morsi and a number of other Muslim Brotherhood leaders were
jailed In Egypt, the organization is still alive and growing in power,
but not in Egypt. According to a report by Tim Brown on
"With Barack Obama in office, you knew this was eventually going to be true. Just prior to the dissolving of the Muslim Brotherhood as a political party in Egypt and the declaration of the group to be a terrorist organization last year, the Muslim Brotherhood decided start flexing their muscles in the United States. Last year, the US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO),
an open Muslim Brotherhood front group, began to build a political
party straight out of Barack Obama’s stomping grounds of Chicago,
Illinois. Now, it’s in full swing.
The organization that established the political framework is composed of the designated terror group Hamas-CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) and six other terrorist tied organizations. The groups involved in the USCMO are as follows:
- Muslim American Society (MAS)
- American Muslims for Palestine (AMP)
- Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
- Islamic Circle of North American (ICNA)
- Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA)
- Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA)
- Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA)
organization’s website states, “COMMUNITY BUILDING IS a core
commandment for all Muslims, everywhere. Love of God forms its
foundation. Its framework is broad inclusion. Its design is unity of
purpose not opinion. Its motive is a disposition to act together on
knowledge for the good of all people, not in the interest of a party or
Obviously the recent political aspirations of
the Muslim Brotherhood have Barack Hussein Obama’s full support. Why
else would they have chosen Chicago as their starting point? That is
Obama’s political home and he still has a lot of support and connections
in the Windy City.
Muslims already have control of Dearborn, Michigan and are well on their way to taking control of Murfreesboro,
Tennessee. Muslim judges here in the US have already made rulings based
upon sharia law instead of US law and we now have Muslims serving in
Congress. Will Chicago become the first major city to succumb to Muslim
rule and if so, I’m sure it will be dominated by the terrorist group
known as the Muslim Brotherhood.
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