Friday, May 9, 2014

Rep. Trey Gowdy Writes Op-Ed, Explains Why Benghazi Matters

In the small piece of the op-ed shown in this article, Trey Gowdy makes very good points.  There are many more relevant points to be made.  Of course the the demoncrats don't see any point in pursuing the matter.  They don't want they're president or their party to look bad and they don't want to harm Hillary's chances of taking the White House.  They're so blinded by their political power and objectives that they no longer ask what is good for our country, but what is good themselves.  It's time to remove self-serving politicians and return our government to a true representative Republic.  Our children won't have much of a country or a future if we don't.  I guaranteed that if a Republican President defied a congressional investigation, the demoncrats would be calling for impeachment.

Benghazi matters because four of our fellow citizens were murdered under terrifying circumstances. Benghazi matters because a diplomatic facility emblematic and representative of our country was attacked and burned on the anniversary of 9/11. Benghazi matters because Americans deserve to know the truth from those entrusted to lead and govern….

Moreover, no one has been arrested, prosecuted, or punished for the murders of our fellow Americans. These outstanding questions, and others, are legitimate, and seeking the answer to these questions should be an apolitical process.
Facts are neither Republican nor Democrat. While our fellow citizens are free to draw varying conclusions and inferences from the facts, surely there can be consensus that every relevant fact must be uncovered.
There are still witnesses whose testimony has not been heard. Just last week, we learned the administration has withheld relevant documents from Congress, despite a subpoena request. Some produced documents are so heavily redacted as to be meaningless. The select committee should strive to uncover every relevant witness, document or other piece of evidence so our fellow citizens can know the facts and the full truth.

BENGHAZIPHOBIA: Why Democrats Are Afraid of Benghazi

FAKE OUTRAGE: Army Vet Slams Dems’ Faux Rage Over Benghazi

Benghazi -- 'What Difference, At This Point, Does It Make?'The Difference Between Lies and the Truth

Trey Gowdy Amidst Death Threats: “I want to see every single solitary relevant material document” Relating to Benghazi

Benghazi Cover Up Bombshells Exploding in Midst of Release of Documents

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