Thursday, September 17, 2020

What the hell has happened to our society?

I received an email from Jeff Anderson, Editor, Modern Combat & Survival (MCS) Magazine, titled '4 skills these RIOTS have made me re-think. . .' in which he asks "What the hell has happened to our society?"

Let me answer his rhetorical question 'What the hell has happened to our society?'  What has happened is that the anarcho-communists have absolutely no problem using violence to achieve their political goals, which by definition makes them terrorists.  We used to worry constantly about Islamic terrorism, but isn't it interesting that since the Wuhan virus pandemic Islamic terrorism seems to be non-existent?  Now we have to worry about domestic terrorists.  And what's possibly worse than the domestic anarcho-communists are the liberal leftwing politicians that are allowing them to destroy our cities' businesses and neighborhoods by not allowing the police to do their sworn job.  When are we going to see a police chief or Sheriff refuse the unlawful orders of these liberal mayors and fulfill their oath to uphold the law and protect our communities instead of resigning in frustration?  Why are the police allowing these violent protests full of arsonists?  One reason is politically correct politicians and police top brass.  They're more concerned with political correctness and appeasing their leftist base than doing the right thing, but then leftist politicians know little about doing the right thing.

So, given the Mardi Gras shit show that is expected with the presidential election, If you're not a regular visitor here:, you need to be.

Not familiar with Matt Bracken, former Navy SEAL? You need to be.  I've read four of his books and unfortunately, Enemies Foreign and Domestic is coming true before our eyes.

Bracken: Sitrep 10 Sept

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