Saturday, September 14, 2013

British college drops Muslim veil ban amid outcry

Of course they did.  Liberalism and multiculturalism have taken strong root in England and Birmingham Metropolitan College's spineless leaders have succumbed to political correctness. 

"But some 9,000 people signed a petition co-ordinated by the National Union of Students (NUS) Black Students' Campaign against the policy, while hundreds of students had planned to protest against the ban on Friday.

"This ban is a complete infringement on the rights to religious freedom and cultural expression and is a clear violation of a woman's right to choose," said NUS black students' officer Aaron Kiely."

England is basically lost as a western cultural nation.  They've let so many Moozlum's immigrate and no assimilate that the Moozlums have essentially invaded and taken over.  France banned face veils in 2011.  If the French have seen the light, then England is doomed.

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