Monday, March 31, 2014

US Muslim Students Violently Threaten Pro-Israel Peers

It's unbelievable that we let groups like this into the U.S. and that we let them operate on our campuses.  These Moozlum groups are so violent that the board voting on their proposal had to vote in secret for fear of revenge.  Yet the liberals keep supporting Islam as their cause of the day.

Adam Kredo reported at the Washington Free Beacon last week that "pro-Palestinian activists on the University of Michigan campus have had the cops called on them for threatening pro-Israel students and staging a sit-in over the student government's refusal to back an anti-Israel initiative to divest from the Jewish state. University of Michigan police were contacted Wednesday evening after two pro-Palestinian activists allegedly threatened a student who refused to support their boycott initiative."

The steaming pile of annihilationism comes wrapped in the pretty bow of BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction the Jewish state) rhetoric. The good news is that the Nuremberg-inspired BDS measure was ultimately roundly and soundly defeated at a contentious (aren't they always?) vote at the University of Michigan. Yet so threatening were the pro-jihad students and agitators that the vote was by secret ballot, so as to ensure that no one would be targeted for revenge.
One photo of a thug leader of the BDS movement at the University of Michigan is illustrative of the kind of intimidation and threats that Jewish students on college campuses face on a regular basis. These genocide fetishists think their Jew-hatred is pious and sanctioned by Allah.

And this particular SS-inspired thug is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood's Muslim Students Association (of course). Here is the University of Michigan's MSA Facebook profile pic.

Destroying the Jewish state is their mission. Take a look at any and all of the MSAs (or any Muslim group for that matter) initiatives and actions. It's all destruction, hate and libel.

US Muslim Students Violently Threaten Pro-Israel Peers

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