Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Triumph of Evil

Try as I might, I could not post the following comment to Bill O'Reilly's article The Triumph of Evil on today. I kept receiving a message that the post contained inappropriate language:

O'Reilly usually makes a few good points, but generally misses the mark. I love the quote from Edmund Burke, and it is a truism, but the time to oust Ghaddafi was 20 years ago, not now when there is no hope of an opposition group taking power that does not have the goal of creating another Islamic state.

I've long held that only a brutal dictator can keep a 7th century mentality Moozlum population in check. So what if he was going to slaughter his opposition? Why do we care if one group of America haters kills another group of America haters? Yes, Ghaddafi is a lunatic and a state sponsor of terror. Again, he should have been dealt with 20 years ago, not now when the entire Middle East is aflame in rebellion.

O'Reilly is all high and mighty on the nobility of America preventing massacres. Doesn't the rest of the world have any responsibility? This is an Arab issue and the U.S. shouldn't be doing their work for them. They have the money and the military might, but are afraid to use it. Instead, they want us to be the bad guys. What about the fact that we're basically bankrupt and can't afford to shoot $1.5 million Tomahawk cruise missiles all day long into Libya? No one much cared while the slaughter in Darfur was occurring. No one much cares about the Christians who are being slaughtered around the world. If we really want to be noble, we'd be protecting Christians and seeking justice for their murders.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The “Religion of Peace” Update - Moozlum Heritage in the U.S.

I've received this Moozlum Heritage email a few times. I have no idea who created it, but it does share the tone and spirit of The Kansas Infidel, so I'm posting it:

Barack Obama, during his Cairo speech, said: "I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America 's story."

Dear Mr. Obama:
Were those Moozlums that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed? Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians. Were those
Moozlums that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day? Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and Native American Indians. Can you show me one Moozlum signature on the United States Constitution? Declaration of Independence?
Bill of Rights? Didn't think so.

Did Moozlums fight for this country's freedom from England? No. Did
Moozlums fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America? No, they did not. In fact, Moozlums to this day are still the largest traffickers in human slavery. Your own half brother, a devout Moozlum, still advocates slavery himself, even though Moozlums of Arabic descent refer to black Moozlums as "pug nosed slaves." Says a lot of what the Moozlum world really thinks of your family's "rich Islamic heritage," doesn't it Mr. Obama?

Where were Moozlums during the Civil Rights era of this country? Not present. There are no pictures or media accounts of Moozlums walking
side by side with Martin Luther King, Jr. or helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights.

Where were Moozlums during this country's Woman's Suffrage era? Again, not present. In fact, devout Moozlums demand that women are subservient
to men in the Islamic culture. So much so, that often they are beaten for not wearing the 'hajib' or for talking to a man who is not a direct family member or their husband. Yep, the Moozlums are all for women's rights,
aren't they?

Where were Moozlums during World War II? They were aligned with Adolf Hitler. The Moozlum grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler, reviewed the troops and accepted support from the Nazi's in killing Jews.

Finally, Mr. Obama, where were Moozlums on Sept. 11th, 2001? If they weren't flying planes into the World Trade Center , the Pentagon or a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people on our own soil, they were rejoicing in the Middle East. No one can dispute the pictures
shown from all parts of the Moozlum world celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other cable news networks that day. Strangely, the very "moderate" Muslims who's asses you bent over backwards to kiss in Cairo, Egypt on June 4th were stone cold silent post 9-11. To many Americans, their silence has meant approval for the acts of that day.
And THAT, Mr. Obama, is the "rich heritage" Muslims have here
in America.

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention the Barbary Pirates. They were Moozlums.

And now we can add November 5, 2009 - the slaughter of American soldiers at Fort Hood by a Muslim major who is a doctor and a psychiatrist who was supposed to be counseling soldiers returning from battle in Iraq and Afghanistan.

That, Mr. Obama is the "Muslim heritage" in America.

The “Religion of Peace” Update - Christians Attacked in Ethiopia

On 3/2/11 a Christian in the town of Asendabo Ethiopia was accused of desecrating a Koran. What is the Moozlum response to such an accusation? Since 3/2/11, over 50 Christian churches and dozens of Christian homes have been burned. At least one person has been killed, dozens injured, and up to 10,000 have been displaced.

Christians are the majority in Ethiopia, but they are being persecuted by Moozlums. Moozlums reportedly make up 1/3 of the country, but in some areas make up 90% of the local population. We have seen what this concentration of Moozlums has done to communities in England, France, and Germany. It breeds intolerance and violence. From the article Thousands of Christians Displaced in Ethiopia After Muslim Extremists Torch Churches, Homes:

"One of those areas is Besheno where, on November 9, all the Christians in the city woke up to find notes on their doors warning them to convert to Islam, leave the city or face death....

"Later that month three Christians in Besheno were assaulted in religiously-motivated attacks and three others were forced to flee the city after being told that Muslim leaders had commissioned hit men to kill them, one of the exiled Christians told"

True to communist and Moozlum sympathies, the M3/MSM refuses to report on the persecution of Christians by Moozlums. Fox News seems to be the only outlet to receive this information form a U.S. source.

Compass Direct News article, Christian Jailed in Ethiopia Accused of Desecrating Quran .

The “Religion of Peace” Update - Moozlum's Wet Dream: Israel Not on the Map

Is Egypt through Egypt Air trying to tell the world something? They have removed Israel from the map on their website, even though they fly to Tel Aviv four times per week. The world knows that removing Israel from the map is Islam's Holy Grail, but perhaps they've realized that the task is just too daunting, and have taken the coward's approach by simply removing Israel from the printed map, rather than trying to literally wipe it off the planet. This would not be a surprising approach, since jihadis regularly employee the cowardly approach of homicide bombing unarmed civilians rather than attacking a military adversary man-to-man.

BHO's Incompetence on Display

Michael Savage announced on his radio program today that 1 out of 5 insurgents our troops fought in Iraq were from the eastern part of Libya. These are the "freedom fighters" that BHO has chosen to help overthrow Ghadaffi. And while the libtard left adores BHO for his multilateralism, they continue to perpetuate the lie that Bush acted unilaterally in Iraq, when over 35 countries acted with us.

David Limbaugh's article, Obama's Libya: Completing His Remaking of America outlines how BHO's Libyan endeavor is truly in keeping with his radical view of the need to remake America:

"His primary goals are neither to oust Gadhafi nor to rescue the Libyan rebels for humanitarian reasons, for if ousting an evil dictator or protecting his victims were the motivation, he would have intervened in any number of other places. His apparent vacillation and indecisiveness must be viewed in the context of his overarching goal: to change America's approach from "unilateralism," which it never was, to radical, deferential multilateralism replete with ceding our sovereign decisions to international bodies -- and to change our image.

