Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The “Religion of Peace” Update - NPR Meets With Radical Moozlums

This is a great story. I saw it on Fox News today, it appeard on YahooNews, and Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity just covered it on their TV shows. This undercover video by O'Keefe demonstrates why conservatives have been calling for NPR to be defunded. The people running NPR are as left wing as they come and the federal government should not be funding/subsidizing a faux news organization that is that one sided. Schiller of NPR even makes the case in the video that NPR does not need federal funding.

O'Keefe set up a fake Moozlum organization website called the Muslim Education Action Center, posing as a front for The Muslim Brotherhood, with a mission statement to spread Sharia law worldwide, then arranged a meeting with NPR fundraising executive Schiller.

NPR has been accused of having a pro-Palestinian bias. When the representatives from the fake Moozlum organization stated that they had long referred to NPR as National Palestinian Radio, the NPR executive just smiled. The NPR executive later shows his bias by making anti-Jewish statements. He states that Jews control the newspapers, but not NPR!

NPR's defense to this humiliating video is to point out that they didn't take the $5 million the fake Moozlum organization was offering. Typical libtards miss the point. The point is that they met with a Moozlum organization that proclaimed its mission was to spread Sharia law worldwide. A supposed news organization like NPR should have checked out the group they were meeting with. If they didn't, then they are incompetent. If they did, then they are radical Moozlum sympathizers, because only radical Moozlums want to spread Sharia law. Even if our government will not name the enemy we are fighting on multiple fronts, they should not fund an organization that would readily meet with radical Moozlums who wanted to donate a large sum of money.

NPR as an organization borders on the traitorous and seditious. This video investigation provides a window into the soul of the NPR organization - and what we see should appall us. The U.S. House has voted to defund them. Let's hope the U.S. Senate finalizes that decision.

Here is a link to the YahooNews story:
NPR Meets with radical Moozlums

3/9/11 - Update: National Public Radio President and CEO Vivian Schiller resigns/gets fired due to this story

3/10/11 Update: Great article by Michael Barone:Why NPR Should Urge Congress to End Its Subsidy

Great article by Emmett Tyrell:NPR Exec Stung by Muslims

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