Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The 'Religion of Peace" Update - Still Watching Egypt

This is information that I sent out via email from 2/2/11 - 2/27/11:
From: KSInfidel
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 11:10 PM
Subject: FW: The "Religion of Peace" Update - Still Watching Egypt!
Importance: High

Diana West wrote an excellent piece:

Doug Giles again hits the mark by calling out M3:

From: KSInfidel
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 10:04 PM
Subject: FW: The "Religion of Peace" Update - Still Watching Egypt!
Importance: High

Two eye opening articles about Egypt and the failure of liberal/socialist ideals:


From: KSInfidel
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 8:46 AM
Subject: FW: The "Religion of Peace" Update - Still Watching Egypt!
Importance: High

An Israeli Twitter post (courtesy of Cliff May’s article below):
Dear Egyptian rioters,
Please don't damage the pyramids.
We will not rebuild.
Thank you.

I call for a vote of no confidence! I’m referring to our own government, specifically our State Dept. and our CIA. We already know BHO is incompetent, so I won’t bother with discussing him. All the so-called breaking news yesterday was that Mubarak would announce at any time that he was stepping down. What really happened? He made a speech that said he wasn’t going anywhere. I can’t believe that we give over 1 Billion dollars a year in equipment and direct financial aid to the Egyptian military and not one of their officers told someone in the CIA or Dept. of Diplodunks what was really going on.

I did get a vote of confidence from my wife this morning. She told me I was right (guys, you know how rare that is!). When I asked her what I was right about, she said about my long-standing claim that only a dictator can control and run an Arab nation. I have been of the opinion for years that a secular dictator is the best we can hope for in Muslin/Arab nations. They may be brutal to their own people, but they grew up with those people and understand them better than we. They know what it takes to control their country and keep radical Islamists from taking over. We’ve only seen two types of successful government in Muslim/Arab countries – secular dictators or Islamic fundamentalism, both of which brutalize and repress their people. The soldiers I’ve talked to who have done their time in the sandbox tell me that from what they saw, the Iraqis will never be able to govern themselves.

So we have what appears to be an incompetent White House, an incompetent CIA, and an incompetent Dept. of Diplodunks. M3 keeps telling us that Egypt is our best friend in the middle east (refer to the below articles noting how they vote against us 70% of the time in the U.N.), yet we have no idea what Mubarak is doing. The Saudis stepped in yesterday and assumed control of the situation. They know full well that if The Muslim Brotherhood takes over, their power structure will be directly threatened and they would be next to be overthrown. The Saudis are another of our “best friends” in the Middle East. These friends produced 11 of the 911 hijackers and are an assembly line for churning out Wahabbi radical Islamists. They stepped in yesterday to ensure that Mubarak doesn’t go anywhere, because they being dictators themselves know what it takes to control an Arab population.

Now factor in the Muslim Brotherhood, Code Pink, and union organizers. Yes, you read that right. Code Pink, the socialist/communist radical organization that organized The Flotilla project to entrap Israel is in Cairo doing some community organizing, along with BHO’s favorite union SEIU. If our Dept. of Diplodunks was worth a damn, they’d have the Egyptian army arrest these communist community organizers for directly interfering with foreign policy. It would be a great boon to the world if they disappeared for eternity into an Egyptian prison.

Speaking of the Muslim Brotherhood, M3 has been busy hosting guests who tell us that these Neanderthals are a sideline organization with little influence, and that they are not a violent group. I guess these experts haven’t read any of the official Muslim Brotherhood documents claiming that Jihad is the way.

Folks, what we are witnessing is the internationalists/communists/socialists/progressives trying to defeat capitalism world wide. They need to kill capitalism in order to implement their new world order, and they’ll work with radical Islamists to do it. Of course they are so naïve in their socialist ideology that they don’t realize that once capitalism is dead and Sharia Law rules the planet that they’ll be some of the first to be slaughtered. Hence, the term useful idiots. Hence, the term died trying!

Our government is incompetent and because of this our influence around the globe is in severe decline. It appears radicals in the White House take no offense to U.S. radicals attempting to influence the Egyptian outcome. Do you really think we’re safe with these Bozos in charge?

Here’s some food for thought:


From: KSInfidel
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 8:34 AM
Subject: FW: The "Religion of Peace" Update - Still Watching Egypt!

Giles made me laugh with this: “…When I say they’re fundamentalists, I mean that in the classic sense of the word: namely, no fun, mostly dumb, and quite mental.”

From: KSInfidel
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2011 5:22 PM
Subject: FW: The "Religion of Peace" Update - Still Watching Egypt!