Obama was not even slightly equivocal about deferring to international bodies for decisions on prosecuting this "kinetic military operation." This would be his showcase to prove to the world that he fully intends to remake ugly America into a place that he and his wife will no longer be ashamed of."

Colonel Oliver North's article Laureates and Leaders succinctly describes BHO's incompetence:

"While Obama dithers and tries to avoid offending anyone, Bahrain and Yemen descend further into turmoil exacerbated by Iran. Protesters are being gunned down in Syria. Hamas rockets and mortar rounds rain down on Israeli civilians as Islamic radicals butcher innocents with knives and bombs. The price of crude oil and the cost of motor fuel are heading up faster than a Tomahawk cruise missile. Meanwhile, "what's the mission?" has become a bipartisan refrain in our nation's capital. In a letter sent to the White House while our commander in chief was flying back to Washington, House Speaker John Boehner asked, inter alia, "How do you define success?""

Pat Buchanan's article How Killing Libyans Became a Moral Imperative
has a beautiful quote:

"Until the modern era, the idea of sending armed forces across oceans to kill and die for moral or humanitarian causes would have been seen as an insult to the Founding Fathers, an abandonment of a vital American tradition, and ruinous to the national interest."

Buchanan also points out with some impressive numbers of the dead from other civil wars in the region, what I stated in my last post, that the Libyan civil war is an Arab issue and should be handled by the Arabs, not the U.S.

And I just found a perfect article by Nile Gardiner of the London Telepgraph describing BHO as AWOL on the issue and that BHO "increasingly makes Jimmy Carter look like General Patton." Well said Nile! Thanks for doing the heavy lifting for the M3 (marxist media moguls), a.k.a the MSM, a.k.a. the U.S. news media.

From The Patriot Post, Chronicle - March 23, 2011:
The Patriot Post ( )"

"In the past, obstacles, even failures, have been viewed by Americans as an opportunity to excel, as a chance to overcome and to gain the advantage by learning from mistakes and making a better product or service. ... What the nation lacks is a leader capable of summoning the nation's abilities. So far, all we seem to be getting is the thin gruel of defeatism that urges us to abandon hope, because the problems are just too hard. I, for one, am sick of it. We are a great people, capable of great sacrifices and great accomplishments. If only President Obama would believe it too." --columnist Lurita Doan

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The “Religion of Peace” Update - Paying People to Hate Us

As Representative Ted Poe points out in this video, there are about 192 countries in the world and the U.S. gives foreign aid to over 150 of them. That's just monetary aid. We also give military aid to a large number of countries. The reality is that there are only about 3-5 countries that we don't provide some sort of aid to, and that means that we are giving your tax dollars to countries that hate us and oppose us at every opportunity, especially at the UN.

Representative Poe is correct, the House rule needs to be changed. Rather than voting on each country that is to receive aid, the House votes to approve one bill containing all the foreign aid allocations. That's a ridiculous way to do business and a travesty regarding our tax dollars. Given that our checkbook balance is in the negative, we should immediately discontinue all foreign monetary aid and scrutinize whether the military aid is justified. If only our elected leaders had the cojones to do just that!

Paying People to Hate Us

The “Religion of Peace” Update - The True Face of Multiculturism

In recent weeks we've heard leaders from France and Germany delcare that their policy of multiculturism is a total failure. But that's about the depth of the reporting we receive in the U.S. If M3 (marxist media moguls) were truly journalists and not socialists promoting an agenda, we'd receive some truthful reporting about what the policies of multiculturism have produced in those countries.

Here is a video report that shows the truth of what Moozlum enclaves are like, Multiculurism of Islam in France

Monday, March 21, 2011

The “Religion of Peace” Update - Toppling Ghadaffi a Big Mistake

"I would not have involved our military in Libya. For one thing, I see no reason why the Arab League, which gave the no-fly zone notion a big thumbs-up, doesn't take on that job. They have pilots and jets. Why is it that America and the European nations always have to do their dirty work? All it ever gets us is the ongoing hatred and resentment of Arabs and Muslims. Besides, unlike most people, I have not been sitting on the sidelines rooting for the rebellion forces in the Middle East. I do not confuse enemies of my enemies with friends. I have no reason to think that when the smoke clears, we are going to see a lot of George Washingtons and Thomas Jeffersons running any of those moral swamplands. It is far likelier that Al Qaeda, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and Hezbollah, will fill any and all power vacuums in that part of the world, with the mullahs in Tehran pulling their collective strings. ... I am not suggesting that the U.S. military should never venture out beyond our borders, but we should have a better reason for doing so than because CNN is showing us one bunch of anti-American creeps killing another bunch of anti-American creeps. In short, we should not be letting the 6 o'clock news determine our foreign policy." -- columnist Keeping Santa's List by Burt Prelutsky

The Kansas Infidel will go on record with the position that toppling Ghadaffi will be a huge mistake. Yes, he's a brutal dictator. Yes, he's a state sponsor of terror. Yes, he should be brought to justice for the Lockerbie Scotland jet bombing, among other terrorist acts, but he should have been brought to justice 20 years ago. BHO dithered for weeks, then did the same thing Bush did regarding Afghanistan & Iraq, but instead of acting as a super power as Bush did, BHO went to the UN for approval to attack Ghadaffi. This is the only way libtards would accept the use of force. Acting as a moral super power by seeing something evil and acting to stop it is just not acceptable to libtards. No, we have to go to an international body of do-nothings to get permission under BHO. Now BHO has really stepped in it, as you would expect from his lack of experience. He's allowed an international body to authorize U.S. use of military force, but did not seek authorization from the U.S. Congress. He's definitely not following the Constitution and members of both parties are understandably angry. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that members of Congress have no idea who is running the operation, and Army General Ham has publicly stated that the UN defined mission could leave Ghadaffi in power. The POTUS has publicly stated that Ghadaffi has to go. If this third rate dictator stays in power after the coalition operation, it will severly diminish U.S. prestige and credibility, but BHO has already made it a mission to do just that to the U.S. on the world stage. This latests blunder just unintentionally assists his earlier goal.

My position on Ghadaffi is consistent with my earlier stated position that only a brutal dictator can keep hordes of 7th Century mindset Moozlums in check. Unlike Iraq, where we had heard for years from those who escaped and were part of a (for lack of a better word) democratic resistance to Saddam, there is no democratic opposition in Libya. I'd much rather see an opposition group who was willing to establish a Republic, but what M3 calls a democracy would be a vast improvement over dicatorship. Even if democracy could be established, which it can't currently, it would quickly deteriorate in the middle east as our Founding Fathers predicted it would here - that's why they gave us a Republic!

