Sunday, October 23, 2011

Libya Ends While Another Conflict Begins

Listening to Michael Savage's radio show last week was an epiphany. He spoke about how the libtard media, who continually rail against the death penalty and sympathizes with rapists, murderers and terrorists on death row, celebrate the death of a head of state with no trial. I thought it was the policy of the U.S. to not assassinate heads of state, which is one reason why these despots have been ruling their countries for the last 40+ years. Along comes BHO and his commitment to use NATO to topple Gadafi receives complete approval from the libtards in the media. Had George W. Bush done this, the libtards would have screamed injustice. The hypocrisy of liberalism knows no bounds!
The Patriot Post
Digest · October 21, 2011
Libya Ends While Another Conflict Begins

The present administration has a curious way of looking at warfare. In situations where the United States is at least indirectly threatened by the specter of radical Islam, Barack Obama is tripping over himself looking for a way out. But if he has a chance to take out the leader of a country that poses no threat, well, Obama is all over it. Just ask Moammar Gadhafi.

Well, you could if Gadhafi were still alive. Libya's longtime brutal dictator was killed by fighters who overtook his hometown of Sirte Thursday. Deposed and forced from Tripoli in August, Gadhafi had fled to Sirte as a last refuge. As his enemies closed in, he attempted to flee once more, but was taken alive by revolutionary forces before being killed. With his death and the fall of the last of his regime's strongholds, the National Transitional Council will move to consolidate power and reunify the nation. Memo to Moammar: Sic semper tyrannis!

Historian Victor Davis Hanson summed it up: "The Middle East is a very different place than it was on 9/11: Saddam dead, Osama bin Laden dead, Qaddafi dead, Mubarak near dead, and Assad reeling. Much of this transition is due to the decision after 9/11 to push for radical change in the Middle East, started by George Bush and more or less continued uninterrupted by Barack Obama. After the capture of Saddam, Qaddafi saw a glimpse of his own fate; one wonders how many Middle East despots are doing the same as they view the ghoulish pictures of a seemingly dead Qaddafi that are now all over the Internet."

Meanwhile, Obama has sent U.S. forces to Uganda to oppose Joseph Kony, the leader of a ragtag group of miscreants calling themselves the Lord's Resistance Army. The group, primarily child soldiers forced into taking up arms and led by Kony's iron fist, has been terrorizing central Africa for a number of years, though it cannot be construed as a threat to American national security. Now Kony, by all accounts a scoundrel of the highest degree, finds himself the target of 100 American military advisers deployed to Uganda last week in a "non-combat role." U.S. forces were sent to help regional military units fight off this guerrilla group and take care of Kony once and for all. While Congress has allowed the president plenty of leeway in dealing with Kony through a resolution passed in 2010, military force wasn't specifically authorized.

The Patriot Post

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