Saturday, February 22, 2014

Jamaat al-Fuqra has 22 "Villages" in the U.S.

Just another story of the enemy using our Constitutionally protected freedoms against us to set up jihadist training compounds on our soil.  The compounds belong to a group calling themselves Moozlums of America.  They nickname their compounds with warm, cute, fuzzy names like Mahmoudberg in Texas and Islamberg in New York.  According to The Clarion Project they ave 22 "villages" in the U.S.
Jamaat ul-Fuqra is a terrorist organization that is known to be firmly entrenched in the United States. It has never been listed as a "terrorist group" despite the FBI's admission that the group is linked to at least 10 murders, one disappearance, three firebombings, one attempted firebombing, two explosive bombings, and one attempted bombing.
The Clarion Project is an independent organization that focuses on Islamic issues in America. Recently the organization obtained and published some declassified FBI documents which expose a Texas cell of Jamaat ul-Fuqra.
MOA is an abbreviation for "Muslims of the Americas" or "Muslims of America" which, according to Clarion, has a network of 22 "villages" around the U.S., with Islamberg as its main headquarters in New York. The Clarion Project obtained secret MOA footage showing female members receiving paramilitary training at Islamberg. It was featured on the Kelly File on FOX News Channel in October. A second MOA tape released by Clarion shows its spokesman declaring the U.S. to be a Muslim-majority country.

It is unfathomable that our government, whose primary function is to protect its people and our Constitutionally protected way of life, does not arrest the MOA members and shut down their "villages."  But their defenders in libtardia and the ACLU will claim that they are just exercising their freedom of religion.  Read below and refer to my previous post What "Normal" Muslims Think About Punitive Sharia - It's Not Just for "Radicals".

Reading the FBI report really makes you wonder why this group is allowed to operate within the U.S.  The FBI report states that MOA is an international radical fundamentalist group possessing infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns overseas and within the U.S.  The FBI report also states that MOA IS engaged in international terrorist activities!

According to WND, there may be more than 22 of these "villages" throughout the country:
A radical jihadist group responsible for nearly 50 attacks on American soil is operating 35 terrorist training camps across the nation, but the U.S. government refuses to include the organization on the State Department's list of foreign terrorists.

Jamaat ul-Fuqra, known in the U.S. as "Muslims of America," has purchased or leased hundreds of acres of property – from New York to California – in which the leader, Sheikh Mubarak Gilani, boasts of conducting "the most advanced training courses in Islamic military warfare."
Terrorist Cell in Texas: Declassified FBI Documents Reveal Jamaat ul-Fuqra Enclave Near Sweeney, TX

Here is a link to the declassified FBI document, courtesy of the Clarion Project: FBI-Jamaat-ul-Fuqra-1

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