"[D]emocracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths." --James Madison, Federalist No. 10, 1787

"The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness which the ambitious call, and ignorant believe to be liberty." --Fisher Ames, speech in the Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 1788

Toppling Ghadaffi will leave a power vacuum, as there is no opposition group ready to step in and control the country. Toppling Ghadaffi will only ensure that another middle east nation becomes an Islamic state - and a radical Islamic state is almost certain. Is that BHO's plan? His union supporters have been very active in the middle east revolutions and his incompetent handling of the events almost assures that Israel will be surrounded by radical Moozlum states. This is going to go very badly, as you would expect from the least qualified man in any room.

"The President does not have power under the constitution to unilaterally authorized a military attack on a situation that does not involve stopping an action or imminint threat to the nation." -- Barrack Hussein Obama 12/20/2007

Why is it Arabs never lift a finger to help their fellow Arabs or Moozlums? Why do western countries have to step in and do the heavy lifting? Why don't the Arab countries take in the Palestinians? Why don't the Arab countries deal with Ghadaffi if they want him gone? Why did BHO get authorization from the UN to overthrow another nation, but not from the U.S. Congress?

From The Patriot Post, Chronicle - March 23, 2011
The Patriot Post (

"At once presumptuous and flippant, President Obama used a Saturday audio recording from Brazil to inform Americans he had authorized a third war -- a war in which America's role is unclear and the stated objectives are muddled. Setting aside the wisdom of the intervention, Obama's entry into Libya's civil war is troubling on at least five counts. First is the legal and constitutional question. Second is the manner of Obama's announcement. Third is the complete disregard for public opinion and lack of debate. Fourth is the unclear role the United States will play in this coalition. Fifth is the lack of a clear endgame. Compounding all these problems is the lack of trust created by Obama's record of deception." --columnist Timothy P. Carney

"At once presumptuous and flippant, President Obama used a Saturday audio recording from Brazil to inform Americans he had authorized a third war -- a war in which America's role is unclear and the stated objectives are muddled. Setting aside the wisdom of the intervention, Obama's entry into Libya's civil war is troubling on at least five counts. First is the legal and constitutional question. Second is the manner of Obama's announcement. Third is the complete disregard for public opinion and lack of debate. Fourth is the unclear role the United States will play in this coalition. Fifth is the lack of a clear endgame. Compounding all these problems is the lack of trust created by Obama's record of deception." --columnist Timothy P. Carney

"So in the eleventh hour we have decided to bomb Libya. What is the mission? What are our objectives? The public is in the dark. Barely anyone has mentioned how Congress hasn't debated or authorized any of this. Secretary of State Clinton is reportedly furious with the administration's dithering. Vice President Biden, the purported foreign policy expert, is missing in action. And President Obama is away touring South America. The whole scene is very strange and a bit surreal. We have stumbled into war and it feels as though the intervention is both belated and haphazardly rushed at the same time." --columnist N. M. Guariglia

"Hourly cost of whatever it is we're doing in Libya: about $4 million. Total cost of building one mile of border fence, as undertaken by our horribly inefficient, bloated, largely incompetent federal government: about $2 million. So, every 30 minutes we're in Libya is one mile of border fence we could have built: Assuming the mission is accomplished in each case, which investment would make us safer?" --columnist Kevin D. Williamson

Update - 4/1/11: Pat Buchanan's ariticle A Community Organizer Goes to War.

The “Religion of Peace” Update - The Enemy Within

"For decades, Europe has been in the grip of an Islamist assault. Largely ghettoized Muslim populations have become dangerously alienated from the European mainstream. ... America faces the same kind of threat. Yet when anyone tries to put a spotlight on the growth of domestic Muslim extremism, liberals, Islamic lobby groups and their fellow travelers cry 'Islamophobia' and 'racism.' The latest example was the congressional hearing held by Rep. Peter King, New York Republican, who dared to examine how some U.S. Muslim youth are being radicalized and recruited by terror networks. The American Civil Liberties Union, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Democratic Party all claimed the hearing was not only unjustified and deeply discriminatory, but could spark an intense backlash among many in the U.S. Muslim community. The critics even argued that this could provide fodder for al-Qa'ida and other jihadists to commit more terrorist acts. In other words, Islam is a 'religion of peace' unless you investigate some Islamic extremists who may be plotting to kill or maim Americans; then that will compel peaceful, law-abiding Muslims to wage jihad. This is the twisted -- and perverse -- logic of the multicultural Left." -- columnist Jeffrey T. Kuhner

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Waiting on Superman" Shows Failure of Schools Directy Tied to Unions

This post will differ from my standard diatribe about the dangers of Islam, but it will be consistent with my conservative views. We recenty rented "Waiting on Superman". The information in this movie will stun you. I've stated for years that we need leaders and politicians (not necessarily the same thing!) that ask two questions before making any decision:

1. Is it good for the children?
2. Is it good for the country?

With the unions showing their true colors in Wisconsin, the information provided in "Waiting on Superman" is perfectly timed. Also perfectly times is this article I just read on Supermans Frankenstein Comes To Life

Also, last week, my son's high school district sent an email requesting that we answer an online survey about where the district should cut $10.5 million. At the end was a section where we could comment. My main comment was that the district should re-negotiate the union contracts, as the only question of the 20-sum I answered about cuts that directly affected teachers was about increasing class size. All other cuts were ancillary and support services. This is due directly to the unionization and contracts.

Here are the facts taken directly from the movie:

We've doubled what we spend on each child, which would be worth it if we produced results.

Since 1971 reading scores have flat lined. Math is no better.

No Child Left Behing (NCLB) was a bold promise. To make good on that promise the architects of NCLB decided to measure every student in the country. The goal was 100% proficiency in math & reading.

In AL, only 18% of 8th graders were proficient in math. In MS-14%, NJ-40%, CT-35%, NY-30%, AZ-26%, CA-24%. Across the country, 8th graders were tested for reading & most scored between 20-35% of grade level. The worst scores were in DC at 12%.

Most kids do fine in school up to 4th grade. Between 5th & 7th grade, a huge numer of minority kids go from being B to D students. Either kids are getting stupider every year, or somethinng is wrong with the education system.

The following example was given: Students at Stevenson middle school in Los Angeles, CA only test 13% proficient in math. This school feeds into Roosevelt High School - one of the worst performing High Schools in LA. The CA school system has an A-G system. 15 courses are required to be accepted into the CA university system. Only 3/100 students at Roosevelt will graduate with classes necessary to go to a 4 year university. 57% will not graduate from High School.

