Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The "Religion of Peace" Update - Moozlum Terrorist Murders Two Airmen

Now that the facts are in, its time to weigh in on the latest terror attack that has claimed the lives of two U.S. servicemen. Oh, wait, the BHO administration has not recognized that we are at war with radical Islam and refuses to use the word 'terrorism,' so in the spirit of Janet Napalitano's political correctness, Arid Aku must have been conducting "overseas contingency operations" when he shouted "Allahu Akbar" and murdered two U.S. Airmen in Germany on 3/2/11.

Here we have another murder of unarmed and defensless people by a Moozlum shouting "Allahu Akbar!" as he commits his cowardly act. I laughed out loud when I read Ben Crystal's article Rush to Judgement, where he writes "Maybe Uka is merely a gentle shepherd, pushed over the edge of sanity after Ellie the ewe broke it off, and he wasn’t yelling Allahu Akbar, but “Ellie, you broke my heart!”"

This is a murder story that is getting very little attention with M3. The BHO administration has downplayed the tragedy, of course, and will not even call it a terrorist act. Reportedly, what little reporting you can find, the Moozlum engaged the U.S. soldiers on a bus, pulled a gun which I believe is illegal in Germany, shot two soldiers in the head, and attempted to kill a third soldier, but the gun jammed. Apparently Uka pulled the trigger several times, but the gun failed to fire. True to his Moozlum radical roots, he turned tail and fled the bus. The third surviving U.S. soldier chased him down and tackled him on the street, resulting in his arrest.

Typical of the cowardly Moozlum! They love to attack and kill unarmed innocent people with bombs and guns, but when their plan does not go as planned, they run like hell! These radical Moozlums have no dignity and no honor. If Uka was such a bad ass believer in his cause, why not confront the soldiers and challenge them to a battle demonstrating individual combat skills? Well, maybe he wasn't such a die hard believer. It appears that he was quickly radicalized by watching a Youtube video of an operation in Afghanistan.

Well at least Ken Blackwell agrees with me that we are at war with Islam: Terrorists with Union Cards?

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