Sunday, October 23, 2011

#289 of 365 Ways to Drive A Liberal Crazy

This entry poignantly exposes how faulty is the libtard ideology. It also exposes how hypocritical it is. Under President George W. Bush, the libtard controlled media couldn't stand any of his policies designed to protect our nation. Under BHO, the same policies are glibly ignored.
Tell a liberal how much you admire the lofty neutrality and commitment to truth at all costs of their house journal the New York Times.

NO. 5.
Praise the Grey Lady for its principled decision in 2005 to expose President Bush's Terrorist Surveillance wiretap program. Of course, there are conservative fools who witter on about stuff like national security, but liberals understand otherwise. Say to your liberal friend that you would rather a thousand innocent New Yorkers were blown to tiny pieces on the subway than live in a country where government attempts to eavesdrop on potentially innocent jihadists; you're so proud that the crusading zeal and moral certitude for which the New York Times is so justly renowned has made that possible.

-- 365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy by James Delingpole

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