Dr. Robert Balfans from Johns Hoplins University has studied the public school system and coined the term "Dropout Factories." Dropout Factories are where over 40% don't graduate on time. He saw a pattern: In cities, suburbs, & rural areas, failing elementary & middle schools were feeding poorly educated students into local High Schools where they lasted 1-2 years. In his research he found over 2000 drop out factories!

Lock High School in LA was one of the worst. Steve Barr has observed that 9th & 10th grade go from 1200 freshman to 300-400 sophmores. They are losing 800-900 kids between 9th & 10th grade. Most freshman read at 1st & 3rd grade level - they've been pushed through the system. Lock High School is 40 years old. 60k kids passed through the school in 40 years - 40k didn't graduate!

We now have millions of kids walking the street with no vested insterest in living - they dropped out of school, they have no diplomas, they have no skills.

For generations, experts blamed failing schools on failing neighborhoods. But reformers have begun to believe the opposite, that the problem of failing neighborhoods might be blamed on failing schools. (Infidel's note: most, if not all liberal idealogy can be disproven by simply reversing their arguments/positions)

In Pittsburgh, PA, 68% of inmates are High school dropouts. The state spends $33k/year on each prisoner. The average prisoner term of 4 years costs $132k. An average private school education costs $8300/year. For the same $132k we could have sent an inmate to private school from K-12 for $107,900, & still had $24,100 left over for college. (Infidel note: makes for a good argument for privatizing public schools!)

Jay Mathews, Editorial Reporter for the Washington Post, said of DC schools "It's the worst possible example of public schooling in the U.S. Lots of districts have certain things wrong with them. DC has everything wrong with it."

DC's Kimball elementary feeds into John Phillips Suza middle school which the Washington Post called an academic sink hole. Odds are most students entering Suza are 3-5 grade levels behind!

Michelle Rhee was appointed Chancellor of the DC public schools in 2007. She was the 7th Chancellor in 10 years. Each predecessor promised radical change. Predecessor Lt. General Julius Becton, two-time recipient of the purple heart and recipient of the Silver Star for heroic acts in battle, said he never faced a mor difficult task than reforming the schools of DC. He resigned 16 months later.

It should be simple, but we've made it complicated. The federal government passes laws and sends money to the states, but states fund schools too, and retain their own often conflicting standards. There are more than 14k autonomous school boards, making school governance a tangled mess of conflicting regulations and mixed agendas. Jonathan Alter, Senior Editor at Newsweek said "This whole collection of people, which is sometimes called 'The Blob'[referring to local school board members, state and federal departments of education, & district superintendants and their staffs] has been an impediment to reform. No individual is necessarily to blame, but collectively they are the goliath of the system."

Michelle Rhee said "This district did not become the way that it is by accident. There's a complete & utter lack of accountability for the job that we're supposed to be doing which is producing results for kids."

Eric Hanushek of Stanford University has tracked the effect of individual teachers on groups of kids. "The difference between a really good teachear & a really bad teacher is 1 yr of learning per academic year." Students with high performing teachers progressed three times as fast as those with low performing teachers, & yet they cost the same to the school. A bad teacher covers 50% of the required curriculum in the school year. A good teacher can cover 150%. (Infidel note: this is why unionization, which equates to a socialist system, is bad. Performance is not rewarded. Only exceptionally dedicated individuals will put forth the effort to overcome the system. See Stand And Deliver, Coach Carter, etc.)

In 1991 Howard Fuller was the superintendant of Milwaukee. An undercover investigation where a student video taped classrooms from a book bag revealed teacher abuses. Fuller fired the worst teachers in the video & was forced to rehire them with a year back pay due to a tenure clause in the contract, which guaranteed their jobs for life. Tenure started in universities & was meant to prevent professors from being fired for arbitrary or political reasons. In the university, professors were only granted tenure after many ears of teaching & a grueling vetting process. But for public school teachers, tenure has become automatic.

Taken together the AFT & NEA are the largest campaign contributors in the country. Over the last 20 years, they've given over $55 million to federal candidates & their parties. Over 90% of the money goes to Democrats!

John Kamras of Teacher Quality Control in DC showed the Professional Performance Evaluation Process. This document includes 23 steps that must be followed exactly in order to get rid of a teacher. Miss one step or deadline and the entire process must start over.

What reformers & other experts will tell you, often under their breath, is that the biggest obstacle to real reform is the contract with the teacher's union, which ties their hands.

Dance of the Lemons - chronically bad teachers are passed around. This is also called Pass The Trash & the Turkey Trot. In NY, the incompetent & teachers on charges are sent to the reassignment center or rubber room, where many just sleep. 600 teachers spend 7 hours/day in the center. Their hearings last three times longer than the average criminal case, and costs the state of NY $100 million/yr.

IL has 876 districts; only 61 attempted to fire a tenured teacher; only 38 were successfull in firing a teacher. Compare that to other professions: doctors, 1 in 57 lose their license to practice; lawyers, 1 in 97 lose their license to practice; teachers, 1 in 2500 lose their teaching credentials.

Charter schools were created so that they were not bound by the rules of the district or union contracts - public schools with public money, but independently run.

Since the 1970s, U.S. schools have failed to keep pace with the rest of the world. Out of 30 developed countries, we rank 25th in math & 21st in science. Our top 5% of students rank 23rd out of 29 developed countries. However, U.S. students rank #1 in the world in confidence!

Our schools haven't changed, but the world around us has. At the end of 2009 unemployment was at 10% in the U.S., but the high-tech sector could not find enough people to fill their high-tech jobs. Instead, they went 1/2 way around the world to recruit the engineers & programmers they needed. "The only really proven thing to make an economy work well is to have a well educated work force." -- Bill Gates

By 2020, 150 million American jobs will be high skill/high pay, but only 50 milliion Americans will be qualified to fill them.

KIPP schools prove that the right school culture can producte positive results. They closed the achievement gap between rich & poor, shattering the U.S. myth that poor kids can't learn.

With unions it's about the adults, not the kids. For example, Rhees proposed to pay based on performance. Her plan was so threatening that the union leaders would not even allow a vote on the plan.

Update - 4/1/11: A segment from The Patriot Post, Digest · April 1, 2011:
Village Academic Curriculum: DC School Choice

By a vote of 225-195 the House passed this week the Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Act, which would renew the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program. According to Heritage Foundation's Rachel Sheffield, "Since 2004, this program has provided low-income schoolchildren in Washington, D.C., which ranks 51st in the nation in standardized test scores, with scholarships worth $7,500 each to attend private schools of their choice." The program has resulted in improved test scores and vastly increased graduation rates, but political games now jeopardize that chance for children.

