Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sharia Submission: Minneapolis Mayor Proudly Wears Hijab When Meeting Somali Muslims

The people of Minneapolis need to wake up fast and recall the Mayor.  Allowing politicians to conduct themselves like this is extremely dangerous to our Consitutional Republic.

Minneapolis is a hub for Somali Muslims, so much so that they have taken to politics to "get a seat at the table." It's not too hard to get in, because the powers that be have already kowtowed to Sharia. Minneapolis mayor Betsy Hodges took sharia submission a step further, in donning a full hijab when meeting with Somali Muslims. Was this to appeal to a lobby that is growing in power and prominence? It's likely, but she also importantly positions herself to fill in her city staff. Any bets on who will fill one of these positions? Wearing a hijab is more than just wearing a "headscarf." It is a powerful statement of Islamic submission. This is what Minneapolis mayor Betsy Hodges is conveying.
Betsy Hodges is making inroads with the Somali Muslim community. The only way to do this successfully is don the most distinctive article of clothing Muslim women wear. The hijab nauseatingly signifies everything that is deadly about Islam. It is brutally misogynistic. "The Quran gives Muslim men permission to beat their wives for disobedience, but nowhere does it command love in marriage.  It plainly says that husbands are “a degree above” wives.  Unlike a man, she must also cover her head - and often her face." She must wear a hijab to hide herself, because she is not worthy to be seen. Minneapolis mayor Betsy Hodges is signaling solidarity with Sharia law, in wearing the offensive hijab.
After February 28th, 2014 was declared "Hijab Day" in Minneapolis, it is easy to see that the city of Minneapolis is imposing Sharia on its citizens. The population of Somali Muslims continues to grow in number and power, and influence, but the Minneapolis mayor is expressing sharia compliance. So goes the city of Minneapolis, and the entire United States. This is not willful ignorance, but acceptance and compliance on the part of those in power. Submit to sharia by force. It is happening, even if it is not overtly obvious. Betsy Hodges proves the point.
The emphasis needs to be placed on having a "seat at the table." They don't want a seat at the table, they want to devour the table, and to take out anyone who does not accept sharia law. From the looks of how events are unfolding in Minneapolis, finding people in favor of full sharia compliance should be as easy as finding decent snow shovels. It's already in place.
Sharia Submission: Minneapolis Mayor Proudly Wears Hijab When Meeting Somali Muslims

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