Saturday, November 24, 2012

Radical Islamists And The Liberals Who Love Them

Here is an article that points out the obvious, and re-affirms what I've been saying for years.  The libtards on the left have seen the failure of communism and moved their ideological support to Islamofacism or Islamonazism.  Doesn't really matter what it is called, its the same thing.  The horrors of Islam are everywhere you care to look, yet the left and their media lapdogs refuse to acknowledge the horrors.  Their misguided ideology has them making excuses for radical Moozlums and trying to understand the little darlings.  What's worse, they mock Christianity while ignoring Moozlum violence.  As we just saw with our presidential election, the left media has a very obvious bias, picks sides, picks winners and losers, and uses there power to support their leftist ideology.  They are in no way fair or balanced in their reporting.  You've heard the saying 'If you're not with us, you're against us.'  Well, that applies to the fight against good and evil.  To the left media I say 'If you're not with God, you're against God.'  If you're not with God, you're evil.  And the evil of the left media is decidedly destroying the greatest nation for good on the planet.
Political Outcast article: Radical Islamists And The Liberals Who Love Them

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