Sunday, February 2, 2014

Who Knew? Democrats Kill More People

Why didn't someone think to do this study before this?  Common sense tells us, and we've seen enough studies of strict gun control areas like DC and Chicago, to know that gun control disarms citizens and gives us the highest crime rates in the nation.  Once examined, those crime ridden areas are demoncrat controlled - their policies don't work and only impoverish and victimize their constituents.

If memory serves me well, most of the last batch of recent homicidal sociopaths that committed mass murder were liberal demoncrats themselves, or held liberal views.  Funny how M3 fails to report that nugget. 

Piers Morgan can bugger off to England.  Why do we tolerate libtards from other countries who come here and try to impose their failed European libtard ideology on us?  Oh, he's a media favorite, so his jacked up belief system falls right in line with our own media's libtard ideology.  No wonder they give him plenty of coverage - his libtard sputterings help the media's agenda of disarming America.

Who Knew? Democrats Kill More People

Skeptical of M3's motivations?  Try this:

ABC Uses Children in 'Young Guns' Experiment to Demonize Firearms

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