Thursday, April 24, 2014

Benghazi Wouldn't Have Happened if U.S. Hadn't Switched Sides in War on Terror, Panel Reports

Like anyone with a brain didn't already know this.  Still, it is nice to see it reported in writing.

Good luck ever getting this kind of clarity out of an official government report.

A self-appointed panel of former military officers, CIA agents and think tank members calling itself the Citizens Committee on Benghazi has come out with a scalding report summing up what's known about the Nov. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans and pointing out how it was all the Obama Administration's fault.

The folks on the committee should be getting a visit from some nice federal agents any time now.

The chief finding of the report is that Benghazi was completely avoidable, and it only happened because the Obama Administration a year earlier switched sides in the War on Terror and began knowingly arming al-Qaida-linked terrorists in Libya to help overthrow Libya's president-for-life Moammar Gadhafi.

That allegation alone should have seen President Obama up on impeachment charges, but this story is not new to most conservatives, and to liberals it remains one of those "phony" scandals, largely because Sharyl Atkisson, the only big-name reporter to investigate Benghazi or any other Obama scandal, was blocked at every turn by her bosses at CBS, which finally fired her to keep the lid on the story.
The truth about Benghazi should also prevent Hillary Clinton from running for the presidency, and it should have led to a major purge of the Executive Branch, which is riddled with Muslim Brotherhood contacts, including top aides for Clinton and Obama.

Benghazi Wouldn't Have Happened if U.S. Hadn't Switched Sides in War on Terror, Panel Reports

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