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) successfully amended other legislation in 2009 to phase out the program. Of course, Durbin and 40 percent of members of the 111th Congress sent their children to private schools, though just 11 percent of their constituents nationwide did the same. The White House released a strong statement opposing the renewal, saying, "Private school vouchers are not an effective way to improve student achievement. The administration strongly opposes expanding the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program and opening it to new students."

According to Patrick J. Wolf, the principal federal investigator of the scholarship program, the administration is trying to make up its own facts. "In my opinion," Wolf testified to Congress in February, "by demonstrating statistically significant experimental impacts on boosting high school graduation rates and generating a wealth of evidence suggesting that students also benefited in reading achievement, the DC OSP has accomplished what few educational interventions can claim: It markedly improved important education outcomes for low-income inner-city students." In short, Barack Obama is ignoring the research and selling out inner-city schoolchildren for purely political reasons. Support from those teachers union must be pretty valuable.

The Patriot Post (

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The "Religion of Peace" Update - Moozlum Terrorist Murders Two Airmen

Now that the facts are in, its time to weigh in on the latest terror attack that has claimed the lives of two U.S. servicemen. Oh, wait, the BHO administration has not recognized that we are at war with radical Islam and refuses to use the word 'terrorism,' so in the spirit of Janet Napalitano's political correctness, Arid Aku must have been conducting "overseas contingency operations" when he shouted "Allahu Akbar" and murdered two U.S. Airmen in Germany on 3/2/11.

Here we have another murder of unarmed and defensless people by a Moozlum shouting "Allahu Akbar!" as he commits his cowardly act. I laughed out loud when I read Ben Crystal's article Rush to Judgement, where he writes "Maybe Uka is merely a gentle shepherd, pushed over the edge of sanity after Ellie the ewe broke it off, and he wasn’t yelling Allahu Akbar, but “Ellie, you broke my heart!”"

This is a murder story that is getting very little attention with M3. The BHO administration has downplayed the tragedy, of course, and will not even call it a terrorist act. Reportedly, what little reporting you can find, the Moozlum engaged the U.S. soldiers on a bus, pulled a gun which I believe is illegal in Germany, shot two soldiers in the head, and attempted to kill a third soldier, but the gun jammed. Apparently Uka pulled the trigger several times, but the gun failed to fire. True to his Moozlum radical roots, he turned tail and fled the bus. The third surviving U.S. soldier chased him down and tackled him on the street, resulting in his arrest.

Typical of the cowardly Moozlum! They love to attack and kill unarmed innocent people with bombs and guns, but when their plan does not go as planned, they run like hell! These radical Moozlums have no dignity and no honor. If Uka was such a bad ass believer in his cause, why not confront the soldiers and challenge them to a battle demonstrating individual combat skills? Well, maybe he wasn't such a die hard believer. It appears that he was quickly radicalized by watching a Youtube video of an operation in Afghanistan.

Well at least Ken Blackwell agrees with me that we are at war with Islam: Terrorists with Union Cards?

The "Religion of Peace" Update - Congressional Hearings on Islamic Radicalization in America

Representative Peter King, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, has scheduled a series of hearings to investigate Islamic radicalization in the Moozlum community here in America. Typically, the ACLU and libtard lawmakers are screaming discrimination.

The American Center for Law and Justice has an online support petition for Rep. King that you can sign here, ACLJ.

The liberal mind is so misguided and poisoned that they refuse to recognize radical Islam for the enemy that it is. As I've stated on many occasions, liberals, especially the M3, have substituted Islam for their beloved communism, as the soup du jour. Liberals are incapable of looking at the world, seeing objective facts, and processing them. We are in fact engaged in a holy war with Islam. How do I know this? Because the radical Moozlums have openly and publicly declared war on the west, Christianity and Jews. When 1 billion people declare war on you, you should sit up and take notice, then become the Sword of Gideon and defeat your enemy, not coddle them as disadvantaged poor. That liberal mindset has worked miracles for our disadvantaged poor in the U.S.

3/10/11 Update - Great article by Cal Thomas:Hunting for Terrorists, Not Witches

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The “Religion of Peace” Update - NPR Meets With Radical Moozlums

This is a great story. I saw it on Fox News today, it appeard on YahooNews, and Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity just covered it on their TV shows. This undercover video by O'Keefe demonstrates why conservatives have been calling for NPR to be defunded. The people running NPR are as left wing as they come and the federal government should not be funding/subsidizing a faux news organization that is that one sided. Schiller of NPR even makes the case in the video that NPR does not need federal funding.

O'Keefe set up a fake Moozlum organization website called the Muslim Education Action Center, posing as a front for The Muslim Brotherhood, with a mission statement to spread Sharia law worldwide, then arranged a meeting with NPR fundraising executive Schiller.

NPR has been accused of having a pro-Palestinian bias. When the representatives from the fake Moozlum organization stated that they had long referred to NPR as National Palestinian Radio, the NPR executive just smiled. The NPR executive later shows his bias by making anti-Jewish statements. He states that Jews control the newspapers, but not NPR!

NPR's defense to this humiliating video is to point out that they didn't take the $5 million the fake Moozlum organization was offering. Typical libtards miss the point. The point is that they met with a Moozlum organization that proclaimed its mission was to spread Sharia law worldwide. A supposed news organization like NPR should have checked out the group they were meeting with. If they didn't, then they are incompetent. If they did, then they are radical Moozlum sympathizers, because only radical Moozlums want to spread Sharia law. Even if our government will not name the enemy we are fighting on multiple fronts, they should not fund an organization that would readily meet with radical Moozlums who wanted to donate a large sum of money.

NPR as an organization borders on the traitorous and seditious. This video investigation provides a window into the soul of the NPR organization - and what we see should appall us. The U.S. House has voted to defund them. Let's hope the U.S. Senate finalizes that decision.

Here is a link to the YahooNews story:
NPR Meets with radical Moozlums

3/9/11 - Update: National Public Radio President and CEO Vivian Schiller resigns/gets fired due to this story

3/10/11 Update: Great article by Michael Barone:Why NPR Should Urge Congress to End Its Subsidy

Great article by Emmett Tyrell:NPR Exec Stung by Muslims

Harvard's Niall Ferguson Eats Morning Joe libtards for breakfast

A friend emailed me the link to a video of Professor Niall Ferguson absolutely schooling and eating the lunch of some libtards on a morning TV show called Morning Joe. I hadn't heard of Ferguson before seeing this video, but from all the video on Youtube, he's obviously been on Fox News and The Glenn Beck show quite a bit, so I'm surprised I missed him.

This is the kind of video I can watch over and over! Every time the libtard female anchor makes an inane comment, Professor Ferguson without hestitation demonstrates just how absurd her positions are. And her positions are absurd! She demonstrates how the left-wing cool-aid drinkers think, and Professor Ferguson effortlessly demonstrates just how backwards her thinking is.

