Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Islam - The Religion of Propaganda - Claims Jesus is Muslim

Jesus IS (present tense) Muslim. Where do they come up with this crap? We live in an age of universal deceit. This sign was flashing across the landscape in Columbus, Ohio in an attempt to soften the underbelly of American Christians into the acceptance of Chrislam...the merging of Christianity and Islam based on the idea that we "all serve the same God."

A little more investigation revealed that this was a marketing campaign of the followers of the "Religion of Peace" designed to make the throat-cutters a little more palatable to the tolerance-mesmerized American citizen.

Here is a link to their campaign found at Ask A Muslim which is designed to "educate non-Muslims." Spend some time on that website. You can see how there are marketing their lies.

But that wasn't the only message they were putting on the billboards educating we Christian Infidels about the great features of Islam. Their messages rotated on the billboard...




Gee. If I didn't know better, I would think that Muslims and Christians were just one big happy family sitting under the authority of their Daddy Jehovah/Allah.

Nice of the Muslims to "educate" us, isn't it? By the way...according to our research that is about $2100 per message...4 messages per sign...$8400 per month per billboard...three different billboards in Columbus...about $25,000 per month to "educate" us on the fact that we are actual brothers.

Our oil money is paying for the "education."

I guess I don't understand why, if we all serve the same God, that our Islamic brethren are sharpening their swords on the necks of our Christian friends around the world. Must just be a miss understanding. After all...we all serve the same God...them and all of Jesus' followers.

I have noticed one unusual aspect of our relationship, however. It seems like the more closely one follows the life of their prophet Mohammed, the more violent one behaves...while true followers of Jesus becoming increasingly more peaceful.

Jesus must not be a very good Muslim.
Islam - The Religion of Propaganda - Claims Jesus is Muslim

Muslims Luring Weak Christians with ‘Jesus is Muslim’ Billboards

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