Saturday, September 14, 2013

BHO is a Fool on Syria

A lot has happened in the last week and I've been too busy to post until now on the Syria issue.  Here's my quick and dirty synopsis/analysis.  Assad is the last domino standing and BHO is determined to knock him down.  BHO has successfully supported the overthrow of every middle eastern dictator to allow the Moozlum Brotherhood to take over - except Assad in Syria.  The use of chemical weapons was the excuse BHO needed to finish off Assad and support the Al Nusra and Al-Qaeda rebels - despite the fact that in the pictures we've been shown there is no evidence of chemical weapons (burns, vomiting, seizures; the handlers are not wearing protective gear, etc.)

Thank God Congress didn't go for it.  How is it we know everything about the chemical attack and who did it, but 1 year after Bengahzi we know nothing?  As usual, BHO wants to back and support the MB.

BHO the amateur tried to play politics in the big league and Putin played him for the fool he truly is.  This Peace Prize president was ready to go to war on Syria.  England bailed on the idea and his biggest supporter was France!  Anyone who wants to go to war with France's backing is a fool.  Syria is Russia's biggest purchaser of weapons.  Russia has a naval base in Syria and Russian advisers man the surface to air defenses.  Putin was not going to let BHO piss in his backyard pool.

The Russians are master politicians from the cold war.  BHO the community organizer is a total amateur.  When Putin and the Russian Foreign Minister publicly call BHO and John Kerry a liar instead of being diplomatic, they should have known there was no way to win.  But they're too stupid and inexperienced to realize the position they were in.  This cartoon says it all.  BHO thinks he can trust these two evil doers.

U.S. - Backed “Rebels” Behead Young Man in Syria

Claims Of “Marginal” Role Of Terrorists Among Syrian “Rebels” Debunked

Assad To Kerry: No Deal Unless You Stop Arming Terrorists

Don't Worry Obama, When Your Syria Crisis is Over, Your Scandals Will Be Right Here Waiting on You
Claims Of “Marginal” Role Of Terrorists Among Syrian “Rebels” Debunked
U.S. - Backed “Rebels” Behead Young Man in Syria

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