When I saw the intro to the video where the female anchor reads Professor Ferguson's positioin statement, I couldn't believe that an M3 program would take a chance and interview someone like him. Just from hearing his position in the intro, I immediately knew that no M3 anchor would stand a chance interviewing him. This video is delicious because it expertly demonstrates the incorrectness of liberal thinking!

Enjoy the video:
Harvard's Niall Ferguson Eats Morning Joe libtards for breakfast

Thursday, March 3, 2011


This Infidel has wondered for at least 20 years, why Muammar Gaddafi, who successfully overthrew his government and became dictator, never rose higher than the rank of Colonel. He's only been referred to as Colonel Gaddafi. Which raises questions about whether they have anyone of equal or above rank in the Libyan military. How can you be a General when your supreme leader is only a Colonel? This makes one speculate on the man's credibility to lead.

Today, BHO gave a news conference where he stated that Gaddafi has lost legitimacy and must step down. BHO speaks as if Gaddafi ever had legitimacy! The man is a brutal dictator who sponsors state sanctioned terrorism, and the POTUS states that the dictator has lost legitimacy and must step down! What an amateur, what a clown, what a moron. Yes, those apply to Gaddafi, but I was speaking of BHO. No leader who himself wants to be considered legitimate would ever seriously speak as if Gaddafi ever had legitimacy or credibility.

One of the brilliant M3 reporters asked the POTUS about Libya and the NFL strike, inquiring if the POTUS would intervene in the NFL seeing as how it has so much impact on the economy. At first I thought this question was asinine, then after pondering it, and considering how BHO has taken over the banking industry, the auto industry, and healthcare, it does on second glance appear to be a legitimate question. Why couldn't he step in and dictate his will on this private industry as well? Fortunately, he declined to interfere, but he did state in a Marxist way that he thought the owners and players could decide how to share the money without his help. However, a better question regarding the economy would have been what BHO is going to do to ensure stability in the Middle East to ensure an uninterrupted supply of oil, and what he will do to increase domestic oil production.

BHO then tackled the question about Libya and again stated that Gaddafi has lost legitimacy with his people and must step down. BHO is very insistent on using the word 'legitimacy' in reference to Gaddafi. Maybe he's sticking to the Democrat playbook which reads that if you repeat a lie often enough it will be believed.

Then, to show his foreign policy prowess, BHO stated that Gaddafi must step down, that it is good for his country, good for his people, and the right thing to do. This Infidel has held the opinion for years that only a dictator can control a Moozlum population. BHO wants the current dictator to vanish with no successor waiting in the wings. I guess he thinks that democratic rule will just magically evolve in a country that knows nothing about freedom or democracy. And with no democratic supporting, freedom loving group ready to step up and assume the reigns of power, the only thing that can result from Gaddafi leaving is another dictator of equal or greater power, or worse, a radical Islamic group taking over. BHO (which could stand for Butt Head Observer) doesn't have a clue and obviously doesn't have a handle on the Middle East situation.

BHO went on to state that those committing violence against citizens will be held accountable. Oh really? Who is going to hold them accountable? We can't even get our citizens out of trouble spots when they erupt into riots. I don't hear him declaring that those who gang raped Lara Logan (a U.S. citizen, by the way) are going to be hunted down and brought to justice! But he's promising justice for Libyan citizens.

Next, BHO informed the M3 reporters that the U.S. had frozen $30 Billion in Libyan assets. Can someone please explain to me how a terrorist nation has any assets in the U.S., let alone $30 Billion worth of assets?

BHO said "One of the extraordinary successes in Egypt was the full ownership the Egyptian people felt for that transformation. Uh, that has served the Egyptian people well. It serves U.S. interests well. We did not see anti-American sentiment arising out of uh, that movement in Egypt precisely because they saw that we hadn't tried to engineer or impose a particular outcome...." Who the hell is he kidding? Ask the U.S. reporters who were beaten and chased if they felt there was no anti-American sentiment in the Egyptian revolution. Ask Lara Logan if her near death beating and gang rape reflect anti-American sentiment. OK, that last statement isn't fair. It reflects anti-semitic sentiment, which runs very high throughout the Arab world. And the fact that we could not or would not engineer an outcome that is favorable to our economic and military interests is evidence that this administration is incapable of fulfilling its role.

3/10/11 Update: Great article by Ken Blackwell:Purple Fingers Aren't Enough

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The “Religion of Peace” Update - The Minister is In...and Out of his mind!

From the Village Idiots section of The Patriot Post, Chronicle · March 2, 2011:

Warning: "What you are looking at in Tunisia, in Egypt ... Libya, in Bahrain ... what you see happening there ... you'd better prepare because it will be coming to your door. ... L. Ron Hubbard is so exceedingly valuable to every Caucasian person on this earth. ... L. Ron Hubbard himself was and is trying to civilize white people and make them better human beings and take away from them their reactive minds. ... [He] recognized that [white] people have to be civilized." --Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan

--The Patriot Post (

The Kansas Infidel's commentary: Louie is making veiled threats that Moozlums and blacks in the U.S. will riot on a comparable level to what we are seeing in the Middle East. The man is just another race baiter. His threats don't scare me. What scares me is how many followers he has.

Ann Coulter's Best Work Yet!

This is information that I sent out via email on 2/16/11:

From: KSInfidel
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 10:14 PM
Subject: The Kansas Infidel Blog - Ann Coulter's Best Work Yet!
Importance: High

After reading Ann’s latest article, all I could say was “Damn Ann!” I mean that in a very good way. This is probably the hardest hitting article I’ve read in a long time. She sums up what I’ve been saying for years, that our State Dept. conducts an America Last Foreign Policy, and that liberals are brain dead zombies.

Click the picture of Ann at the shooting range to read the remarkable article.

Democrats: Emboldening America's Enemies & Terrifying Her Allies Since 1976

The 'Religion of Peace" Update - Still Watching Egypt

This is information that I sent out via email from 2/2/11 - 2/27/11:
From: KSInfidel
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 11:10 PM
Subject: FW: The "Religion of Peace" Update - Still Watching Egypt!
Importance: High

Diana West wrote an excellent piece:

Doug Giles again hits the mark by calling out M3:

From: KSInfidel
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 10:04 PM
Subject: FW: The "Religion of Peace" Update - Still Watching Egypt!
Importance: High

Two eye opening articles about Egypt and the failure of liberal/socialist ideals:


From: KSInfidel
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 8:46 AM
Subject: FW: The "Religion of Peace" Update - Still Watching Egypt!
Importance: High

An Israeli Twitter post (courtesy of Cliff May’s article below):
Dear Egyptian rioters,
Please don't damage the pyramids.
We will not rebuild.
Thank you.

