Saturday, July 4, 2015

Gay Mafia Persecutes Christians

It's not just Islam persecuting Christians.  While Islam does more than it's share abroad to persecute Christians, here in the U.S. the gay mafia is doing a great job of stripping Christians of their freedom of religion and freedom of speech.  The day after the Supreme Court created a constitutional right where none exists, I saw someone post on their Facebook page that it looked like the confederates had gone to war with a skittles factory.  That was the most fitting thing I had heard.

Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian finalized a preliminary ruling today ordering Aaron and Melissa Klein, the bakers who refused to make a cake for a same-sex wedding, to pay $135,000 in emotional damages to the couple they denied service.“This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage,” Avakian wrote. “It is about a business’s refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal.”In the ruling, Avakian placed an effective gag order on the Kleins, ordering them to “cease and desist” from speaking publicly about not wanting to bake cakes for same-sex weddings based on their Christian beliefs.“This effectively strips us of all our First Amendment rights,” the Kleins, owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, which has since closed, wrote on their Facebook page. “According to the state of Oregon we neither have freedom of religion or freedom of speech.”The cease and desist came about after Aaron and Melissa Klein participated in an interview with Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins. During the interview, Aaron said among other things, “This fight is not over. We will continue to stand strong.”

Christian Speech Ban: Oregon Labor Commissioner Cancels First Amendment for Couple Being Bankrupted for Refusing to Bake Same-Sex “Wedding” Cake

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