Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Fans proclaim NFL ‘officially dead’ after players on ‘America’s Team’ get ‘green light’ to protest anthem

 As the author points out, the liberal media, the sports world, corporate America, and big tech are all on board with the social justice narrative.  The players think they are protesting systemic racism. Really?  They live in a country where they are idolized for their athleticism and paid millions of dollars a year.  No one cares what their skin color is.  If systemic racism existed, and the fans did care about the athletes skin color, the NFL and other sports teams wouldn't make enough money to pay these players multi-million dollar contracts.  We've also witnessed over the last couple of decades how popular black culture (gangs, rap music, etc.) has become with all races of kids.  Rappers, their music, and black gang culture are idolized by many.  If systemic racism exists, how are these things possible?  We've gone from slavery, to freeing blacks from slavery, to black being popular and black athletes, actors, comedians, etc. being idolized and treated like royalty.  How is this evidence of systemic racism?  

 "The remarkable thing at play is that most professional athletes live a life of royalty, enjoying a standard of living that most folks could not possibly fathom. If ever there was an ambassador for the greatness of America, you’d think it would come from this pool."

'To get a feel for the atmosphere in Dallas, the headline of the article that included the player’s quote stated: “The Cowboys shouldn’t need a ‘green light’ from ownership to protest against racism, social injustices.”'

The NFL is a place of employment.  The players absolutely need the ownership's permission to do anything, as they're being payed to play and entertain, not make political statements.

Jones said “I would hope that our fans, which I think that they will, will understand that our players have issues that they need help on, and they need help from the majority of America. They need help.”

The players need help?  With what exactly? Spending their millions?  If they need mental and emotional help, and it's looking like they do, as they're acting like giant crybabies, I think they make enough money to pay for that help.  I'm sure the NFL teams and organization also offer a benefit package that would get them the counseling they need.

Apparently the NFL didn't lose enough money in the last couple of years, since they are embracing the social justice narrative.  They deserve to have their ratings crash and lose so much money that the millionaire social justice crybabies will have to find another line of work - one where they will not be idolized and where no one will know who they are.

From https://raconteurreport.blogspot.com/2020/08/every-once-in-awhile.html

"I dunno about anyone else, but I'm not missing any sportsball, of any stripe. (Never paid much mind to it anyways, but now it's a hard complete skip.) They were always entitled whiny crybabies, and now they're ignorant clueless entitled whiny crybabies. Dear MLB/NBA/NFL/NASCAR/etc: Google the career paths of Skinhead O'Connor and the Pixie Twits after they forget their job description and area of expertise, and let me know when the penny drops. When pro football and baseball players et al are getting gigs working in car dealerships and selling siding in the off-season, and ticket prices drop to less than hourly minimum wage, the cluebats will once again have struck home. Until then, their entire industry doesn't exist for me, and I can't say it's been any great loss."

"Is there any other occupation, where a guy (athlete or not)  can push POLITICS (on causes like BLM, etc) AFTER he has punched the time-clock, and is "on the job" AT WORK?" -- Gene Bollinger

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