Monday, April 7, 2014

Exposed: The Myth of Islamic Victimhood

I listened to Bill O'Reilly talk about this tonight.  The flyer handed out didn't even have the word 'Easter' on it.  We're so afraid of offending someone or getting sued for the myth of 'separation of church and state' that church's won't even use the word 'Easter' to advertise an Easter Egg Hunt!
There was further proof last week that "interfaith dialogue" only goes one way: to Islam. We suffer daily demands to impose Islam on the secular marketplace and in the educational system.  We're losing our Judeo-Christian culture to political correctness, and as a result, we're losing our country.  We've allowed the liberals to push their agenda and the result is a fundamentally changed nation.

The Detroit Free Press reported Friday that "some Muslim parents are concerned about public schools in Dearborn handing out flyers to all students advertising an Easter egg hunt, saying it violates the principle of church and state separation."

The Free Press quoted a Muslim parent, Majed Moughni, who said that the flyer "really bothered my two kids." Moughni's two children are aged seven and nine. He added: "My son was like, 'Dad, I really don't feel comfortable getting these flyers, telling me to go to church. I thought churches are not supposed to mix with schools.'"

What 7-year-old or 9-year-old talks like that? They don't. But this is the device that supremacists use – using children (sort of a riff on Hamas using children as human shields). They pulled this same PR stunt a couple of weeks back in their latest demand to get halal food in New York City cafeterias. (Get the details here.) This is the same ideology that encourages these same parents to hand their children over to jihad suicide bombings  to slaughter the non-believers "wherever you find them."

Pamela Geller's commitment to freedom from jihad and Shariah shines forth in her books

The Easter egg hunt was just supposed to be a secular afternoon of fun and frolic for young children like Moughni's seven- and nine-year-old. But it was taken as an insult to Muslims at this Michigan school. The notorious Islamic apologist, Niraj Wirakoo, scribbled the Detroit Free Press piece. His headline read: "Muslim parents upset over school flyer promoting church's Easter egg hunt" – with its highlighting of the church involvement and suggestion that the event is really about the promotion of Easter. Once a tool, always a tool. How much do they pay you, Niraj? Plenty, I hope. All their other organ grinders' monkeys are very well paid.

Warikoo contradicted the implications of his own headline when he wrote that "the pastor of Cherry Hill Presbyterian Church defended the flyer, saying it was approved for distribution by Dearborn Public Schools and is not promoting a religious event." Pastor Neeta Nichols explained: "It's designed to be an opportunity to invite the community to come for a day of activity."

A day of activity for the whole community? Not acceptable. But forcing non-Muslim public school children to go on trips to mosques, bowing and praying to Allah – that's OK.
Exposed: The Myth of Islamic Victimhood
There was further proof last week that "interfaith dialogue" only goes one way: to Islam. We suffer daily demands to impose Islam on the secular marketplace and in the educational system.
The Detroit Free Press reported Friday that "some Muslim parents are concerned about public schools in Dearborn handing out flyers to all students advertising an Easter egg hunt, saying it violates the principle of church and state separation."
The Free Press quoted a Muslim parent, Majed Moughni, who said that the flyer "really bothered my two kids." Moughni's two children are aged seven and nine. He added: "My son was like, 'Dad, I really don't feel comfortable getting these flyers, telling me to go to church. I thought churches are not supposed to mix with schools.'"
What 7-year-old or 9-year-old talks like that? They don't. But this is the device that supremacists use – using children (sort of a riff on Hamas using children as human shields). They pulled this same PR stunt a couple of weeks back in their latest demand to get halal food in New York City cafeterias. (Get the details here.) This is the same ideology that encourages these same parents to hand their children over to jihad suicide bombings  to slaughter the non-believers "wherever you find them."
The Easter egg hunt was just supposed to be a secular afternoon of fun and frolic for young children like Moughni's seven- and nine-year-old. But it was taken as an insult to Muslims at this Michigan school. The notorious Islamic apologist, Niraj Wirakoo, scribbled the Detroit Free Press piece. His headline read: "Muslim parents upset over school flyer promoting church's Easter egg hunt" – with its highlighting of the church involvement and suggestion that the event is really about the promotion of Easter. Once a tool, always a tool. How much do they pay you, Niraj? Plenty, I hope. All their other organ grinders' monkeys are very well paid.
Warikoo contradicted the implications of his own headline when he wrote that "the pastor of Cherry Hill Presbyterian Church defended the flyer, saying it was approved for distribution by Dearborn Public Schools and is not promoting a religious event." Pastor Neeta Nichols explained: "It's designed to be an opportunity to invite the community to come for a day of activity."
A day of activity for the whole community? Not acceptable. But forcing non-Muslim public school children to go on trips to mosques, bowing and praying to Allah – that's OK.


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