Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Collectivism by moral default, dooming an entire nation

Great Demography is Destiny article by Ann Coulter.  I disagree with her statement that “We can’t do anything about the native population” Of course we can!  The Demoncrats created the “Thirty-nine percent of native households [that] receive some form of government assistance.”  But it took them about 70 years to indoctrinate generations through public schools & social welfare programs, and importing people who want to be dependent on the government.  They also had the help of race hustlers like Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton, who have done more to keep their people down and out than the totality of elected officials in DC.

Ann’s point about the Demoncrats not changing anyone’s mind, they changed the people, is exactly right.  They imported a voting base to change the demography to favor their party.  This also fits in nicely with BHO’s philosophy of anti-colonialism which is why he pursues destroying this country from within in order to make us equal with the 3rd world.  It doesn’t hurt his cause when we import a good portion of the 3rd world.

I’m currently reading Anthem by Ann Rand (1937).  The author’s foreword is perfect for the election we just witnessed.  I encourage you to get the book just for the forward, although sadly, the story is what we are about to endure under BHO’s second term.  I won’t transcribe the entire forward, but here are some parts that have important ideas for what we are about to see.

“…I shall merely point out that the slogan ‘Production for use and not for profit’ is now accepted by most men as a commonplace, and a commonplace stating a proper, desirable goal.  If any intelligible meaning can be discerned in that slogan at all, what is it, if not the idea that the motive of a man’s work must be the need of others, not his own need, desire or gain?

“The greatest guilt today is that of people who accept collectivism by moral default…the people who support plans specifically designed to achieve serfdom, but hide behind the empty assertion that they are lovers of freedom, (our mainstream media comes to mind today) with no concrete meaning attached to the word….They expect, when they find themselves in a world of bloody ruins and concentration camps, to escape moral responsibility by wailing: ‘But I didn’t mean this!’

“Those who want slavery should have the grace to name it by its proper name.  They must face the full meaning of that which they are advocating or condoning; the full, exact, specific meaning of collectivism, of its logical implications, of the principles upon which it is based, and of the ultimate consequences to which these principles will lead.

“They must face it, then decide whether this is what they want or not.”  -- Ayn Rand, April 1946

As I read this forward over and over, I cannot help but think of my fellow Americans who voted for BHO,  They have accepted collectivism by moral default, and doomed an entire nation.

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