Saturday, February 18, 2017

Watergate resurrected

Trump won a battle with the election, but what we are seeing now is the continuation of the war the elites would have quietly implemented with Hillary Rotten Clinton in office.  They will never stop attempting to implement their evil agenda and are infuriated that Trump won and at We The People for electing him.  Do not forget that the stated objective of M3 and the Demoncrats is to resist and obstruct President Trump's agenda at every turn.

I think Trump’s mistakes are the result of a Chief Executive from the private sector trying to operate as he knows how in the private sector, and the incompetence of the federal bureaucracy in trying to do what he says.  The Demoncrats and M3 will NOT give him a break.  After M3 demonstrated that they’re the 5th column enemy within and have chosen sides openly, they’re in full attack mode against Trump.  He may love the antagonistic relationship (M3 went apoplectic last week when Trump called on a editor), but has to realize that M3 is his sworn enemy, and of the U.S Constitution and therefore of We The People.  What Bill Clinton did was impeachable.  BHO should have been impeached for at least 20 counts of violating the Constitution.  The Demoncrat’s calls for impeachment makes evident their lack of credibility and their obvious idiocy (like when Nancy Pelosi falls for every fake news story that makes Trump look bad).  The Demoncrat's chant of 'What did the President know and when did he know it' is ludicrous.  General Flynn did nothing illegal, but his lying and deception were unacceptable.  As Rich Lowry noted, "I have never understood why it would be inappropriate, let [alone] illegal, for the incoming National Security Advisor to talk to the Russian ambassador."  Where were the media and all these Marxist-socialist pundits when BHO lied repeatedly about the ACA: "If you like your doctor (or your Plan) you will be able to KEEP your Doctor (or your Plan)...period!"

The uninformed members of the Proletariat are useful idiots as this article points out:

I read this article (Stinchfield Whittles Down The Walking Dead’s Dependence on Gunsbefore the one above this morning and think there is a causal link.  The book Wild At Heart points out how man is tamed and restrained in our society and not able to act on his core nature of living wild in God's wilderness as God intended.  In the video they paraphrase “In a society that doesn’t allow you any adventure, then the only adventure is the destruction of that society.  There may be an element of that with the BLM and Anarchist movements, however, there are lots of reasons they’re useful idiots: they don’t value education or being productive members of society, their political ideology supports the destruction of society, and let’s not forget that many of them are being paid to riot.

Trump is smart and he’s hired smart people.  They know what they’re up against and like to inject a dose of reality TV into the White House Press Room, which I think is calculated to ‘push their buttons,’ and they take the bait every time.  Continue to pray for President Trump and his administration.  God blessed us with an opportunity to reverse the socialist/marxist agenda of the liberal elites and save this Republic for a while longer. 

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