Sunday, March 9, 2014

Knife Attack in China Kills 30, 130 Injured - Armed response saves the day!

Yeah, another story M3 missed...I mean deliberately did not report.  Why?  Could be because this story proves their anti-gun ideology is totally false.  What stops 5 knife weilding attackers?  Answer:  armed response.  And as I post this Fox News just had a guest on who advised that this attack occurred in Zhi Xang province, which is a Moozlum enclave that wants to break away from China.  Now we begin to really understand why M3 isn't reporting on this.  Their new pet project, Islam, since communism died, isn't giving them anything positive to report.

KINMING, CHINA—Knife-wielding terrorists attacked unsuspecting Chinese citizens inside a train station. The terrorists, armed only with knives, charged into the crowd and starting slashing and stabbing people in a horrible terrorists attack. Re-posts of the statistics have varied, but it appears so far that 30 people were killed and at least 130 were wounded.

The men attacked without warning and caused a panic-inducing stampede. People who were at the train station were left in shock and wondering why someone would want to harm people in such a way. One woman asked, “Why are terrorists so cruel?” We as Americans can sympathize with this woman’s question.

The attack was stopped when police opened fire on the terrorists. Initial reports are that the police killed four male suspects as well as wounding and capturing a female suspect.

So, why are you reading about this on a gun website? The answer is in the above paragraph: Police ended the attack with GUNS. I have never lived in China, but my research shows that gun ownership is heavily regulated and most civilian ownership is limited to hunting uses. Certainly, carrying concealed in China is forbidden and comes with extreme penalties for disobedience.
This incident proves a couple of my theories: First, a group that wants to commit murder and mayhem will find a way to commit their mass crimes, with or without guns. Second, armed and trained people can and will stop a mass killing faster than anything else. The other issue brings this question: If the people in the train station had been armed, how many could have been saved? This is the real question, but sadly, we do not have an exact answer; however, we do know that the death toll for the citizens would have been lower and the death toll for the bad guys would have been higher.

The truth is that their government wants their citizens to rely on them for protection. The other unfortunate truth is that the government, in this instance, failed their citizens miserably.

When will the people of the world wake up and realize that if they want to be safe they must take matters into their own hands? The government is not your friend; if you don’t believe me, ask the Ukrainians.

Governments, in general, want their citizens to rely on them for everything–especially a communist government, like China’s. Citizens around the world have been lulled into a false sense of security, and by the time they realize what has happened, it is usually too late. This has never been more evident than it is in Ukraine right now. The citizens are calling for the right to bear arms, but it is too late. The chances that they will get this right are slim-to-none, which is terribly unfortunate.

The terrorist attack in China also shows the glaring need for citizens to be allowed to defend themselves intelligently. Running like a pack of scared sheep does not qualify as an intelligent defense. Lets not kid ourselves. Many in this country look at us, the gun owners, as a fringe, radical, right-wing element. They think that we are alarmists and that we overreact to situations. They also believe that we think the answer to every problem is more guns. Of course, these things are false. The concerns of gun rights advocates are being proven correct all the time. Whether gun control advocates will admit this or not is another matter. The events in China prove that guns will stop an attack. The citizens of Ukraine have found out the hard way that being in a conflict with armed people, while all you have are rocks is a losing proposition.

I feel sorry for the Chinese people that were attacked by these terrorists. I feel bad that they are being forced to rely on others for their defense. Stories like these make me appreciate the Second Amendment even more, and these stories also give me increasingly more motivation to fight against those within our own country who would get rid of the Second Amendment if they were given half a chance.
  Knife Attack in China Kills 30

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