Friday, March 25, 2011

BHO's Incompetence on Display

Michael Savage announced on his radio program today that 1 out of 5 insurgents our troops fought in Iraq were from the eastern part of Libya. These are the "freedom fighters" that BHO has chosen to help overthrow Ghadaffi. And while the libtard left adores BHO for his multilateralism, they continue to perpetuate the lie that Bush acted unilaterally in Iraq, when over 35 countries acted with us.

David Limbaugh's article, Obama's Libya: Completing His Remaking of America outlines how BHO's Libyan endeavor is truly in keeping with his radical view of the need to remake America:

"His primary goals are neither to oust Gadhafi nor to rescue the Libyan rebels for humanitarian reasons, for if ousting an evil dictator or protecting his victims were the motivation, he would have intervened in any number of other places. His apparent vacillation and indecisiveness must be viewed in the context of his overarching goal: to change America's approach from "unilateralism," which it never was, to radical, deferential multilateralism replete with ceding our sovereign decisions to international bodies -- and to change our image.

Obama was not even slightly equivocal about deferring to international bodies for decisions on prosecuting this "kinetic military operation." This would be his showcase to prove to the world that he fully intends to remake ugly America into a place that he and his wife will no longer be ashamed of."

Colonel Oliver North's article Laureates and Leaders succinctly describes BHO's incompetence:

"While Obama dithers and tries to avoid offending anyone, Bahrain and Yemen descend further into turmoil exacerbated by Iran. Protesters are being gunned down in Syria. Hamas rockets and mortar rounds rain down on Israeli civilians as Islamic radicals butcher innocents with knives and bombs. The price of crude oil and the cost of motor fuel are heading up faster than a Tomahawk cruise missile. Meanwhile, "what's the mission?" has become a bipartisan refrain in our nation's capital. In a letter sent to the White House while our commander in chief was flying back to Washington, House Speaker John Boehner asked, inter alia, "How do you define success?""

Pat Buchanan's article How Killing Libyans Became a Moral Imperative
has a beautiful quote:

"Until the modern era, the idea of sending armed forces across oceans to kill and die for moral or humanitarian causes would have been seen as an insult to the Founding Fathers, an abandonment of a vital American tradition, and ruinous to the national interest."

Buchanan also points out with some impressive numbers of the dead from other civil wars in the region, what I stated in my last post, that the Libyan civil war is an Arab issue and should be handled by the Arabs, not the U.S.

And I just found a perfect article by Nile Gardiner of the London Telepgraph describing BHO as AWOL on the issue and that BHO "increasingly makes Jimmy Carter look like General Patton." Well said Nile! Thanks for doing the heavy lifting for the M3 (marxist media moguls), a.k.a the MSM, a.k.a. the U.S. news media.

From The Patriot Post, Chronicle - March 23, 2011:
The Patriot Post ( )"

"In the past, obstacles, even failures, have been viewed by Americans as an opportunity to excel, as a chance to overcome and to gain the advantage by learning from mistakes and making a better product or service. ... What the nation lacks is a leader capable of summoning the nation's abilities. So far, all we seem to be getting is the thin gruel of defeatism that urges us to abandon hope, because the problems are just too hard. I, for one, am sick of it. We are a great people, capable of great sacrifices and great accomplishments. If only President Obama would believe it too." --columnist Lurita Doan

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