I call for a vote of no confidence! I’m referring to our own government, specifically our State Dept. and our CIA. We already know BHO is incompetent, so I won’t bother with discussing him. All the so-called breaking news yesterday was that Mubarak would announce at any time that he was stepping down. What really happened? He made a speech that said he wasn’t going anywhere. I can’t believe that we give over 1 Billion dollars a year in equipment and direct financial aid to the Egyptian military and not one of their officers told someone in the CIA or Dept. of Diplodunks what was really going on.

I did get a vote of confidence from my wife this morning. She told me I was right (guys, you know how rare that is!). When I asked her what I was right about, she said about my long-standing claim that only a dictator can control and run an Arab nation. I have been of the opinion for years that a secular dictator is the best we can hope for in Muslin/Arab nations. They may be brutal to their own people, but they grew up with those people and understand them better than we. They know what it takes to control their country and keep radical Islamists from taking over. We’ve only seen two types of successful government in Muslim/Arab countries – secular dictators or Islamic fundamentalism, both of which brutalize and repress their people. The soldiers I’ve talked to who have done their time in the sandbox tell me that from what they saw, the Iraqis will never be able to govern themselves.

So we have what appears to be an incompetent White House, an incompetent CIA, and an incompetent Dept. of Diplodunks. M3 keeps telling us that Egypt is our best friend in the middle east (refer to the below articles noting how they vote against us 70% of the time in the U.N.), yet we have no idea what Mubarak is doing. The Saudis stepped in yesterday and assumed control of the situation. They know full well that if The Muslim Brotherhood takes over, their power structure will be directly threatened and they would be next to be overthrown. The Saudis are another of our “best friends” in the Middle East. These friends produced 11 of the 911 hijackers and are an assembly line for churning out Wahabbi radical Islamists. They stepped in yesterday to ensure that Mubarak doesn’t go anywhere, because they being dictators themselves know what it takes to control an Arab population.

Now factor in the Muslim Brotherhood, Code Pink, and union organizers. Yes, you read that right. Code Pink, the socialist/communist radical organization that organized The Flotilla project to entrap Israel is in Cairo doing some community organizing, along with BHO’s favorite union SEIU. If our Dept. of Diplodunks was worth a damn, they’d have the Egyptian army arrest these communist community organizers for directly interfering with foreign policy. It would be a great boon to the world if they disappeared for eternity into an Egyptian prison.

Speaking of the Muslim Brotherhood, M3 has been busy hosting guests who tell us that these Neanderthals are a sideline organization with little influence, and that they are not a violent group. I guess these experts haven’t read any of the official Muslim Brotherhood documents claiming that Jihad is the way.

Folks, what we are witnessing is the internationalists/communists/socialists/progressives trying to defeat capitalism world wide. They need to kill capitalism in order to implement their new world order, and they’ll work with radical Islamists to do it. Of course they are so naïve in their socialist ideology that they don’t realize that once capitalism is dead and Sharia Law rules the planet that they’ll be some of the first to be slaughtered. Hence, the term useful idiots. Hence, the term died trying!

Our government is incompetent and because of this our influence around the globe is in severe decline. It appears radicals in the White House take no offense to U.S. radicals attempting to influence the Egyptian outcome. Do you really think we’re safe with these Bozos in charge?

Here’s some food for thought:


From: KSInfidel
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 8:34 AM
Subject: FW: The "Religion of Peace" Update - Still Watching Egypt!

Giles made me laugh with this: “…When I say they’re fundamentalists, I mean that in the classic sense of the word: namely, no fun, mostly dumb, and quite mental.”

From: KSInfidel
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2011 5:22 PM
Subject: FW: The "Religion of Peace" Update - Still Watching Egypt!

Greetings Infidels,

This David Stokes article leads me to believe that we are doomed to watch history repeat itself. I don’t know if we should blame the U.S. State Dept. for their ineptness and total foreign policy failure, the CIA for their multiple intelligence failures, or a host of others. Regardless, I think the end result of the Egypt events will be another feather in the cap of the Islamists.

From: KSInfidel
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2011 7:41 AM
Subject: FW: The "Religion of Peace" Update - Still Watching Egypt!

Here’s a little Egyptology to go with your morning coffee:

From: KSInfidel
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 2:09 PM
Subject: FW: The "Religion of Peace" Update - Still Watching Egypt!

Here are some articles about the revolt in Egypt – all insightful. These are just today’s articles from, I haven’t even read the ones that came in yesterday. Just now on Fox News they are showing the revolt has degraded into a civil war between pro-Mubarak supporters and anti-Mubarak protestors. The army & security forces have pulled back and the factions are attacking each other. The situation is degrading rapidly.

In this first one, I’m of the opinion that Facebook, Twitter, and all the other social networking devices are the new Comintern. My wife opined yesterday that she thought these revolutions are staged/planned to create a domino effect, and that social network sites are being used by the Islamists to foment the crowd, get out the crowd, and get their revolution on the national stage. When I read Jonah Goldgerb’s article, I immediately connected what she said with Goldberg’s comments comparing the Muslim Brotherhood to the old Soviet Comintern. His analogy to the Carter administration is beautiful, but as for Goldberg’s hopefulness, he’s incredibly naïve to think that the Islamists won’t capitalize on this opportunity to seize control.


Dick Morris agrees with Glodberg on the fact that if BHO loses Egypt, it will cost him the 2012 elections. I believe that BHO is not only a foreign policy novice, and still the least qualified man in any room to be POTUS, but that his sympathies with Islam run deep. Analyze the man’s actions since assuming office and it is clear that he has deep sympathies for Islam (remember when Obama kowtowed to the Muslim Brotherhood and invited them to his 2009 Cairo speech?), which is why he is not backing Mubarak to ensure stability. Morris’ comment that Iran & Egypt working in tandem could control the middle eastern region is more terrifying than Islam itself!


Medved’s facts are sobering. We’ve contributed $70 BILLION to Egypt, yet they vote against us 70% of the time at the U.N. Stats like that aren’t hard to understand, yet no one in D.C. has sought to pull our funding of Egypt, once again demonstrating that we have an America Last foreign policy run by an inept State Dept. As he points out, 1/3 of the worlds Arabs live in Egypt. If this nation goes Islamic, it spells doom for the U.S., Israel, and the rest of the middle east. It doesn’t spell good things for the planet as a whole.


Austin Bay is splitting hairs when he talks about the difference between Islamists and Radical Islamists, but he is right to compare the Menshevik/Bolshevik history to Iran and the current Egypt crises. It’s a no brainer that violent people will win over peaceful protestors every time. History proves it, but our diplodunks don’t understand it.


