Sunday, February 17, 2019

And Then They Came for Us

It’s a nice Sunday afternoon to watch a little TV and have some down time.  Channel surfing I come across this documentary on PBS about the (unlawful) internment of the Japanese-Americans during WWII.  All is going well and it’s a perfectly fine documentary and holding my interest outlining the wrongful/unlawful incarceration of American citizens without proof of committing a crime.  I’m still interested, even piqued, when they start talking about how in 1942 the US government rounded up 120.000 Japanese-American citizens, how the military lied to the courts to justify their actions and keep these citizens locked up, and how it could easily happen again.  They even pointed out that J. Edgar Hoover, who had a file on everyone, said that they knew who the dangerous people were and they weren’t worried about Japanese-Americans.  They also point out that there were only 12 cases of espionage in the US during WWII and none of them were Japanese-Americans. Think about what limited information and communications we had in 1942 compared to now, yet the government was able to systematically round up people of one race.  Now think about how the NSA knows everything you send and say.

So they make a valid point that given human nature and the abuse of power that this could happen again.  Seeing as how the Mueller investigation is an obvious abuse of power, and how conservatives have had the government weaponized against them during the Obola reign, it sounds like a logical conclusion for this documentary to take.  Then they reminded me that I was watching libtard PBS.  They suddenly switch to interviewing some burka wearing Moozlum with CAIR and waxing on poetically about how Moozlums are feared in this country and this fear could easily lead to a re-occurrence of the round of and imprisonment of US citizens, only this time it will be Moozlums and we should all be very fearful of this.

First, I quickly became sick to my stomach, changed the channel, and watched The Umbrella Academy.  As I’ve stated for about 17 years (yes the number of years since 9/11/2001), the liberals in the US, especially the M3 liberals, have taken up the imagined/created cause/plight of the persecuted/discriminated Moozlum.  You can’t argue with a liberal using facts – they don’t accept them, but it’s a fact that there has been more discrimination of Jews and Christians in the US than of Moozlums.  The cases of religious discrimination and/or hate crimes against Moolzums is miniscule, while those against Jews and Christians are prevalent.

There are real reasons to distrust Moozlums.  They’re responsible for about 95% of the terrorism on the planet.  They have shown that everywhere they immigrate and settle, they attempt to implement Sharia and circumvent the laws of the host country.  But here we have a documentary about Japanese-Americans that turns into a Moozlum apology film.  The libtards are very fearful that their soup of the day cause will be persecuted.  Hey, they’ve never been wrong, right?  I mean, communism which they love and adore, has never failed anywhere.  They would never make a Japanese-American documentary that then equated government power abuse with say, using the IRS to go after conservatives, preventing conservative groups from obtaining tax exempt status as PACs, forcing Christian businesses to bake cakes for gay weddings, etc.  There’s very little chance of the liberals darling Moozlums being persecuted by our government.  The liberals have ensured that the FBI are required to take indoctrination…I mean political correctness training, on how not to discriminate against Moozlums.  They’ve thrown their money and legal power behind Moozlum groups to help them use our laws against us.

No, I think the Moolzums are safe.  It’s the conservatives who should fear government internment camps.

And Then They Came For Us

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