Personally, this article doesn't give me enough information to make me overly suspicious, but we all know the stories from the recent past of the government placing extraordinarily large ammo orders. This article doesn't say how much ammo the postal service is ordering, but this administration has proven to us that we cannot trust it in even the small things. Actually, what strikes me as odd is that the postal service is an organization that is broke due to the gross overpaying of union wages and benefits, as well as the fact that it is an ineffeciently run governmental organization. So how can a broke company afford to buy ammunition?

Security and the Social Security Administration made news not too long
ago when it was revealed that they had been buying up all the ammo and
“assault” weapons. (Actually, if the
government buys them, they cease to be “assault” weapons and become “personal defense” weapons.)
Homeland Security and the SSA aren’t the only ones buying up ammo and
assault weapons. Now, the U.S. Postal Service wants to get in on the
Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration made news not too long ago when it was revealed that they had been buying up all the ammo and “assault” weapons. (Actually, if the government buys them, they cease to be “assault” weapons and become “personal defense” weapons.)
Homeland Security and the SSA aren’t the only ones buying up ammo and assault weapons. Now, the U.S. Postal Service wants to get in on the action.
course, anybody who calls the government’s actions into question is
immediately labeled a “conspiracy theorist.” They can buy all the ammo
in world, and the media won’t bat an eye. But who are the real
conspiracy theorists when an average American citizen can buy a few
boxes of ammo, and that’s considered “suspicious activity?”
I wrote a while ago about a commercial fisherman named Brian Loftus
who bought a few boxes of ammo from his local gun store, and the
following night he received a phone call from the police department.
They had already checked his record and found that he had no history of
criminal activity. They were calling “just to make sure” that he wasn’t
going to do anything crazy. It turns out, the man who sold Loftus the
ammo was the one who turned him in. “If you see something, say
something.” Isn’t that what the DHS has been trying to teach us? So, the
gun store clerk was just doing his job. Everybody is a suspect now.
Well, Postal Service, we
see your ammo stockpiling, and we are
saying something about it now. You’re not going to do anything “crazy,” are you? Just wanting to “make sure.”
Of course, anybody who calls the government’s actions into question is immediately labeled a “conspiracy theorist.” They can buy all the ammo in world, and the media won’t bat an eye. But who are the real conspiracy theorists when an average American citizen can buy a few boxes of ammo, and that’s considered “suspicious activity?”
I wrote a while ago about a commercial fisherman named Brian Loftus who bought a few boxes of ammo from his local gun store, and the following night he received a phone call from the police department. They had already checked his record and found that he had no history of criminal activity. They were calling “just to make sure” that he wasn’t going to do anything crazy. It turns out, the man who sold Loftus the ammo was the one who turned him in. “If you see something, say something.” Isn’t that what the DHS has been trying to teach us? So, the gun store clerk was just doing his job. Everybody is a suspect now.
Well, Postal Service, we see your ammo stockpiling, and we are saying something about it now. You’re not going to do anything “crazy,” are you? Just wanting to “make sure.”