Ben Shaprio points out the utter failure of liberal ideology and how it has led us to mishandle every revolution since Woodrow Wilson. Our history of foreign policy handling is abysmal and quite stupid, as we have not learned from history and continually watch it repeat itself. We have essentially done nothing and watched evil flourish.


Terry Jeffrey writes an interesting piece, but his comment that Egypt “has remained at peace with Israel, and Mubarak's government has been as good a friend to the U.S. as any in the Arab world” is laughable when you consider the stats that Michael Medved presented – we’ve contributed $70 BILLION to Egypt, yet they vote against us 70% of the time at the U.N. I guess that’s as good as an Arab friend gets. His next point that I take issue with, “What the American president should hope for in Egypt is what we have had for almost 30 years in Mubarak: a government that does not threaten our security or freedom and that is as friendly to us as can reasonably be expected” is a little too liberal mamby pamby hopy/changy for me. The POTUS shouldn’t be hoping for anything in this situation. He should be working overtime to ensure that a U.S. friendly regime is put in place. And if that’s the best we can reasonably expect from an Arab ally, why do we even try?


Lastly for today, Rich Galen gives us some eye opening stats on the number of Muslims in the world, where they live, and what kind of trouble they can cause. He is also the first author I’ve read in the last week that mentions al-Jazeera. I was watching O’Reilly last night and he had on Alan Combs, who was touting al-Jazeera as the best example of journalistic freedom in the world. Just my opinion, but Combs is one of the most retarded thinking liberal zombies I’ve ever seen.


Courtesy of The Infidel Czar:

Torture…another job Americans won’t do.

The "Religion of Peace" Update - Islamic Anti-Semitism

Since the reports that Lara Logan was attacked, I’ve been wondering why there hasn’t been any detailed reporting on her attack. When the attack first occurred, it was widely reported that she was attacked, but in a generic way. After the attack, I only heard Sean Hannity discuss it by describing it as a “sexual assault.” At the time I thought that was a rather nebulous description, which could mean that she was simply groped in the crowd. I’m now finally reading what really happened. Lara Logan was gang raped and nearly beaten to death in Tahir square by Muslim men chanting “Jew!”

Several American reporters were violently attacked before Logan’s rape. Now I can understand her fellow press respecting her privacy, but in these modern times the press is generally respected and “untouchable” with the understanding that they are there to report on the “freedom fighters.” That the press does not accurately report what happened to Logan indicates to me that the libtard zombies of the left have seen the true face of the Muslim they so ardently support, and they cannot deal with the fact that they’ve been shown evidence of just how wrong they’ve been. Typical of liberal ideology, when faced with evidence that refutes their beloved position, they are bewildered and refuse to accept it.

In Robert Spencer’s latest Jihad Watch article, he states “…It isn’t insignificant that Libyan protesters have marked Gaddafi’s picture with the Star of David. Rather, it is an indication of the protesters’ world view, and of the pervasiveness of Islamic anti-Semitism. Egyptian protesters defaced photos of Mubarak in the same way. When Muslim protesters want to portray someone as a demon, they draw a Star of David on his picture.”

Spencer states in another paragraph “There are also clear indications that the protesters are decidedly anti-American. Even before CBS reporter Lara Logan was brutally raped in Cairo’s crowded Tahrir Square by a mob chanting, “Jew! Jew!,” several other mainstream media reporters from the United States were roughed up or otherwise imperiled, including Anderson Cooper and Christiane Amanpour. These two hard-Left journalists have repeatedly insisted that Islam is a religion of peace and that anyone who says otherwise is bigoted and racist. In Cairo, they ran up against the buzz saw of reality.”

Finally, someone agrees with me that liberal M3 (mainstream media moguls) followers are having difficulty processing the facts and truth handed to them in Egypt. M3 has substituted Islam for their communist cause of the decade, and they won’t let anything like the gang rape of one of their employees deter them from their objective of convincing the world that Islam is a “religion of peace.”

Mordechai Ben-Menachem had this to say in his latest article:

“Lara Logan was gang raped and beaten nearly to death on the streets of Cairo, while telling ‘THEIR’ story, while the police looked on – and may even have participated, as they did in Ramallah. Why did they rape her? A Sheik said it was because she was “uncovered meat” (really, he actually said that, I didn’t make it up, truth is once again more disgusting then fiction). The reason actually goes far deeper than that.

In Muslim society a woman who has been raped is executed for her crime. If she accuses her rapist, and does not bring four male witnesses attesting it, then she’s stoned; if she accuses none, she’s allowed to hang. So, raping Logan means she can now be trivially killed any time she appears in any Muslim country.

Of course, she was also declared by the mob to be a Jew, so that any possessions she may have had are also allowed to be freely taken. And, as a Jew (is she?) she herself is allowed to be taken automatically as a sex slave. So, of course, her rapists were simply performing their duty. Who are you to accuse them?”

Lately we have been shown first hand on the world stage just how peaceful and unprejudiced is the common Muslim in the Middle East. Don’t be surprised in the least as M3 totally ignores the truth and evidence of their beloved, yet retarded, position to support Islam as the “religion of peace.” Like they supported communists throughout the Vietnam and Cold wars, they will support Islam until it undoes the world. They are so rooted in their liberal ideology that they refuse to process the anti-semitism we’ve seen and Logan’s rape as evidence that sympathy for the Muslim is misplaced.

As more evidence of my position, Dennis Prager wrote an excellent article in which he clearly states what I’ve been saying for quite some time: “The American media have been hiding the bad guys. You have not been getting the whole truth about Tahrir Square. To this day, the print edition of The New York Times has not reported the sexual assault on Lara Logan, the chief CBS TV foreign correspondent, by 200 Egyptian men in Tahrir Square yelling "Jew, Jew" while they assaulted her. CBS News itself did not report on the incident until others exposed it. Likewise, few mainstream news media have reported or shown the depictions of Mubarak as an Israeli agent or attacks on other Western news teams accused of being agents of Israel.” Read the entire article ‘Eight Reason Not To Be Optimistic About Egypt’ for an eye opener as to why civil disobedience in the Middle East will not result in the “Hope and Change” the liberals expect. As Prager says, “Neither liberty nor tolerance has roots in the Arab world. It is very hard, perhaps impossible, to plant the trees of liberty and tolerance in soil that has never grown them.”

Obama's Democracy Delusionsby Robert Spencer

Perspectives From Israel On The Middle East by Mordechai Ben-Menachem

Eight Reason Not To Be Optimistic About Egypt by Dennis Prager

Courtesy of The Infidel Czar:

Torture…another job Americans won’t do.