Greetings Infidels,

This David Stokes article leads me to believe that we are doomed to watch history repeat itself. I don’t know if we should blame the U.S. State Dept. for their ineptness and total foreign policy failure, the CIA for their multiple intelligence failures, or a host of others. Regardless, I think the end result of the Egypt events will be another feather in the cap of the Islamists.

From: KSInfidel
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2011 7:41 AM
Subject: FW: The "Religion of Peace" Update - Still Watching Egypt!

Here’s a little Egyptology to go with your morning coffee:

From: KSInfidel
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 2:09 PM
Subject: FW: The "Religion of Peace" Update - Still Watching Egypt!

Here are some articles about the revolt in Egypt – all insightful. These are just today’s articles from, I haven’t even read the ones that came in yesterday. Just now on Fox News they are showing the revolt has degraded into a civil war between pro-Mubarak supporters and anti-Mubarak protestors. The army & security forces have pulled back and the factions are attacking each other. The situation is degrading rapidly.

In this first one, I’m of the opinion that Facebook, Twitter, and all the other social networking devices are the new Comintern. My wife opined yesterday that she thought these revolutions are staged/planned to create a domino effect, and that social network sites are being used by the Islamists to foment the crowd, get out the crowd, and get their revolution on the national stage. When I read Jonah Goldgerb’s article, I immediately connected what she said with Goldberg’s comments comparing the Muslim Brotherhood to the old Soviet Comintern. His analogy to the Carter administration is beautiful, but as for Goldberg’s hopefulness, he’s incredibly naïve to think that the Islamists won’t capitalize on this opportunity to seize control.


Dick Morris agrees with Glodberg on the fact that if BHO loses Egypt, it will cost him the 2012 elections. I believe that BHO is not only a foreign policy novice, and still the least qualified man in any room to be POTUS, but that his sympathies with Islam run deep. Analyze the man’s actions since assuming office and it is clear that he has deep sympathies for Islam (remember when Obama kowtowed to the Muslim Brotherhood and invited them to his 2009 Cairo speech?), which is why he is not backing Mubarak to ensure stability. Morris’ comment that Iran & Egypt working in tandem could control the middle eastern region is more terrifying than Islam itself!


Medved’s facts are sobering. We’ve contributed $70 BILLION to Egypt, yet they vote against us 70% of the time at the U.N. Stats like that aren’t hard to understand, yet no one in D.C. has sought to pull our funding of Egypt, once again demonstrating that we have an America Last foreign policy run by an inept State Dept. As he points out, 1/3 of the worlds Arabs live in Egypt. If this nation goes Islamic, it spells doom for the U.S., Israel, and the rest of the middle east. It doesn’t spell good things for the planet as a whole.


Austin Bay is splitting hairs when he talks about the difference between Islamists and Radical Islamists, but he is right to compare the Menshevik/Bolshevik history to Iran and the current Egypt crises. It’s a no brainer that violent people will win over peaceful protestors every time. History proves it, but our diplodunks don’t understand it.


Ben Shaprio points out the utter failure of liberal ideology and how it has led us to mishandle every revolution since Woodrow Wilson. Our history of foreign policy handling is abysmal and quite stupid, as we have not learned from history and continually watch it repeat itself. We have essentially done nothing and watched evil flourish.


Terry Jeffrey writes an interesting piece, but his comment that Egypt “has remained at peace with Israel, and Mubarak's government has been as good a friend to the U.S. as any in the Arab world” is laughable when you consider the stats that Michael Medved presented – we’ve contributed $70 BILLION to Egypt, yet they vote against us 70% of the time at the U.N. I guess that’s as good as an Arab friend gets. His next point that I take issue with, “What the American president should hope for in Egypt is what we have had for almost 30 years in Mubarak: a government that does not threaten our security or freedom and that is as friendly to us as can reasonably be expected” is a little too liberal mamby pamby hopy/changy for me. The POTUS shouldn’t be hoping for anything in this situation. He should be working overtime to ensure that a U.S. friendly regime is put in place. And if that’s the best we can reasonably expect from an Arab ally, why do we even try?


Lastly for today, Rich Galen gives us some eye opening stats on the number of Muslims in the world, where they live, and what kind of trouble they can cause. He is also the first author I’ve read in the last week that mentions al-Jazeera. I was watching O’Reilly last night and he had on Alan Combs, who was touting al-Jazeera as the best example of journalistic freedom in the world. Just my opinion, but Combs is one of the most retarded thinking liberal zombies I’ve ever seen.


Courtesy of The Infidel Czar:

Torture…another job Americans won’t do.

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