Saturday, February 9, 2019

Orwellian mindset of the thought police

The elitist socialists will never get the message that their ideology is a complete and utter failure given human nature.  Of course, being elitists, they think they can make socialism work.  They’ve been able to take control with violence, and maintain control via gun confiscation, genocide, and execution of political opposition, but they’ve never been able to make socialism work.  Case in point – Venezuela’s economy was ranked 7th in the world before their socialist experiment.  Now they’re ranked 127th!  And this is considered an example of successful democratic socialism.  Unfortunately, we have areas of the U.S. where the elitists and believers in socialism keep electing socialists.  We deserve the government we elect.  It’s truly amazing that they are so partisan that they can’t look at the facts and actions of president’s like Reagan and Trump and see the positive economic results of their policies.  The coasts of American socialism will keep electing those that support their ideology.  Those of us in fly-over country can only keep praying that the people won’t forget what the demons have done, and that God will bless us with another Trump term and then a Pence term.  Perhaps with a divided Congress they’ll get little done, which is a good thing for We The People.  Then there’s the opinion of a good friend, an ex-Army Sergeant, who thinks America is doomed and wishes the uncivil war would start soon so we can clean out the enemies of America.  I can guarantee you the socialists have already made a list of who they’re going to get rid of when they come to power – that’s what every socialist regime has done.  When you read Harris’ tweet and understand that perceived social ills are considered “national security” issues, then you’ll begin to understand the Orwellian mindset of the thought police and what they have planned for the independent thinkers.

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